15. The Letters She Wrote Part 1

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Levi's Pov:

She left....

She left us. We made her leave, there's no denying the outcome of this. A part of me is hoping she would come back, but there's no chance she will.

We were all sitting down debating if we should open (Y/n)'s present. Hange and the others did want too but I didn't feel like opening them. Not in front of them.

Ymir had already ran off not wanting to get caught by us. That brat will pay for revealing it to (Y/n).

The other brats decided to open the presents up. Each present had a letter and a gift. 

Hange's Pov:

I was reading the letter (Y/n) gave to all each of us. 

Dear Hange...

The past few years that I've worked with you were a blast. Even though you did some weird experiments I couldn't help but watch and laugh.

I remember the first time you took me to the fair with the others and I just wanted to say that you are truly amazing. You are one of the few people who can read my mind, you've taken care of me when I would always come back injured.

You never fail to impress me. I love that you are always energetic and open to us. When I had first met you I thought that the years were going to be a problem. But I was wrong, every moment with you felt like paradise, it also felt like a circus.

If you're reading this then that means I'm no longer part of Ackerman Operation. I decided to take some time off and focus on myself. 

Hange do not blame yourself for this. This is what I wanted to do. I'm not even sure what to believe anymore. One thing for certain is that I did enjoy your company. I don't hate you guys at all, but I don't forgive you either.

Be the mom of the group and look out for everyone :)

Goodbye, Hange Zoe.

Reading the last part of the letter made me tear up. I don't want (Y/n) gone. I want to fix this. On the other hand I saw Eren crumbling the bottom of the paper refusing to cry.

Eren's Pov:

I didn't want to read the letter (Y/n) wrote for us since I refuse to believe she won't be coming back. But Mikasa insisted that I did.

Dear Eren...

Seeing you for the first time made me feel welcomed. You had helped me countless of times with missions.

Remember that one time when Mikasa, Armin, You, and I were both on the same mission and Mikasa decided to prank you with a rubber spider and both you and Armin got scared and you had shot a bullet into the wall while Armin almost broke his computer.

Our mission was not a success that day. Then we all got scolded by Erwin and Levi. Those were good times. 

Eren, don't ever change, stay the same. I always felt like you were my little brother. I would always have to calm you down, smack you on the head, and make you food. 

I loved play fighting with you and Jean because I wanted to make memories with you all. When becoming part of this agency I was a little anxious being around you since I didn't knew you much.

I'm glad that changed. If I had never met you things would be boring and plain, right little bro?

Protect Mikasa and Armin, they need you. Don't leave the agency, you still have tons of missions to go on. 

I won't be coming back. It was my decision so don't think you were the cause of this. These years were something, not in a bad way. Thank you for welcoming me.

Goodbye, Eren Yeager.

No. Please don't leave us. We can fix this. Right?!

Sasha's and Connie's Pov:

"Sasha! what did (Y/n) write for us?" Connie said scooting closer. I decided to read what (Y/n) wrote to the both of us.

Dear Sasha and Connie...

You're literally one of the few funniest people I've ever met. Meeting you guys for the first time made me feel like I was going to get closer to you. The poisons and bombs you and Connie used to make were very chaotic.

That one time where we all tried the poison and Historia had to take care of us for three weeks. You guys were the worst of all.

I'm glad I got the chance to meet you two. I loved how your energy matched with one another. Ackerman Operation was a blast. 

You guys are just the perfect match.

And as you know I won't be coming back. I decided it was for the best.

But maybe in the future you can make me some bombs for occasions. I'll be counting on both of you.

Goodbye, to the both of you.

"I'm really going to miss her" Sasha said eating her potato slowly. "We all will" Connie sighed leaning back on the couch.

Jean's Pov:

Wow everyone is really upset. Was I the only one who knew that this would happen? I opened the letter (Y/n) had written for me. There's probably not going to be much written though.

Dear Jeany Boy...

The days at the agency with you were something. Thank you for always backing me up when I would always get in trouble. You're a lifesaver.

When I think about the days where it was just you and me alone they were really fun. Your flirting attempts never fail to impress me. Along with your shooting skills.

I would always hoped we would go on the same mission but it never happened. I'm not sure if you still remember but when I came back from a mission all beaten up and hurt, you were the first to check up on me and ask how I was.

It really meant a lot knowing you cared for my well being. 

Hopefully one day you can win an argument against Eren.

I probably won't be seeing you anymore since I left the agency. But if we meet someday again make sure to invite me to eat and hangout. Also to catch up on things.

Goodbye, Jeany Boy.

"You didn't have to leave, you know?" I mumbled while my cheeks were flushed with redness.


A/n : Ohh myyy goodnesss. I'm so sorry for not posting as much. I'll make it up to you all!! As you can see this is the first part of the story. There will be two parts to it.

Again I apologize for not updating sooner :) Hope you all enjoy this chapter.

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