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🐿Proud destiny🐿


After eating to heart content , tharn threw away the boxes, stood up
and said “ take me to house , I want to rest and then buy few dresses
for me aswell.” Gulf nodded . and walked in front of tharn. Finally
reached home . on seeing the home , tharn closed the main door of
house , stepped towards gulf . gulf on seeing tharn stepped back and
almost his back touched with the wall behind “ by buying food for me,
by buying this squirrel nest for me what you wanna prove . or don’t
tell me you are trying to win my heart…you are trying to win my heart
… oh seriously my slut .. you  really want to devour my heart by these
ways . if you agree to be my mistress then at this time we both were
in wild plum and had a comfortable life . but due
to you I lost everything. So be ready to pay for all my losses,…earn
to run this house,, earn to provide money for my livelihood, earn
money to provide luxuries of life and provide your services in night
to me unless and until you able to earn so much money that every night
I’ll able to buy a night of sex providers. Keep all this in your brain
which wanted justice badly. I’ll assure you that you get justice as
the time pass. Get lost and buy clothes for me” tharn said
sarcastically .gulf nodded and left the house .
tears were falling from eyes . the heart was beating like it was
taking its last  breath . soul was trembling because fears of future
ghosts were seem to present in front of eyes.
Meanwhile reached to market ,bought clothes for tharn and some other
necessities and then returned to home . on reaching home , the
darkness was knocking with black clouds seem to full  of water . gulf
rushed home and lit the candles to light up the house. When saw in
room of tharn, he was sleeping with  no worries dancing  on his mind .
“atleast one of us sleep with no worries.” Gulf said , placed  the
lantern in tharn room and left the room . after locking the door ,
gulf went in other room to sleep. He was seeing the ceiling of room
with stone eyes . the eyes which always saw some beautiful dreams of
life are now full of tears and no one was with gulf to wipe tears from
his eyes . it is always said that presence of people lessen the
grief’s of life but why no one said ever from the day earth of solar
system exist that  people are causes of grief’s as well . but we
always blame fate for our grief’s. what an injustice as well with fate
Meanwhile the lightening started its drama. The twinkling of
lightening was making night more horrible . meanwhile gulf heard the
voice from tharn room . gulf rushed to tharn room. He was shouting
badly perhaps afraid from lightening . gulf hugged him . like a baby
tharn tried to hide himself in gulf . the lightening rain continued to
played it symphony whole night and tharn remained in arms of gulf and
both slept how In peace only heavens knew this .


Let me be the god of my fate once
Let me rewrite my life story once
Tears of life wobble my soul
Let me refill myself with rose scents once
Venomous spears of cosmos pierce my heart
Let me heal with rays of Milky Way once
Oceans of time drowning my nest of dreams
Let me pursue waves to engulf me once
Desire to be loved by thee enlightens my soul
But have to cross burning deserts once
Let me be the god of my fate once
Let me write soothing whispers in my life once


After the rain the morning was bright and full of chirps of birds .
tharn woke up , found himself in arms of gulf , though for a second
tharn felt calmness. The light beat of heart was just like a classic
music which was spreading smile on face of tharn. But ever devil likes
angels in peace , same did by demon by tharn. Tharn kicked gulf as a
result gulf fell on ground . and then left the bed and kicked gulf
like a ball. gulf remained silent though tears start to shed. Then
tharn sat down , slapped the face badly
“ never ever try to come close to me unless I call you . I hate you ,
your body ..got it.. get up..fill water and prepare my clothes I have
to clean myself from your dirt and prepare breakfast for me .”tharn
said and kicked gulf in abdomen
“ don’t kick in belly , it will hurt baby.” Gulf pleaded
“baby.. who wants this baby gulf darling .. as you are nothing to me
that baby is also nothing to me . so if it will die it has nothing to
do with me. It’s the best when you both bastards die I will get rid of
your evil presence. Atleast the baby should know that his momma is
nothing but just a slut of no value. Tharn said and grabbed the arm of
gulf , drag him like a sack out of room


Though the ruler of wild plum San Suppasit had driven out tharn and
gulf but he was still worry about them. As they left the city ,
according to instructions of san, some people appointed by his general
yuan . finally after  two months a person came back , and made request
to report the ruler . as ruler allowed , the man told “ my highness,
after traveling they finally settled in a valley name blue jewel .
gulf bought a small house and is trying best to make prince happy but
all his efforts are still in vain . young prince beat him badly every
day. I am afraid that gulf may lose the baby . my highness, call them
back , young prince will kill him and baby one day.”


thankyou for reading
i am greatful
to be continued
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🎀proud destiny(complete)🎀 🎀(tharntype🍒mewgulf)🎀by🎀 🎀k.bunny🎀Where stories live. Discover now