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Brady Hutton

So, Liam and I were sitting next to each other in probably the most awkward dinner I have ever been to. I recently told Sheriff Rawley about my endeavor with Liam and so far, he hasn't really been terrible about it.

"Okay, now for the serious talk."Sheriff Rawley started, "The truth is, I don't care if the two of you together but I need to know if this is the right move for the two of you. You, Liam, just moved here, and can you really juggle between the school election, exams, college applications, and now a boyfriend?"

"I mean, we support each other in any way we can."Liam glanced at me, "I don't think either one of us will ever let our relationship get in between my education and his work."

"Okay," His father nodded, "Now, you can go and leave me with Hutton? I need some man-to-man talk with him."

Liam hesitated and turned to me with a frown.

"It's okay," I assured, "I'll be up to check on you in a minute."

Liam nodded and let go of my hand. I didn't realize he held was still holding it after it being there for so long.

"So, Hutton, "He started after Liam left,    "I mean this with all due respect, are you sure you are mentally capable of being in a relationship? I know that what happened with your parents was years ago but I've seen you break down from the littlest thing and do you really want Liam to see that? I don't know what they diagnosed you with but it looks like PTSD and your episodes are not pretty. Especially the one earlier this year."

Maybe I was a little offended that he suddenly diagnosed me with a mental disorder because it was so much more than PTSD. I'm not getting into it but at the moment, I just needed him to know that Liam and I were okay.

"Look, Sheriff Rawley, "I started, "I know that you're looking out for your son and all but am sure that I can control myself when I'm around him. I know that my situation right now ain't perfect but he makes me want to get up in the morning and make me excited for my days. I'm not gonna lie, it's been rough even after so many years but I can assure you that I haven't had any episodes after I met him."

He was quiet for a few seconds, trying to process everything that I said, "You got this from dating only after a few days?"He finally said.

"No, "I chuckled softly, "Even when we were just friends, he had that magic around him that can make my day better."

"I can't argue with that."He said sarcastically, "If you weren't even searching for it, you got my blessing."

"Umm...thanks I guess, "I said awkwardly.

"Also, no sex in the house, the cop car, the station, or better yet, don't do it at all."He added, making me choke on my drink and cough.


I walked into Liam pacing around his room with his arms crossed above his chest. That was the first time I ever got inside of Liam's room and couldn't help but look around at the light cyan-colored wall, well-arranged books on the table, the bed with blue sheets that looked like someone hadn't slept in for days because of how clean it looks. The room was...tidy.

"What did he say?"Liam asked seriously, "I really hope he didn't scare you off or anything."

"He did, a little."I said casually, "But it won't send me running just yet."

"I'm just glad that you're here now."He hugged me and rested his head on my chest. I was surprised by his sudden intimacy because we haven't dated for that long and we haven't really been able to touch each other, the way we were doing now. I froze for a few seconds before finally hugging him back and rested one of my hands on his hair with the other on his waist.

It was weird for me to have someone that appreciated me the way that Liam did because I had always been a loner for the last few years and I never had someone like Liam in my life after so long.

"You are by far the best thing in my life."I whispered in his ear, "I don't deserve you."

"Hey," He backed away quickly and his eyes filled with sympathy, "Where is this coming from? Of course, you deserve me, better even."

"I was trying to be romantic," I said sarcastically even though it was not true. I said what I wanted to say and might have had opened up a bit too much.

"So, I'm not by far the best thing in your life?"He rolled his eyes.

"Well, it's kinda hard to compete with Dexter, video games, and boxing."I teased.

"You box?"He raised his eyebrows.

"Of course you would ask about that."I rolled my eyes," Literally no one asks me about my video game hobby."

"Brady," He said seriously, trying to dig for more information.

"Yeah, I box sometimes but it's nothing professional."I shrugged and sat down on the bed, "Barely compete in anything, and even if I do, it's just underground stuff."

He sat down next to me, "How did you get into that?"

"You're not gonna believe me."I pointed out.

"Try me."He said and I just realized how much I was already opening up to him, more than I've had with anyone else. I didn't know why I was doing it but there was something about him that made me comfortable to open up.

"Ryan trained me while we were on the run and we did a lot of illegal underground boxing for some cash ."I explained, "I still train sometimes but those days are far behind me."

"I would love to see you box sometime." He said with a smile, "It's kinda sexy actually."

"Trust me that there is nothing sexy about getting your face busted up by a grown man when you were sixteen."

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