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Liam Rawley

"I'll be picking you up at 1400 hours. If you are not here by then, I'll look through the entire school."Brady explained seriously, "Got it?"

"That's 2 o'clock, right?" I raised my eyebrows.

He nodded,"And call me if you run into Ryan."He instructed.

"I will," I said.

"Have a good day then."He shrugged.

I waved him goodbye and got out of the car. I went inside the building and head to my locker first.

"Liam, Liam, "Roy tapped me on the shoulder repeatedly and I turned to face Roy and Laurel.

"What is it, Roy?"I asked.

"Ask him."He said excitedly to Laurel, "Ask him, ask him."

"He wants us to go to his cabin to meet his new girlfriend," Laurel said in an unamused tone.

"You're going to love here, Liam."He added, "Please come, please, please."He begged like a child.

"Can't you just introduce us somewhere more casual?"I asked.

"Yeah, but...cAAbin."He said.

"I'll ask my dad but I'm not promising anything," I said.

"Yay," He wrapped his arms around my shoulder, "Let's go to class together,"

"We're not in the same class."I pointed out.

"Just go with it."He whispered.

During class, I sat in the front and took out my notebook while waiting for the teacher to arrive. Everyone else was all over the classroom, talking to each other and messing around but not me because I still didn't have any friends apart from Laurel and the two guys.

"Excuse me, "A girl came up to me, "You're on my seat."

"Oh, I'm sorry."I stood up.

"Asshole."She muttered as I walked away to sit on the seat next to her, "My friend is sitting there."She pointed out.

"Okay," I said awkwardly and went to take another seat just behind her.

"And that seat is for my boyfriend."She said.

"Stop being a bitch, Cindy."A dark skin girl with wavy blonde hair came to my defense. I recognize the girl from the soccer team. She was the only girl on the team and was team captain. It was hard not to notice here, "You can seat here in the front, with me."She said to me.


"Say one more word, Cindy and I'll slam you to the wall."She warned and that made Cindy shut up.

"I'm Tess, by the way."She mentioned, "You're one of Roy's friends, Liam is it?"

"Yeah," I nodded awkwardly, "How do you know Roy?"

"We're kinda dating."She said.

So she must have been the girlfriend that Roy was talking about. It makes sense since both of them had sports in common and the two of them would make a hot couple.

"Oh, "I mumbled under my breath, "Thanks for the help with her."I pointed at Cindy, who was taking a selfie by herself.

"Anytime," Tess said with a smile.


During the last period, our teacher let us out early and I decided to wait outside since Brady wanted me to be there at 2 o'clock.

I was 8 minutes early and just stood there with Dan.

"Do you need a ride?"Dan asked me, "I can stay with you if you want until Brady comes."

Dan and I had the same class on our last period and I wanted to ride with him but that would probably freak Brady and my dad out.

"No, you can go ahead first."I insisted,      "I know that you have violin training."

Dan was a musician and he was trying to get into Juilliard's. I have seen him play and he was really good but he keeps on complaining how he's not good enough to get into Julliard's even though he is the best violin player I've ever met. Not that I know any other.

"I'll feel like a bad friend if I leave you now."He said.

"Seriously, I'm fine."I assured him, "Brady is on his way."

"Okay," He nodded, "I'll see you tomorrow."

I waved him goodbye as he jogged to his car.

I was left alone at the parking lot and there was no one in sight since some still haven't got out of class and the others already left.

"Well, would you look at that?"

I knew that the silence was too good to be true. I felt sick to the stomach when I saw him and my heart started to raise.

"What do you want, Ryan?"I asked bitterly, "You gonna draw something on my forehead again? Throw another cigarette at my face?"

I didn't know what has got into me but suddenly, I wasn't afraid of him anymore because I knew that he would not do anything too crazy to me. At least I hope he wouldn't.

"Wow, they grow up so fast," Ryan said to his group of friends. It was always the same two people that had his back. The guy with the hawk and scar over his eyes, and the guy with the big nose.

"He's asking for it, "The guy with the hawk said angrily.

"Calm down, Screwball," Ryan said to him, "I wanna try something with him."

I didn't have time to respond as he grabbed the back of my neck and I swore that he was about to punch me but he pressed his lips on mine instead.

"What are you doing?"I shoved him off.

"Damn, "Ryan and his friends burst out of laughter, "He is a fag."

"Fuck off," I said and tried to walk away but one of them pulled me by my backpack.

"I kinda want to do it again."Ryan said with a smug smirk, "Come on, baby. Give me another try."

He wrapped his arms around my waist as I struggled to let go of his grip by pushing him away and hitting his chest, "Let go of me."I spat.

"Come on, you know you want to."He smirked.

"Hey, asshole."

Ryan turned around only to have a fist connecting to his face. That made him fall to the ground with a bleeding nose and he laughed as if something was funny.

"Get him, "Ryan instructed his goons.

Brady raised his fist up to prepare for incoming attack and doge when Screwballs tried to throw a fist and sweep his leg, making him fall to the ground too.

"Stand down."He instructed the other guy. The other guy took out a knife and had a scary look on his face, "Do you even know how to use that?"Brady asked sarcastically.

"Fuck you."The guy said and went to attack Brady but he doge again and got a hold of the guy in a chokehold. The guy started losing his breath and eventually passed out.

"Assholes," Brady muttered as he handcuffed the two but when he was about to go to where Ryan was, he was gone, "Shit."Brady cursed under his breath.

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