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Brady Hutton

I ducked from the swinging fist and managed to land a punch on the guy's jaw with the thick red glove that I was wearing.

I don't know how it happened but Ryan and I traveled to the bad part of California, which is way too far from home. Currently, we were at an underground boxing arena because it was the only way to get to whoever made Ryan all shook up.

It may have been stupid trusting Ryan but when he said he needed my help, something snapped inside of me and dark thoughts filled my head. Ryan has always been like a brother to me before everything that happened between us and I just had to help him. Plus, no one was going to miss me back home.

I was wearing nothing but some white shorts with blue and green stripes on them while the referee checks on the other guy if he could continue.

"He's out."The referee announced and the bell rang.

I let out a sigh as I got out of the ring and went to the locker room to change. I change to my normal clothes before I heard someone walked in.

"We made a good amount of money."Ryan grinned while counting them as he walked into the locker room.

"How much longer do I have to do this?"I asked harshly, "It's been three weeks and this is just getting exhausting."

"You're going to the semi-finals and if you win, you'll see Carl Todd on the finals. Me and the unnamed scary person, who might kill me made a deal that if you beat his guy in the ring, I'm a free man."

"And if I don't?"I raised my eyebrows.

"He'll kill us both."He said bluntly.

"Damn it, Ryan."I spat, "What have you gotten me into? Couldn't you tell me this three weeks ago?"

"You never asked."He rolled his eyes.

He didn't care about what he just said at all and that just pissed me off.

"What if I kill you right now?"I grabbed him by his shirt collar and slammed him onto the locker.

"Tempting but then all of this will be for nothing."He pointed out, "And the guys might still go after you."

I shut both of my eyes and took a deep breath before shoving him onto the floor.

"I'm going back to the motel," I said bitterly and grabbed my bag before leaving.

Liam Rawley

"Don't eat in my car," Paula warned.

"It's just a sports bar."I pointed out, "And it's not your car, it's the station's."

"God, I hate teenagers."She groaned, "I thought you guys were supposed to be fully developed already?"

We finally pulled over at the station and I smiled politely at Paula, "I have to go see my dad."I said and got out of the car quickly.

I went inside the station and went straight to my dad's office.

"What is it, bud?"My father asked casually while going through some paperwork on the drawer.

"I can't stand Paula."I uttered out, "I don't mean to be rude but she is terrible. She makes fun of me, makes me get her lunch for her, and keeps on giving me weird looks every time I say something."

"I'm sorry that she's doing that but I'm sorry, Liam, I don't think anyone can take her place at the moment."

"What about Brady?"I asked and my heart started to pound as I waited for the answer. I haven't heard of Brady in weeks and I don't want anyone but him to look out after me, "I mean, we can be mature about the whole break up thing."

He cringes and stood up before gesturing me to sit. I did just that and he sat next to me.

"Brady is not gonna be here for the next few weeks."He lowered his voice," He cashed in his months' worth of vacation."

"Did he at least say when he'll be coming back?"I asked worriedly.

"He didn't."My father said regretfully.

"Did he go alone?"I asked.

"I hate to be the one to tell you this but someone saw him driving away with Ryan."He explained, "I hate the guy after what he did to you but I'm kinda worried about what Ryan got him into."

I was still angry with Brady even though a couple of weeks had already passed by but not knowing where he was, especially with someone like Ryan made me worried.

"You okay?"My father asked me after I zoned out.

"Where on earth would he go with Ryan?"I asked seriously, "Is there any way you can contact him?"

"I tried a few days ago but it went straight to voicemail."He mentioned, "Don't worry about him too much. Brady is smart enough to not get himself hurt out there."


I was quiet the whole ride home with Paula and didn't really have the mood for her to boss me around as she always did.

"What's wrong with you?"Paula asked insincerely.

"It's nothing, "I mumbled while wiping the tears that slowly came down my cheeks.

"You're literally crying right now."She pointed out, "You annoy the shit out of me but I also hate seeing people cry."

"Do you know Brady?"I asked and I didn't really know why I was having this conversation with her.

"Hutton?"She raised her eyebrows, "Yeah, we're friends."

Didn't realized that Brady had any friends.

"Maybe not friends."She corrected, "Work colleagues at least. Why?"

"We used to be together and he recently just disappeared without telling me. I know that he wasn't obligated to say anything to me but he could have at least tell my dad so that I won't worry about him this much."I explained.

She sighed, "What are you so worried about?"She asked insincerely with an eye-rolled.

"I don't know."I said honestly, "I just don't want him to get into any trouble."

She stared at me blankly, "Look, it kinda sounds like he needs some time for himself and you should respect that:"

As much as I didn't want to hear it, she was right. Maybe going away with Ryan was a way for him to let off some steam from everything that happened.

Nonetheless, the second I went inside the house, I couldn't help but dial his number on my phone.

"Brady Hutton here, leave a message after the beep."

I was disappointed that he didn't answer it but was also not surprised.

"Hey, it's me."I said on the phone, "I don't know what you have been up to but I am really worried and I just want you to come home."I sobbed on the phone, "I miss you so much Brady and you have to know that you have people that care about you."I choked on my own words...I care about you. Just please come home and we can settle-"

I was cut off by the beep that meant I've reached the time limit on the voicemail.

"I love you, "I muttered.

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