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🦋proud destiny🦋


 Before leaving gulf found it necessary to tell his brother his final
decision. Gulf had no idea how his brother will feel . gulf walked
towards his brother office . knocked at door .on permission gulf
entered in room . korn was busy with his team discussing some official
matter . gulf sat in corner waiting while thinking all the possible
reactions of his brother . finally the team left the room and now the
two brothers were alone in office .korn made two cups of coffee and
holding mugs walked towards his brother . korn offered him mug and sat
in front of him .silence was talking enjoying the transparent curtain
of steam rising like cloud from stoneware mugs.
“do you complete your packing. How many days you want to stay in wild
plum . and taking ulaan with you as well” korn finally made way for
gulf to talk .
Gulf placed mug on sidetable and sat on knees in front of brother
placing his both hands In lap of his brother “ I read somewhere that
how can anyone know me when I don’t know myself. When I came back to
you I had firm belief that no one in this world can know me but today
you proved me wrong even today only you know me better than anyone in
this world . Ga, I have decided to give one more chance to tharn and
myself and the relation between us. Perhaps this time our relation may
works . he may accept ulaan and me and our relation. When dad visited
, I met yuan . he told me that tharn is no more that tharn any more .
he is changed . after that accident he is on crotches but his soul is
free from crippling. I know that yuan doesn’t tel lie but I once want
to go and see that changed tharn with hope that I may find love for me
for our ulaan in him. I know that you knock tangyi wants me happy and
I know as well that you drag tangyi so  that I take my decision. Ga ,
I want to end this hide and seek of life with me . so, bless me and
support me in this blind round of hideseek that life is playing with
me . I don’t know what will happen but one last time before accepting
my defeat in hands of fate and life. even I want my defeat should be
graceful . ulaan will stay with knock and you . tangyi though promise
to stay there with me but I want to live there alone for few days and
will try that tangyi return to shaofei . shaofei need him most in
these days . after making partner pregnant the man forget that in this
time preggy person need them most . are you angry with me” .
“don’t worry about ulaan and as tangyi shaofei is concerned don’t
worry shaofei is sensible person he knows your situation. And who say
that you will defeat  . even if he denies you again this time then it
doesn’t mean that you have lost . actually it means that you both were
destined only for a short span .in this game of life and fate nor any
one wins neither anyone lose. Its just a myth we make to satisfy our
so called ego . you are sensible and I always trust your decisions .
don’t worry about future if you really want to give a chance then make
a try with blunt courage without any candle of hope that lightens the
ways.” Korn said.
Both brothers hugged and left the office walked to residential area ,
knock with tangyi and ulaan was standing . gulf hugged knock and
kissed his daughter with teary eyes. Korn hugged tangyi and said “ I
am your debtor and I am unable to repay you and specially shaofei for
this favor .” . tangyi and gulf said goodbyes and left palace with
guards of  tangyi for wild plum.


The next day simon xi along with tharn fang and changli yuan went to
alley of sex workers and after asking the address of sioun xi ,
finally knocked at  the door . door opened and sioun xi was shocked to
see the monarchs at his door. “ we are here to take you somewhere.
Don’t be afraid . its time to correct the blanks of life with correct
words . hurry up.” Simon xi said . without understanding a single
word, sioun xi nodded and ran inside to dressed up. Meanwhile , the
representative  monata Xavier appeared with an angry face and said “
how you can be noble . in disguise of nobility finally you come for
sexual desires. You nobles are just nobles by name by dress but not in
terms of deeds. Whole alley see you with eyes how we agree to trust
you I am ashamed .get lost”.
“you want to trust us or not depends on you all but don’t take any
decision quickly without knowing the truth . you are their head their
representative . if you are ambiguous then you can join us where we
are taking sioun xi .” yuan said .
Meanwhile sioun xi appeared with changed dress. Dressed in a decent
manner , all eyes were pleased . “lets go I have to comeback after
seeing the drama you guys have decided to play” monanta said and
dragged sioun on his side .sioun was still shocked by all this
.finally all reached after crossing my corners in front of house .
simon nodded all to enter the house and led all to the room where his
father was sitting . as simon entered in his father room , he was
massaged by one servant . on seeing his som with his friends and with
the famous prostitutes , his father smiled and said “ finally you are
man , you really show this . a long time to see such massagers .”
“have a seat please. You are wrong even today and in the past you were
wrong . how and why the that person who was my ideal is such loser.
Loser in all aspects . why you think that life and respect just belong
to you monarchs and why not to all people struggling equally in
society. If people like you like us starts to respect all those males
females who become prostitutes and escorts then this profession will
be no more. They will live a noble life with their families.” Simon
was crying .
“what you want to say . are you in senses simon xi . I am
your father” mr falcon xi hissed .
“all are in senses mr xi, we are here because simon finds his elder
brother” changli told
“ elder son … means …” mr falcon xi stuttered .
“ elder son Mr. xi , the son from the girl you married in your student
life . don’t try to deny this because Simon listened all this from you
when one day you were recalling your past in company of your flocks .
she is no more but baby is alive and he is no one but the person
sitting beside monata Xavier , sioun xi . Simon recognized him and
bring him here .just due to your lust, two life’s have been ruined.
The lady is no more but her son sioun is still alive just due to your
selfishness he is living a miserable life .” tharn said .
“ due to you his life is ruined. How can you so ruthless and shameful
. and if you are not apologizing him for all his sufferings then I
assure you that even in front of gods I wont recognize you as my
father I promise . you will lose me too. I will shift with him if you
wont accept him with honesty and proudly call him as you son, your
true heir. I swear If I were sioun xi then  definitely I will find you
and stabbed you to death for such life spending by sioun xi . you are
considered authority on law teachings how you forget the basics of law
accept him apologize him or be ready for losing me as well.” simon
said and walked sat in front of siounxi monata Xavier who were
surprised on whole situation “ monata I think now your suspicion is
solved. Sioun xi , you are my brother my elder brother . I am sorry
for everything you suffered . if possible then forgive me and give me
one chance to amend all . I cant make past right but allow me to
correct the present and future . please accept me as your brother and
allow me to  live with you . I am not brave like you. Infuse your
bravery in me. Let me live with you .” Sioun hugged simon . both were
sobbing . on seeing the brothers , monata hugged the shoulders of both
boys and walked out of room to give them space so they filled their
spaces with each other affectionately and was followed by tharn yuan
changli and fang .
Simon sioun was hugged by their father . sioun finally forgive his
father “ I know form the day one you are my father and simon my
brother but I keep it to myself that if the heavens choose this life
for me then its okay . if I have to live without the comfort and
pleasure of family then I am fine in doing what it is written for me .
but simon changed all.”
People with time started to re cognize sioun xi as elder son of falcon
xi . simon arranged teachers for his brother being intelligent enough
, sioun performance was excellent .


on other hand finally training was
started. all teachers mr yuan , mr kai and royal chef was teaching
their students in well manner and the response of students were
On one evening as mr kai returned his house and about to close the
door when someone asked “ am I allowed to live with you once again” .
the voice belonged to no one but to the person who lived with him foe
few days but he felt that he has been living with for centuries . no
one but gulf dear to mr kai like his own blood son . gulf  in veil was
standing with a stranger .


thankyou for reading
i am grateful
to be continued
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🎀proud destiny(complete)🎀 🎀(tharntype🍒mewgulf)🎀by🎀 🎀k.bunny🎀Where stories live. Discover now