Chapter 20

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Sorry for bad grammar and mistakes

3 months later...

Taehyung was showing his bump, Yoongi couldn't be any more excited cause his mate looked adorable. Yoongi would caress the little bump.

Taehyung would giggle at his actions it was cute.

Jin would come over to make food for his son to make him healthy and strong when he is about to be in labor.

Namjoon wanted to help but Jin said a big no, cause when Jin was pregnant he couldn't do a lot, Namjoon tried to make dinner for his husband that almost made the house burn down so no.

But Jin needed to talk with Yoongi he felt something bad will happen.

"Yoongi, I feel like something is going to happen," Jin said looking at Yoongi that was busy admiring Taehyung.

Yoongi looked at him with confusion, "What do you mean?"

They were seated at the kitchen table, "Look, I have mother instincts, when my guts tell me something bad is going to happen to my child I trust them." Jin said with a serious tone.

Yoongi nodded, "What I'm trying to say is that I feel like no think that Jungkook would do something bad." Jin said.

Yoongi clenched his hands tightly, Jungkook has been acting weird when he was working, J-hope told him how his aroma changed.

"Don't worry Jin I'll protect my mate, I will never let that guy come close to him you have my word," Yoongi said looking straight at Jin's eyes.

Jin nodded he was glad that he told Yoongi about this.

"Thank you Yoongi."

So Yoongi was careful where would Taehyung go, he would ask if Jin would come over to take care of him when he went to work.

That was until he came to his office to see someone sitting down in front of his desk.

He smelled the scent he knew that scent anywhere...

"Jimin why are you here?" Yoongi said walking towards his chair, sitting down,  glaring at Jimin who had a big bump.

Jimin was nervous coming today, he didn't want to come but he knew he had to.

"Yoongi...I-I need to tell you something about Jungkook," Jimin said looking somewhere else not making eye contact.

Yoongi raised his eyebrow, "What about your mate? Why should you tell me about him?" Yoongi asked not wanting to hear what Jimin had to say.

Jimin gulped, will Yoongi believe him? He knows what he did was wrong. But Jungkook was going to do something bad to them.

"Yoongi please listen to me this is serious, Taehyung's life is at stake," Jimin said looking straight at his eyes.

Yoongi growled, his mate's life was in danger?

"How?"Yoongi asked him.

Jimin took a deep breath, "Jungkook has been acting weird this past few months, not long ago he whispers that he will make Taehyung his again, w-when I-I was still awake at the night." Jimin said tears almost building up.

Yoongi did felt bad for him but still can't trust him for the moment.

"One time I found a receipt, it had baby clothes and adults clothes, I thought it was for me that he would surprise me but that never happened..." Jimin said sadly.

"He usually never came home, I thought I should start being a proper omega so I cooked and cleaned the house when he came but wouldn't."

"I wanted to know what was happening to him, why was he acting different? Until I followed him, I put a blocker to block my scent, he was driving to a different location, I followed him by car but didn't want him to suspect me. I got off the car, walking only 3 minutes to see a house, I hid when I saw Jungkook exiting the house."

Yoongi was confused, what was Jungkook doing at a different house?

"Once he left I checked to see if he came back waited for a few moments, I walked to the entrance to see if the door was opened to see it was. I entered, it felt comfortable than my house, I went upstairs, opening a room, that made my body freeze. In that room, it had pictures of Taehyung."

Yoongi face went pale.

"I was so shocked, I looked around the room it was ready for someone to come and stay there. It had baby things everything. That's when I found a note saying that Taehyung is Jungkook's mate and he will be his." Jimin said remembering the note on the wall.

"I got out of the house, going straight home, Jungkook wasn't there, he was preparing the room where Taehyung would stay, but why did he buy baby clothes?" Jimin asked.

Yoongi looked at him, "Cause Taehyung is pregnant with my child."

Jimin gasped so that's why he felt happy for Yoongi even though he treated him badly he deserved someone that loved him like Taehyung.

"I don't know what Jungkook is planning but I came here to warn you, I'm doing this for Taehyung he is innocent and you. Both of you should be happy." Jimin said sincerely, rubbing his thumb over his bum.

Yoongi felt bad for Jimin, he left him for Jungkook that just abandoned him while pregnant with his child.

"Thank you, Jimin," Yoongi said giving him a small smile. Jimin nodded getting up to leave. Yoongi saw how Jimin left the office, looks like Jin was right he should be more protective over his mate.

"What are you doing Jungkook?"

As Jimin was walking in the hallway, he bumped into someone, he was about to fall but that person wrapped his arms around his waist from him falling.

Jimin had his eyes close waiting for the fall but it never came, he opened his eyes slowly to see a male looking at him. For some reason, this man had a happy aroma around him.

"Are you okay?" The male asked worriedly

Jimin nodded, the male helped him stand up.

"Sorry about bumping to you." The male said chuckling scratching his neck.

"Oh no it's fine it was my fault for not looking," Jimin said.

It was awkward for a moment until the male broke it.

"Well my name is Jung Hoseok, but you can call me J-hope, what's your name cutie," J-hope said smiling.

Jimin blushed he was surprised by what he said, "M-My name is Park Jimin."

"Wait aren't you the ex-mate of Yoongi?" J-hope asked.

Jimin nodded slowly looks like people will know him like that.

J-hope saw how Jimin was uncomfortable, "Hey, don't worry, it was my fault if I offended you, what about this let me invite you for a cup of coffee, how about that?"

Jimin looked at him, he said yes, J-hope smiled brightly, he gently grabbed Jimin's arm leading him out of the building.

That's the update, I hope you enjoyed it cause I'm having a hard time at the moment. That will be all, take care 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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