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Brady Hutton

Mr. and Mrs.Jones were silent while I sat across from them on the couch. Maybe showing out of nowhere was crazy but the twins are the only family I have left and knowing that they live 40 minutes away, I needed to see them.

The both of them just stared at me like I was a ghost, most likely worried that I was trouble,

"I'm not here to take away your children if that's what you're thinking"I clarified.

"We would never think that." Mrs.Jones said softly.

"Why are you here?" Mr. Jones asked seriously and with that tone, I knew that he was uncomfortable with me around.

That was not an easy question to answer since I didn't even know what I would do once I see them but I was already there and should definitely figure it out.

"I just wanted to see how they are doing, "I mentioned.

"They have piano lessons."Mrs. Jones said softly, "But you can not see them yet."She said regretfully, "You seem like a nice guy and all but what happened to them before we adopted them was traumatic and we did not want to remind them of that tragic day."

"I understand that but I am his family."I said calmly, "I was in the foster care system for so long with no family, and not being able to see them hurts."

They were both silents for a few seconds.

"We didn't realize that you existed." Mr. Jones said out of nowhere, "If we had known, we would have adopted you too."

"I was sent to a group home."I pointed out, "There was no way you would have even heard about me."

"You seem like a nice guy, Brady." Mr. Jones said, "In due time, we will let you see your siblings but we need to get to know you a bit more first."

"Yeah, okay."I sighed, "If that's what you want."

"We have to take off now." Mr. Jones took his jacket, "But we promise that we will contact you so that we can get together and discuss this. Write down your number."He gave me a piece of paper and a pen.

Liam Rawley

I decided to surprise Brady at his house by cooking dinner for him. I was not the best cooker but my mom had thought me how to make good pasta a while back, which is the only thing I was able to cook.

Brady mentioned earlier that he would arrive before 8 and that gave me enough time to set the candles on the table and made the lights dimmer.

Maybe I was going overboard but I just wanted to have a nice night with Brady.

It didn't take long for me to hear the door open and I assumed that it was Brady.

"If there's anyone in here, show yourself," Brady said from a distance, thinking that I was an intruder.

"It's just me, "I announced and went to where he was.

"Who sent you?"He asked seriously, "You shouldn't have come here alone, Liam."

"I just wanted to surprised you, "I mumbled.

He followed the light and walked into the kitchen that I set up all romantically.

"I'm sorry for wanting to something nice for you," I muttered and crossed my arms above my chest, quite upset that he wasn't excited about what I did for him.

"No, I'm sorry."He cupped my face, "This is really nice, Liam. I appreciate it."He looked deeply into my eyes, "I appreciate you."

"Will you sit down and have dinner?"I asked.

"Yeah, of course, I will."He sat down on a chair, "This smells amazing."

"I don't know."I shrugged, "I think I added too much spice."

"Let's try it first."He suggested and I placed a plate of pasta in front of him and did the same for myself.

I took a bite of the food and my mouth burned from how spicy it was.

"This is good."He lied even though his face was turning all red. He chugged the water quickly.

"I'm sorry, this is way too spicy."I coughed, "You don't have to eat it."

"Nah," He said casually, "This is good."He took a spoonful of the pasta in his mouth, "This is so good."He moaned.

"Brady, you don't have to-"

He coughed, "I need more water."He went to the fridge and drank water from a plastic bottle, "You did really great, I'm just an asshole for not being able to eat it."

"Brady, "I chuckled and stood up to stand in front of him. I wrapped my arms behind his neck, "You're not an asshole for not eating my food. You're an asshole for drinking from a plastic bottle. You do know that those things are killing a bunch of animals."

"I recycle."He pointed out, "I think I have this bottle for a year now."He looked at it before shrugging and taking another sip.

"I don't know why I find that sexy."I joked and tiptoed my feet to press my lips on his. He melted into the kiss and wrapped his arms behind my waist, slipping his tongue inside my mouth. We followed the sync of each other mouths before he realized how fast we were going and backed away.

"Liam," He said breathlessly, "We should stop."

I was silent for a few seconds.

"What if I don't want to stop."I said seriously, "What if I'm ready to do it now?"

"I want to do it too, Liam."He pushed the side of my hair back, "But we shouldn't rush it."

I should have been upset that Brady didn't want me in that way but I was glad that I meant more to him than just sex.

"Yeah, you're right."I sighed, "I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing."He rolled his eyes, "We should just continue our date."

"Can we just lay on your bed for the rest of it?"I asked with a grin.

"It's better than killing my taste buds."He teased.

"Jerk."I shoved him playfully.

He wrapped his arms around my shoulder and chuckled before pressing his lips on the side of my head while he leads me to his bedroom.

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