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Liam Rawley

I noticed Brady sitting in the back but I didn't had the time to settle whatever was going on between us as Tess was already on the microphone.

"I hope this works, "Laurel said after typing something on her phone.

I was extremely worried because let's be honest, Tess wasn't all that good on the microphone. She can be if she tried, just not in the appropriate way.

There were 6 councilmen and we were worried because most of them were white men except for one woman.

"Good afternoon, fellow councilmen," Tess looked through the flashcards that I prepared for her even though it was rushed, "I am here to tell you our disappointment of people using their money to get what they want in our school. We recently had our annual election and the person who won obviously ask for her father to pay for her victory and-"

"Excuse me, young lady."One of the male councilmen stopped her from continuing, "Do you have any proof that this actually happened, or is this just a hunch?"

"We went around the whole school and asked the students who voted for who and also made them write down their signatures as prove that they did vote for us. With the petition, we won by 80."

"How do we know you didn't forge these signatures?"The same councilmen said.

"We didn't."Tess assured, "We're not asking for much, just our rights for a recount with someone outside of the school."

"Look, young lady," Another male councilman joined in, "You look like you worked really hard for this but we have more important things to settle."

"Please, councilmen."Tess begged desperately, "My friend and Vice President have lost too much from this election. He was bullied by the opposing team, had breakdowns on stage, been manipulated by thinking that someone would like him even though it was just a stupid game to gain information, he has been harassed sexually because of staying too late at school for the election and countless other stuff. So, please if not for me, for him."

It was just then when I knew the real reason why Tess wanted to win this so badly. It was not because of Cindy or proving a point to anyone, it was because she felt bad for making me join it in the first place.

"What is your name?"The female councilmen asked Tess.

"Tess McNelly."She said.

"Okay, Tess, I see that you care for your friend and I respect that but like we said before, this, not something that we have the time to get into. What you did is very brave but I'm truly sorry, Tess."


All of us went outside and just stood there in silence.

"For what it's worth, thank you for saying all of that."I said to Tess, "I didn't realize that you thought about me that much."

"I really am sorry, Liam."She added, "I just feel bad for everything that happened in between the election, and I just feel like I forced you into this."

"I already told you, I was the one that got myself into this."I said softly, "You were the one that made me realized that I should get outside of my comfort zone and try something brave for a change. I should thank you."

"I'm really happy that we're friends."Tess said seriously and hugged me.

"Can I get into some of that love?"Roy hugged the both of us, "You guys too."He gestured for Laurel and Dan to join us.

Laurel joined in quickly but Dan hesitated.

"Oh, come on Dan, might as well get in here," Tess suggested. He sighed before finally embracing us.

So there it was, my first group hug and I couldn't be anymore happier that I got to be friends with the most selfless people in the world.

Not long later, we finally got off each other and Laurel took out her phone after a bunch of notifications.

"Holy shit."Laurel's eyes widened.

"What?"Tess asked.

"Don't get mad but I kinda recorded you saying all of that and now, it has like 600K views on YouTube already, "Laurel explained.

"Let me see that."Tess grabbed the phone while all of us looked at it from behind her, "Look at all of these comments."

"Someone give this girl a recount"

"Whoever this Liam kid is, we stan you."

"If you're reading this Liam, we're with you."

"I go to school with these people and yes, Liam had to go through a lot of crap."

The comments went on and on about how much these people supported me and I couldn't help but let tears down my cheek.

"The love you, Liam, "Tess smiled widely, "It wasn't useless after all."

"I-"I couldn't let any words out, "I don't deserve any of this, "I said.

You do, Liam, and more."Roy said seriously, "I may be goofy around you and all but I know what a great person you are."

Okay, seeing Roy being serious was the thing that shocked me the most out of everything.

"Just take the win, Liam."Dan said with a smile, "You deserve one."

Just then, Brady walked out of the building, "What's going on?"He noticed me crying while everyone looked all excited.

"Liam's famous," Roy said casually.

"It's a long story, "I whispered.

"Yeah, okay."He shrugged, "Can we talk?"

I nodded and turned to everyone who suddenly had an awkward look on their faces.

"We'll see you at your place later to talk some more," Tess said.

"Okay, "I waved everyone goodbye.

I turned back to Brady and crossed my arms above my chest, waiting for him to say something.

"Look, Liam, I'm sorry for acting like a dick to you just now."He said seriously, "I just ran into Ryan and I kinda pissed him off. The guy is unpredictable and I just freaked out when you left without telling me."

"No, I'm sorry."I said softly, "You were only doing your job."

"Hey," He said softly and raised my chin up, "You're not just a job to me."

"So, we're okay?"I asked.

"Are we?"He asked.

I tiptoed my feet and planted a small chaste kiss on his lips, "You just made my day a little less crappy."

"You think your day is bad?"He let out a humorous laugh, "Wait until you hear of mine."

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