What if it Isn't Real..?

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I removed the 'PT 1' at the end of the 'Manhunt' chapter because I decided that I didn't want to do another part to it—

Edit: I just went back and decided to reread my descriptions for the boys and-
I wrote that George was wearing fucking sunglasses-

Oh, poor past Echo didn't know he was colorblind..- I fixed it though- 😌

~To the Story~

You were sitting on your bed, staring out the window. It was pouring rain. The day has been boring, and by the looks of it, the rain wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

You'd been sitting in the same spot most of the day; reading a book every now and then. Your mind had been wandering all day. "Why isn't there anybody else here that we've seen? How come it's only Minty, the boys and I?" You asked yourself, not expecting a response.

"That's a good question," somebody replied. You turned your head around, and saw a hooded boy standing in the doorway of your room. "Hey, Bad."

You turned your head back to the windows. "You haven't really been out of your room all day, Y/N. The others are worrying a bit so I came up to check on you," he informed. "Well you can tell them that I'm fine." That was a lie. You wanted to talk to somebody about the things you were thinking of.

Bad narrowed his eyes. He didn't believe you, but left anyway. Or at least he was going to leave. "Wait—" you started. "Bad? Can you stay with me..?"

He turned back around and came to sit next to you on your bed. "Is something wrong?" He inquired. "I've been thinking.. a lot."

He let out a breathy laugh. "That's scary." Bad joked. You giggled a bit at him. "Well.. I was wondering. Why do we respawn..? Once we die, shouldn't we be dead for good?"

The two of you sat in silence for a second. "What if.. what if this isn't real? What if it's some sort of.. dream? Or a simulation?" You said, breaking the silence. "Or am I just really over thinking this?" You giggled a bit.

"Maybe you're right," Bad said, his voice dripping with a tint of seriousness. "Maybe this is just a simulation, and it isn't actually the real world."

You stared at him for a moment. "You're actually considering that?" You asked the hooded boy. "Maybe I am." He answered.

You sighed. "What time is it?" You asked. "Well I can't really confirm due to the clouds, but I would say—" Bad began to answer your question, but was interrupted due to a clap of thunder. "—around 8 p.m." he finished.

'That late already?'

"Have you eaten anything today?" he suddenly asked out of the blue. "Uh— no?" You replied. He glared at you. "We are getting you something to eat. Come on."

~In the kitchen~

You went downstairs with Bad, and saw Sapnap and George sitting on the couch. Sapnap looked over to you. "So you finally decided to come out of hiding?" He teased. You sighed. "I wouldn't have if Bad didn't come up. Where's Minty and Dream?"

George was the one to answer. "Minty decided to clear out a space under the house and turn it into a room for the four of us, so we have somewhere to stay." You nodded, and made your way to the kitchen.

You browsed through the cabinets for a bit before deciding you didn't want to make anything, so you just took some leftover steak from the fridge.

You walked over to the couch and sat down next to George. You were sitting in silence for a moment before George spoke up. "What is the most painful way to die?"

Sapnap spit out water he was drinking. "Wh-what did you say?" He said, coughing a bit. "I said, 'What is the most painful way to die?'," George repeated.

"I would imagine hypothermia. A friend of mine once told me that it was very painful, and it takes about 1 hour to 15 minutes to actually kill you," you answered. Bad slightly panicked. "NOT YOU TOO!"

George ignored Bad and Sap. "Personally o think torture would be the most painful." You perked an eyebrow. "Really? What kind of torture?" You asked. You were enjoying watching Bad and Sapnap panic for your guys' well-beings. It was funny.

"Verbal, physical, any kind of torture. It just sounds painful." George replied. "SNAP OUT OF IT! GEORGE, Y/N, ARE YOU POSSESSED OR SOME SHIT?!" Sapnap shouted. "LANGUAGE!" Bad shouted in return.

Minty and Dream must've heard the boys shouting, because Dream had come to the living room to find out what the hell was happening. "What in the name of Mojang is happening?" Dream asked.

You and George just continued having a conversation while Dream was standing in the doorway, confused as hell, and Sap and Bad were freaking out. "Starvation is probably bad too. I mean, it would take a long time and you'd suffer for months," George continued.

"What about getting your head chomped up by a giant animatronic like how the crying child dies in Five Nights at Freddy's 4?" You asked. "Now you're just thinking of something that'll never happen." George said.

You pouted. "But what if it did?! That would be the best death ever!" George shook his head. "Not laying down flat in a rapidly falling elevator would hurt like hell, and would be very gruesome," Dream decided to play along. He walked over to the couch, and sat down in front.

"DREAM NO! DON'T GET INVOLVED TOO!" Bad yelled. "How so?" George asked the masked man. "Well, your organs would most likely try to continue moving inside your body upon impact with the ground," he started.

"Your bones would probably break upon impact as well. Your head would be the farthest away from the ground, so you might live long enough to see your insides make their way outside."

Your face turned to a disgusted expression. "EW! What the hell— that sounds so disgusting!" You scowled. Dream started wheezing at your reaction.

~End of Chapter~

Fun fact: the conversation of death was partially based on a conversation I had with my friends. Also, Mando-Chan  is the one who gave me the idea to have them talk about the most painful ways to die. Thanks.

The end but was just kind of a filler- the main thing was Y/N and Bas's convo at the beginning of the chapter-


Words: 1096

A Never Ending Cycle (BadBoyHalo x Fem!Reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα