Chapter 9

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I want to hit myself cause THERE WERE BAD GRAMMARS ON MY LAST CHAPTER I'M SORRY FOR THAT. Anyway there is still going to be bad grammars and mistakes in the story. Also if the story is getting boring I try to make it more spicy. Enjoy!

Jungkook woke up when someone was knocking on the door.

"Who the hell is knocking on the door this morning?" Jungkook said out loud.

He saw Jimin sleeping close to him. He groaned while getting up. Jungkook was ruffling his hair while going downstairs.

The knocking kept going until there was banging. Jungkook started to get mad for that.

"OK I'M COMING WAIT FOR A DAMN SECOND!" Jungkook screamed. Opening the door with full force that he almost broke the door.

Once he saw who was knocking his soul almost left his body.

It made his whole body go still. There was 2 people standing in the door that would murder him.

"Is this how you greet me Jungkook, the disrespect you have for me." Said the person standing.

"Honey calm down, it's barely morning also we just woke him up."said the other person.

Jungkook didn't know what to do these 2 males will kill him.

"Aren't you going to invite us it in, I need to feed my Tae he must be starving."said the male worrying over his son

The male entered the mansion without the permission of Jungkook of course he can do anything anyway.

"Honey, don't entered like that, sorry Jungkook can we enter." The second male ask smiling showing his dimples.

Jungkook nodded gulping his nervous.

That's when the both males heard a scream.


The male that enter heard his husband scream ran upstairs where he was.

Jungkook knew he was going to die.

There coming downstairs was the male dragging a sleepy Jimin.

Jungkook walked towards where they were at.

"Jungkook what is he doing in your guys bed? Huh?"

The other male walked slowly his face no longer happy but displeased about this.

Jungkook didn't know how to explain them that Jimin is carrying his pup while Taehyung left the house. The 2 males will definitely kill him.

"Jungkookie, what's going on who are these people?" Jimin asked rubbing his eyes, walking towards Jungkook hugging him.

"MOTHERFUCKING JUNGKOOK WHERE IS TAEHYUNG!? WHO IS THIS PERSON?!" Said the male who is getting frustrated.

"We-ll see..."Jungkook couldn't form no words.

"Jungkook where is my son, why is his clothes no where to be found?"

The male said with a stern voice that he will never use but looks like he will today.

"Oh, Taehyung he left the house." Jimin said not bother about it.

"WHAT?!"the males said he was ready to punch Jungkook and the little guy.(not be mean ok don't take it serious)

"Lo-o-k Seokjin t-this..." Jungkook stuttered afraid of what this male would do.

Seokjin was not haven't it, he wanted to know where is his baby.

"Namjoonie would mind get me a knife that way I can cut this guy thing." Jin said with evilness in his voice also anger cause he just found out something.

Namjoon was agreeing to his husband but first he wanted to know where is his precious son at?!

Jungkook went pale at Jin's comment.

"YOUR NOT GOING TO THAT TO MY KOOKIE YOU BIG SHOULDER MAN!" Jimin exclaimed ready to attack the male.

"Darling what a great comeback you should probably go to school more often to learn how to respect your hyungs." Jin said with teasing voice.

Namjoon walked towards Jungkook feet pounding in floor. Carefully removing Jimin out of the way since he ready know what it's inside of the male.

He grabbed Jungkook's shirt slamming him in the wall, looking straight in the eyes of him.

"You messed up real bad Jeon Jungkook you got another male pregnant. Couldn't keep it in your pants. Where is my son?!"

Namjoon said with his alpha voice his eyes turning red.

Jungkook knew he shouldn't mess with this people cause it's the parents of Taehyung.

When it comes to their Taehyungie they will do anything for their precious flower.

YESSS FINALLY UPDATED. Thank you for waiting. Also for the bad grammar and mistakes. Byeeee. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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