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🐧Proud destiny🐧


Song Radio by Henrylau


Tharn was bleeding badly . he was so helpless. No one around to save
him from this pitiful state but the one who can save him who tried to
save him was no more around him. Tharn himself successfully dragged
his relation with gulf to the point that he is all lone today . the
blood was draining out from body . and the daggers of conscience was
stabbing him slowly but quite lucky energy flew away from tharn body
and he lost his conscious .
As tharn opened his eyes , he found himself at familiar place. Yeah
familiar place . he was in his room . he was back to his palace. Saw
his father standing in window . tharn quickly closed  eyes. With a
thought that he is just dreaming . all this is dream that he is at
home , seeing his father . the person who brought him so well but his
inner demons always ceased all well being of his father. The tears of
shame spill out from the eyes . the eyes who always filled with fire
of superiority . the eyes who always felt pride on filling their heat
with more heat . but today lying so helplessly making him realize that
he is so useless creature on this planet . he is that ugly monster in
dress of homosapien who just thought for himself , never tried to
think about all those people who associated with them .
“ you know tharn suppasit you should commit suicide because you are
just useless trash ; yeah trash that lost its ability to recycle ; you
know even drug addicts have rehabilitation ; after rehabilitation they
prove themselves as effective participants of society but what you
learn tharn .. oh I know from years I have been beating like dead
piece without peace in your body . so I am sorry to ask you what your
ability . because your ability is so shameless that when I think I
felt so ashamed that I desire to blast . see , your father is standing
. crying innerly because as a father he is afraid to lose his son .
you the only family to him . the peace of his heart and life blood of
his soul. But what the use to tell you all this because for you only
your deadly desire matters ; relations, respect , self respect morals
doesn’t matter  to you . honestly the satan also have some morals but
you have cross all limits but see after doing so many bad deeds, you
are still alive . it was best even on that night you were killed by
those people so that this planet may clean from your debris . but
unfortunately something like this didn’t happen . otherwise me and the
whole body of yours felt relief for ever. You even for a second didn’t
think of the soul whose seed you unwillingly sow in womb of gulf  .
tharn suppasit please free us from thou debris .please..” the heart
was hissing , the words were piercing the whole soul .
Suddenly a felt fingers on face , softly wiping face . tharn though
desired to hold hand of his father but had not that courage . “
finally you are back after one year . one year though not long spend
easily but I had lost all hopes to see you alive . but dr. gun was
hopeful that you will be back to life. Have some rest.” San suppasit
said to his son and left the room . outside the room, dr.gun along
with yuan was standing . on seeing their ruler , they bow down to pay
respect . “ he is awake , go and check him and ask if he is hungry
then arrange food for him” both nodded on the words of san suppasit .
San suppasit walked away and dr gun along with Yuan entered into tharn
room. Dr.gun with a smile walked towards tharn “finally you awake .
now I can sleep peacefully . Because due to you I have missed my
beauty sleep and beauty dreams . do you feel any pain in your body”
“ I want to walk but I don’t feel any movement in my legs . do I lost
my legs” tharn asked
Dr gun saw towards tharn and then yuan who changed direction of his
eyes. “ okay I get it , I cant walk on my own but on crotches . okay I
 deserve it . I deserve it . yuan do you have any clue about gulf .
howyou will have clue . can you help me to find gulf and our baby .
don’t know where he is how  he will be surviving in this ruthless
world with baby . will you help me if you don’t mind”tharn asked
But before yuan answered , familiar faces entered in room “ whats the
use to find that sweet soul when you abandon him already . let him
live peacefully where ever he is . it is possible that he may forget
you . no guarantee he has your baby or not . he suffered a lot with
you . heavens must blessed him with someone who protect him and
respect him, unlike you” the voice belonged to simon xi . changli and
fang xuan was also standing .
“ simon is correct , forget gulf and focus on yourself” changli said
“if you know what you have lost you will die but you have  lost that
vigour  and human aura who has humanity so your death from shame is
just a joke “ fang said
“ what do you mean by all this” tharn asked .


thankyou for reading
i ma greatful
to be continued
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🎀proud destiny(complete)🎀 🎀(tharntype🍒mewgulf)🎀by🎀 🎀k.bunny🎀Where stories live. Discover now