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I think I'm going to get rid of Minty because it just makes it slightly harder to write because I'm not exactly sure what I'm doing with her character-
So she won't be appearing at all in this chapter- she didn't really have much of an important role anyway-

~To the Story~

Light was pooling in through the windows of the house. It was daybreak, and Bad was the only one in the house awake. Everybody stayed up late. Well, except for Bad of course.

He was sitting in the kitchen. 'I wonder if what Y/N was thinking about is true. What if this isn't the real world?' He thought. His mind drifted to the E/C eyed girl. He thought about her beautiful H/L H/C hair, and how soft it felt.

'Bad you muffinhead! Stop thinking about that!' He mentally scolded himself. 'Maybe I should occupy myself to stop thinking about her?'

He decided to go out for a walk. Bad left a sticky note on the table as to not worry the others if they woke up before he came back.

He decided to go in the opposite direction of the way they usually went, away from the forest. About 250 blocks away from the house, there was another forest.

'I guess the area is full of them.'

He eventually began walking through the forest. There was a lake near the center of it. What baffled him the most was there were two people there.

A tall man with brown hair. He wore a beanie, yellow sweater and black pants. The other was a woman, who appeared slightly over average height. She was wearing a striped shirt and jeans. She had glasses as well.

They didn't seem to notice Bad, so he kept walking minding his own business. It was strange to see people constantly now, seeing as he was used to not being near anyone but his friends.

After a few more minutes of walking, Bad decided to head back to the house. 'My plan didn't really work.. I'm still thinking about her,' he thought.

"What am I going to do with myself?"

~Your POV~

I must've been the last to wake up, because when I went downstairs everybody was sitting on the couch, talking. "Morning," I yawned. "Hey sleepyhead!" Sapnap greeted. "How'd you sleep?"

I gave a halfhearted nod. "Well I guess. I woke up with a bit of a headache." He looked at me with almost a concerned look.

"Hey, where's Bad?" I asked. The others stayed silent for a moment. "He went outside for a walk, not sure when he'll be back though." Dream responded.

As if on que, the door clicked open to reveal the hooded boy. "Speak of the devil," I smiled, happy to see the boy. "Hey everyone," Bad said.

I walked over to him to give a friendly hug, in which he gladly returned. Evidently he noticed I felt a little more warm than usual, and put his hand up to my forehead.

"B-Bad? What are you doing?" I frantically questioned, blushing slightly. "Are you feeling alright? You're very warm," His eyes narrowed slightly. "Your face is also turning red."

As he spoke, I began turning into a walking tomato. Sure, I'd been close to him like this before, but I've never expected something like this.

"I-I'm fine! It's nothing really!" I lied. I figured I were sick, but I didn't want to worry the boy. "I think I just need some rest." I murmured. He just nodded, and let me walk back up to my room.

~Third Person POV~

The three boys on the couch looked over to their friend. "So, how about you and Y/N, hm?" George spoke, a smirk growing on his face. Bad looked over to the brunette.

"What are you talking about?" He asked. Dream groaned. "Come on, Bad! It's clear she likes you!"

Bad felt blood rush to his face. "No, I think she just wasn't feeling great," He mumbled. George rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say, Bad."

Sapnap stayed silent for the conversation. He suddenly felt his stomach flip. He didn't know what was going on, but he didn't like it. "Hey, Sap, you okay?" Dream inquired. "Yeah, yeah. Just still a bit tired, that's all," the charcoal haired boy answered.

~End of Chapter~

Hahaha— sorry for the shorter chapter today-
I've just been kinda stressed recently but I wanted to give you guys a chapter :)


Words: 743

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