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Liam Rawley

"So he is coming over for Saint Patrick's day?"Laurel asked me.

"Vote for Tess."I gave a student the flyer and turned to Laurel, "Yeah, my father didn't want him to spend it alone especially after everything he has done for me."

We were putting flyers all over the school to remind everyone to vote for Tess. The election was not until a month but we were still behind because of how late Tess joined in. She was getting ready for the debate with Dan because he was the smartest one of all of us and Roy was with her for "support".

"My family at my father's side usually goes all crazy during this time of year and I don't think I'll be able to breathe this weekend."I added.

"You'll survive."She chuckled.The holiday wasn't until the weekend so I still had time to prepare for my family.

As for school, everyone had been very terrible to me after the viral photo of me kissing a boy. Most of the boys make fun of me while the girl wants to be friends with me. I was just lucky that I had my friends to get me through all of it.

I walked with Laurel to put some flyers somewhere else but accidentally bumped into someone. It didn't take me long to realize that the person did it on purpose and I dropped all of the flyers on my hands.

"I think you drop a little bit of your masculinity there."The guy made fun of me because gay people are not masculine apparently.

"Yeah, well at least he has some."Laurel shot back and dragged me by the hand to get me away from him, "Ignore him."She clenched her teeth and it seemed like she was angrier about it than I was.


I tried to ignore everyone saying mean things to me in class and waited for the teacher to passed out our marks from a previous exam.

"Good job, Mr. Rawley." Mr. Harper said after putting my paper with "A-" written on the top end.

"Three points for Gayffindor."Some guy said loudly.

He didn't even try to be creative.

"Oi, Harry Potter nerd" Tess snapped,         "If you want to make a stupid nerdy reference then do it to me. I dare you to say something like that to my face."She went to the guy and shoved him.

"Mr. Harper, this girl is bullying me."The guy said, sounding all scared.

"Well, this girl is tired of you hetero norms making fun of my friends like that. And you got a fucking D in English.ENGLISH!What fucking language do you speak? Maybe if you learned something in class instead of making fun of someone with your geeky reference then you might learn something. But no, you spend all your time jacking off to hentai and making fun of people."

Everyone clapped at that and started to cheer for Tess as the boy finally shut up.

"That's enough."Mrs. Harper said angrily, "To the principal's office, now, Miss McNelly."

"Vote for Tess McNelly as your school body president."Tess said loudly while walking out and that made everyone cheered for her even more.

She sure got my vote.

After class, I went to our usual spot, the outdoor area of the cafeteria.

I sat with the group, "So, Tess went crazy."Was the first thing I said.

"Oh, we know."Dan said sarcastically, "It was kinda awesome tho."

"Someone recorded the entire thing and everyone is in love with her."Roy said with a smile, "She made me proud today."

"I kinda feel bad tho."I said seriously, "What if she gets in trouble?"

"Don't worry."Laurel assured, "The school doesn't tolerate homophobia and sexism. She's fine."

"She was so badass, man."Roy said out of nowhere, "Like, I knew that I like this woman but I think I may be in love with her now."

"Aww, "Laurel swooned, "You should go and tell her that."

"I can't."He sighed and for the first time, Roy seemed sad," She has a lot going on, I shouldn't throw that on her."

"You worried she gonna freak out?"I asked softly.

"Yeah," He said honestly, "But hey, I can wait another month or so."


Me: Pick me up a little late...My friend has a debate thing and attendance is mandatory for all students.

I texted Brady so that he won't wait up for me.

Brady: How late?

Me: An hour...Maybe less.

Brady: What about Dexter? :(

Me: We might have enough time for one episode.

"We need you here," Dan called and I followed him.

"What's wrong?"I went to where everyone was preparing.

"I can't do this."Tess said and it sounded like she was freaking out, "How am I supposed to talk in front of everyone? This is a stupid idea."

"Tess, "I said softly and squeezed both her hands, "You don't have to do anything if you don't want to."

"Liam, "Laurel cut me off, "Not helpful."

"I'm serious."I clarified, "But what you did for me today was awesome and you can do more of that as president. Many students are being bullied just like me and you're the only person that can make a difference. So, you don't have to go if you don't want to but I would love it if you do."

Everyone, including Tess, was quiet.

"Let's go kick some hetero asses."Tess stood up.

All of us went to our seats in the front as Tess went up the stage with Cindy and another guy.

Everyone seemed to love Tess as the second she stepped on that stage, people went crazy for her.

She started her speech and talked about some important stuff before she was finally going on the closing.

"And lastly, "She started, "My Vice President will be...Liam Rawley."

What now?

She gestured for me to get with her on the stage but I just froze.

"Go, "Laurel gave me a push.

I was shivering as I made my way up to the stage and stood next to Tess, "Give him a big applause, will you?"

Everyone cheered for me and at that moment I knew that I was fucked.

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