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Liam Rawley

Brady sent me home the next morning and I was greeted by my father. Brady went inside to put my bags down and left them on the floor.

"How was the trip?"My father asked me.

"It was good," I said awkwardly even though I twisted my ankle and ended up being the only sober one the night before.

"Did they drink?"My father asked Brady.

"They did."Brady mentioned, "But I made sure that Liam didn't have any."

Talking about a nark.

"Good, "My father shrugged, "You can go and get some rest now. You have already been helpful the last few days."

Brady nodded and went to the front door. He noticed me looking at him and he gave me a small nod before leaving.

"Is he treating you well?"My father asked me, referring to Brady.

"I guess."I mumbled, "I mean he is nice and all but he's really intense."

"Yeah, that's Brady."My father let out a soft chuckle, "That's why I asked him to look out after you. People in this town are smart enough to not mess with him."

"What's his story?"I finally asked. Brady was like an enigma. He rarely talks about himself and I was just so curious about him.

My father hesitated for a second before finally opening his mouth, "He was raised in this town. His father, Harrison was a lawyer and we worked together a lot in a few cases. Anyways, 4 years ago, he came back home from school and found both of his parents murdered and from the looks of it, the person who did it knew what they were doing. We tried to inspect the people that Harrison had put behind bars but we got nothing. I remember walking into the crime scene and I was just disgusted."

"That's terrible," I said softly.

"All I know is that Brady hasn't been the same after that. He barely slept for the last 4 years and he gets triggered easily. I've seen one of his episodes and it's not pretty. He only became a cop to find out who did this to his parents and put them behind bars. I doubt that he'll find them any time soon."He explained, "But other than that, he's a great kid and one of the best deputies I know. So, you're in good hands."

There was so much more to Brady than I thought. All this time, I thought that Brady being all tense and scary was because it was a generic cop thing but it wasn't. I judged him way too quickly and I was wrong for that.

"Oh, and you should call your mother."My father reminded me, "She's been trying to reach you yesterday."

"Okay."I nodded, "Now?"

"She said anytime so..."

"I'll just do it now."I shrugged and took out my phone to face time her.

It beeped for s few seconds before she finally picked up.

"Hi!"She said excitedly since this was the first time I called her ever since we went our separate ways, "You look so skinny? Doesn't that sorry excuse for a man feed you?"

"I'm right here."My father announced but she did not care.

My parents were not on the best of terms because everything ended badly between them with my mom getting a job to work in the city and my father, who used to be an alcoholic and had a real bad temper. I've seen some beer bottles laying around but he doesn't seem to be drinking that much ever since I've been around.

"How's France?"I asked.

"It is beautiful, love."She said and I adored how happy she sounded, "I want you to come and visit me this summer."

"I would love that."I smiled widely.

Brady Hutton

The perks of being the youngest deputy in town are no one really talks to you in the station because the old cops think they are above you and the young think that you're an arrogant prick. Some might hate being looked down at but for me, I don't really care what these people think of me. Most of them were at least 20 years older than me and I don't have anything in common with any of them.

I stopped by the station just to pick up the earphones that I left before the trip.

I did not hate being with Liam 24/7 but I just feel like I'm missing in all the action that I could get when I'm not babysitting a grown teenager. Liam was nice and all but his friends were just annoying,

I was wearing a blue tank top and grey sweatpants while on my way to the park with the earphones I just took.

I put on Lose Yourself by Eminem and started the run. The feeling of the cold breeze and the music that hypes me up would always make me forget about everything. My mind is always filled with questions and the only way to forget about it is to do any type of outdoor activities.

I jogged through a small tunnel in the park and noticed some sketchy guy standing inside with shades on while smoking.

I then noticed some people crept up from behind me but it didn't seem like they noticed that I know of their presence.

I am very observant and I knew that these people were planning something.

On my 8 o'clock the guy with the shades had his and on his right pocket, which means that he had some kind of weapon that he could pull out at any moment and my 6 o'clock, although I couldn't see them, there was a mirror on the front top of the tunnel and there were 3 of them. Four people in total.

As I predicted, the guy in the shades took out a knife.

My first plan was to go for the guy with the shades but that would just leave me vulnerable for the other 3.If I went for one of the 3, they could easily gang up on me.

I looked through my surroundings and saw a big rock.

I took the rock and threw it at the guy in the middle of the three, making him passed out on the ground, and went straight to attack the guy in the shades by kicking him on the stomach proceeding with my knees hitting his face, making him gasped.

And then there were two.

"You guys look like smart men."I remarked, "Best if you walk the other way."

One of them had a nervous face on, "Let's get out of here, Ron."He said to his buddy.

"No," Ron spat, "This asshole needs to get what he deserves.

I was nervous as the guy was way bigger than me but I tried not to show my fear by raising my fist up.

"It's your funeral."The other guy said and ran away, leaving Ron alone.

"Coward, "Ron yelled.

"Hurry up, I have to get some lunch later, "I said casually.

The guy came running in my direction and I immediately sweep his legs, making him fall face-first to the ground but he was still hadn't passed out as I planned even though he was bleeding a lot.

He got up and threw more than four punches but I managed to avoid all of it except for the last one and that one kinda hurt but not enough to knock me out.

He was getting exhausted and so, I lead him near the wall. As he was about to punch me one last time, I avoided it and he punched the wall behind me, making him vulnerable. I took the opportunity to throw a kick onto his face and that took him down.

I wanted to go reported it but I wasn't in uniform and it was not my problem what happened to them after that.

I assumed that they were Ryan boys because they most likely wanted revenge after what I did to their friends a few days ago after Ryan forced himself onto Liam.

I put on my earphones and jogged like nothing happened even though I felt my hand swelling and the black will probably hurt the day next day.

Deputy HuttonWhere stories live. Discover now