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💦proud destiny💦


on opening door , mr. kai was over whelmed on seeing gulf in veil . he
was standing with a stranger who also covered his face . mr. kai let
them in and guided them to guest room . gulf and the stranger removed
the cloth from his face. gulf hugged mr. kai. he felt the suspicion in
eyes of mr kai . " don't be afraid . he is my friend tangyi and he is
here to leave me here ."
"I think that he is man with whom you are going to marry"kai said
"how can I marry to a person who is already married. and mr kai my
husband is alive how can I go for a new marriage . you come back early
why you are late today" . gulf asked
" you are here for tharn." mr kai asked
"yes I am here for him . tell me why you are late" gulf asked
" tharn is trying to help sex workers so I am jut helping him . he is
trying to teach then some work like stitching, salon , cooking & self
defense . beside me , yuan and our royal chef also help him. he is
trying to amend his sins and his effort is welcomed by all." mr kai
said .
"you will be hungry get fresh I ll cook food"mr kai said and walked
to kitchen .
" lets fresh and then feed empty growling hyena of stomach" gulf said
and tangyi nodded .
the table was set and three sat down to enjoy the delicacy of food
through their taste buds. "mr kai , you are amazing, I have never
eaten mushroom porridge before. it is delicious." tangyi said .
"thankyou mr tangyi but your chef cooks best."mr kai replied.
"so you recognize me finally"tangyi asked
"yes my emperor , the ruler of white lands . your chef father was my
teacher . we both learned from him .how long you want to stay here
with gulf". mr kai asked.
"I am going back in night though I don't want to go but I cant deny
the order of little gulf moreover I want to know just for my
satisfaction tharn us really changed or merely an eye shadow" . tangyi
"he is changed . the person who was surrounded by liquor and lust is
now with himself and with his crotches. he is really changed and
committed enough to make his words true ." mr kai replied .
tangyi nodded . after finishing the food , tangyi said goodbye to mr
kai and gulf . before leaving tangyi said "gulf ,you have me beside
korn ga , so don't hesitate to return, if time and tide of life still
offends you ." gulf nodded, both hugged . tangyi covered his face and
lost in alley of darkness.
gulf sat on the bench in courtyard while mr kai went to set room for
gulf and came back with two mugs of tea. while sitting on side gave
mug to gulf which he accepted with a thankful node . " after alongtime
I sit under the starry sky. so many happened that I started to afraid
from sky as well. so when you are going to meet tharn in person. he
will be happy on seeing you". Mr. kai asked.
"don't know when , can you help me to get in those people who are
getting training". gulf asked with hope.
"its very difficult but in true words its impossible because he know
everyone and try to meet every trainee personally. and my advice to
you is to meet him directly. in past you took first step so I ask you
to take first step as well in present . meet him as early as possible
. I am sleepy . doors are locked . go to be early". mr kai said and
walked to his room .
" I am here to meet him but what is guarantee that he will accept me
again. why I am so confused and what makes me afraid . what I do"?
sleep for now mr gulf". gulf said to him and walked to his room .
in morning when gulf awaked , mr kai was already gone . but the
breakfast was ready and a note was left on which address was written .
gulf after breakfast and freshen up , stepped to the destination which
mrkai had told him . he had covered his face . on reaching the point
he saw tharn sitting on bench seeing the blue sky and students were
busy in doing work according to their instructors. with great courage,
he walked in firm steps to the man who is his love , love at first
sight . on reaching near tharn , gulf wet his lips , cleared his
throat and said "I want to talk with you tharn , is it possible".
tharn just nodded and made space on bench . tharn was trembling tears
started to make way from eyes. all past started to dance in front of
eyes .
"do you recognize me or afraid to recognize me or don't want to see
me" gulf asked softly while removing the veil.
"who am I to decide this. I am not that worthy to see pure soul like
you . I am even ashamed to sit next to you but you are great that you
still take initiative again ." tharn hardly said in tears .
" tharn , more than a year passed . do you once think about me about
our baby once you tried to meet me leave me , once the father in you
urged to see the baby which have genes of both of us" gulf asked.
"ask me when I not think about you about the baby of ours . ask me
when father the inside me when not wish to hold my baby inmy arms ask
me when I not wish to see you both in my embrace". tharn said
gulf sat in front of tharn holding his hands in his hands placed his
head "then why you not appear why you not come to take us with you why
tharn why . why you decide everything all alone why you think that me
and our daughter can live without you why you think that we are happy
without you. I am not sand of ocean which will flow to unknown
destination with waves of time. it was my fault that I left on that
night I should stay with you so that you mayn't suffered . I am sorry
tharn . I am reason of these ugly crotches. I am culprit of ulaan. due
to my wrong decision she is away from you forgive me tharn .just give
me another chance to live withyou again please."
tharn can felt the tears on his hands "shedding precious pearls on my
hands which are full of dirt and sins.gulf if you not left on that
night then how I learnt the lesson from life . you aren't reason. who
am I to forgive you . indeed I am thankful to you for this .finally I
realize that what life actual is . I was crippled now I am fine . I
tried a lot . after getting up from bed I travelled several times to
see you and ulaan but my courage left me and I returned. then I came
to know that dad and korn wants you to get divorce and wants you to
marry again . I again travelled and wanted to talk with you but on
that day I saw you with someone young and handsome . he seemed to be
protective about you . then I decide to leave you and ulaan because I
realized that you have the right to stay happy I am not that person
who is suitable as your husband as father of ulaan ."
gulf lifted his head and said " you all think what you want to think
but why you all think what I think. I saw you on that night and my
heart surrendered at first sight. we binded in a relation on that
night which resulted in birth of our daughter . I came here to meet
you to ask you to live together and brought up our daughter together .
but you already decide to separate our ways . okay fine . send me the
divorce documents . I will wait for my freedom from you".
gulf stood and walked away . yuan saw the two talking. yuan walked
towards tharn and said " finally you again make him cry". " to start a
new life its better to shed all tears". tharn replied .
"means"yuan asked
"today it is confirmed that not only me but he is also in love with me .
not only me but he also want me so I will go to bring gulf and ulaan
back to wild plum with full respect as my gulf and my daughter
deserved" tharn replied . yuan smiled and patted the shoulder of


thankyou for reading
i am grateful
to be continued
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🎀proud destiny(complete)🎀 🎀(tharntype🍒mewgulf)🎀by🎀 🎀k.bunny🎀Where stories live. Discover now