Just a 'Normal' Day

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I honestly feel like I'm focusing on Minty too much 😅 if I am please tell me so I can hopefully fix that .-.

~To the story~

*Nobody's POV*

Your heart sank at the sight. "Minty?" You muttered. "She's not dead.. otherwise her body would be gone. So then.. why isn't she waking up?" One of the boys spoke up.

"We need to get her back to our house," You implied. After everything this girl has done for you, you didn't want to lose her. The boys nodded, and Dream picked her up since she clearly wasn't able to walk herself and he was the closest to her besides you. He shifted her to be on his back and looked down at you.

The five of you then started walking in the direction of the house. 'This is my fault. My fault. If I hadn't run off like that then she would still be awake, and I would know she's fine. Why did I have to go into the forest? Why?!' You blamed yourself for everything. Your pace began to pick up as tears started forming in your eyes. One thing you didn't want to happen right now was for the boys to see you vulnerable.

Unfortunately, your tears didn't go unnoticed. Bad walked over to you. "Hey, are you okay?" He asked. You took a quick glance at him, nodding. Bad could tell that this was a clear lie just to make him stop bothering you. What a cliche thing.

"Please, be honest, Y/N. I don't want to seem pushy, but you can tell me anything!" He gave a comforting smile. "Can we talk when we get back to the house?" Your voice slightly cracked due to your silent sobbing. Bad nodded and you continued walking in silence after that.

~When you got to the house~

Minty was now sleeping in her room. It had been around thirty minutes since you arrived back at your house. George, Sapnap, and Dream were inside while you and Bad were outside. Just like you asked, the two of you were talking. ..Kinda..? (I'm never doing that again I swear-)

Currently, you were crying into Bad's shoulder. How cliche. The only sounds that could be heard were from the river and forest by your house along with your quiet sobs. "I just don't understand! H-how is she still there? Her body should've disappeared by now; right?"

*Bad's POV*

Oh dear.. she really is upset. But who am I to blame her? If one of my closest friend's passed out like that, I would be torn up too. "I'm sure she'll be fine. She has to wake up eventually," I attempted to reassure Y/N.

Her cries were slowed down, and her breathing started to even out. "Y-Your right.." her voice was still shaky. "Do you want to go back inside?" I asked. Silence. "Y/N?" Her sobbing was replaced with quiet snores. 'She fell asleep,' I thought. 'She's kind of cute when she's sleeping- Bad no! You muffin head! You just met her today!'

The sun had started to set, signalling that mobs would start to spawn soon. I picked Y/N up bridal style, and carried her back inside the house. "Is she okay?" George asked. "Yeah. She was just crying for a bit because she was upset. She fell asleep about a minute ago so I brought her inside," I responded.

The boys nodded, and I brought her up to her room. I saw the Enderman from earlier standing in her room. "Isn't your name Endy or something like that?" I questioned, not expecting a response. A soft hum came from the tall creature, and I perked my head up as I layed Y/N on her bed.

"Wait, you can understand..?" I asked him. Endy just gave me a happy nod in return. I walked towards the door and reached for the handle when the door bursted open. There stood Sapnap.

I gazed at him, confused, "Uhm.. Sapnap? You alright?" I asked. "Minty started to wake up!" My eyes widened. I was going to go wake up Y/N, but thought it'd be best to let her sleep. I walked downstairs and saw Minty sitting up on the couch.

Dream and George were still seated in their same spots, speaking with the girl.


~Nobody's POV~

You were very rudely awoken by the sound of yelling coming from downstairs. When you sat up, you found yourself lying in your bed. Weird. 'I don't remember coming in here..?' Not thinking much about it, you got up and went down the stairs.

The familiar smell of mushroom stew being made was coming from the kitchen. And so, you naturally made your way to the kitchen.

What you were unaware of, was that Bad, Dream, George, and Sapnap had stayed over the night before, and hadn't left. As you walked to the doorway, you could hear one of the boys shouting, "LANGUAGE!!"

Hesitantly, you walked to the door and peeked inside. "Both of you, shut up! You are going to- oh.." George spoke out in a normal volume as he noticed you were standing in the doorway with a very annoyed and tired look. "Look what you two did! Now Y/N's awake! The one thing I was trying to prevent from happening!" Okay hold up; why is George so worried about you all of a sudden?

"Well I wouldn't be awake if somebody wasn't yelling," you sarcastically implied, glaring at Bad and Dream, presuming they were the source of the yelling. You got your answer when they both returned the gaze with sheepish smiles.

You'd forgotten most of the things happened the day before due to your mind being jumbled up. Your brain does this thing where it clears large amounts of memories from recent events when it's being overloaded with info. Yeah it's weird. So seeing Minty cooking stew at the stove was no surprise at all.

Just like it was a normal day from your point of view. But to the others, it was still a mess.

~End of Chapter~

I feel bad for not updating for a while °-°" anyway, I hope you enjoyed :D

Someone restrain me from using cliche more than once in a chapter I'm begging you-


Words: 1053

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