17. Levi's Letter

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Levi's Pov:

Erwin had already dropped me off while the rest of the brats went home. (Y/n) had taken everything with her. I saw her keys at the front counter and I checked in her room to see that everything was empty.

She left for good.

I carried the letter that she wrote to me. There's really no point into opening if it's going to be about criticism. I don't need that right now.

On top of that, how am I suppose to find a new assistant? I was lucky enough that the brat had stayed with me for two years. It's going to be a pain in the ass finding a skilled partner.

Narrator's Pov:

Levi had went into the kitchen to make himself vanilla tea. Most days he would prefer lemon but at the moment he was stressed. He sat down on the couch and placed the letter on the table in front of him.

He wasn't so sure if it was a good idea to open it. After all he wants to live with no regrets.

He just blankly stared at the letter in front of him while his tea was getting cold. He sat back and sighed from frustration.

He knew the others letters must of been about good times, but he never once had a good time with (Y/n). Most of the times he spent with her were mostly going on missions and killing people.

He picked up the letter and drank some of his tea. He knew he had no choice but to read the letter.

Levi's Pov:

Dear Levi...

This letter was probably the one with the most words in it. After all I had spent more time with you than anyone else.

I'm not even sure if you're reading this. You do have a bad habit of not wanting to read what's given to you. But hopefully this letter will be worth it.

I really don't know where to start, or what to say. But starting from the beginning is the only way.

You must of thought that I was dumb sneaking into the agency and stealing some weapons. You probably must of thought that there was no way I was going to steal them successfully. After all I was pretty dumb trying to go up against you and Erwin.

Being your assistant made me realized that you weren't as rude as I had thought. Sure you would leave me behind or say rude stuff but I had thought that it was just you being your normal self.

Missions with you were very hard. For some reason whenever I'm with you on missions, you always have to help save my ass. You were right, I was a useless partner. But you were wrong on one thing.

That thing was that everyday that I had spent with you were always good times. You probably think otherwise. I was like your little minion, following you everywhere and getting on your nerves. But you're actually the minion due to the lack of height you possess.

But that's not the point.

You gave me reasons to stay in the agency. I was a little bit intimidated by you at first. But throughout those years I learned that you were an actual human being. I've always wanted to express my gratitude towards you since I knew you the longest.

There are some pros and cons about you but I doubt you would love to hear about that. Instead I'm going to tell you how I truly feel about you in this letter.

One thing is that I have no regrets meeting you. I'm glad I got the chance to work along side with THE LEVI ACKERMAN.

The second thing is that I had always wanted to talk about the way you drink your tea. I was very fond of it. I know, me and my questions.

Third most important thing that I liked about you was that you were like the most perfect human being to ever exist. You master at everything.

The fourth thing was that I always felt like I could open up to you. Getting closer with you was a challenge but at the end I got to know tons of stuff about you.

The fifth thing was that I had always wanted to say Thank you. It's something that doesn't come natural from me. But saying thank you to you is something that should be important.

The sixth reason was that I had a blast working with you. Even though you take work serious, I know that you need some time off. So taking you to places was my job for you.

The seventh gratitude was that I loved how I would correct you if you were wrong and you knew you weren't right but you hate the feeling of tell me that you were wrong. After all I'm pretty sure you enjoyed it.

The eighth thing was that my most favorite time with you was at the fair. I'm surprise I got the chance to take a picture with you. After all you did save it in your camera. Don't ask how I knew.

The ninth most important thing was that my feelings had grew for you more and more everday. You may not had realized but everything that you would do would make my feelings uncontrollable.

But there is one thing that I realized. There is one and last final thing I want to tell you before you stop reading this.

I had just realized that up until I had grew looser to you. You might not feel the same but telling not telling you that was eating me alive. Levi, I grew very fond of you. I wanted to try everything in my power to stay and trust you all but I couldn't.

These years with you were unforgettable. I enjoyed every last second with you. Find someone who is a good partner, hope they aren't messy as me.

Thank you for putting up with me to the very end. I'm sorry for being such a handful. But I'm not sorry for always sticking up for myself. After all you were shocked for once when I took a picture of you. Glad I still have it.

But I learned that every time that I'm with you, it makes me uncontrollably happy. I don't know how to tell you how I am truly grateful for everyone. How I'm beyond grateful for you.

I wish I could work with you for a little longer but you know it's for the best. Don't regret anything Levi. 

I'm not mad at you for not telling me the truth. I couldn't possibly kill you or hunt you down. I care too much for you. Please realize it.

And as you can see, coming back isn't a good idea. Who knows....

I just really am going to miss seeing you and being by your side. I don't want to forget the days we spent together. How could I ever forget them?

How could I ever forget you? 


The tenth thing was that I realized that I loved you Levi. I couldn't ignore my feelings anymore.

Je t'aime Levi Ackerman.


A/n: I kind of wanted Levi's letter to be longer but my stomach was just not having it. I was kind of screamingggg writing the last part. Until next time :*). Hehehe

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