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The training went on to be a total embarrassment for the many boys that doubted Jimin's skills. Not only is he amazing with firearms, his skill in many different fighting techniques made everyone wonder what kind of life the boy has had, to become this talented and experienced.

Jimin wipes his forehead to flick sweat drops that rolled down from his hairline off while he helps with packing the equipment. Little did he know, someone was watching him like a hawk from the other side of the room.

This someone has a sore jaw from crunching his teeth together and an eye twitch that can't seem to deactivatie when they look at the new kid.

Jimin is too happy to notice the death stare burning into the back of his head, the adrenaline and thrill of the day making him oblivious to any meanspirited behaviour regarding any of his six teammates.

He doesn't like that they lied about the date of the job and it's actually tomorrow instead of today, but the rush he got when he shot that first bullet makes it all worth it.

The ride home is filled with bickering and sighing, but to Jimin it sounds like music to his ears because this must be what it feels like to have a family.

They arrive back at the house and Jimin feels a pat on his shoulder from Yoongi, who smiles a gummy smile to him which makes the boy's stomach flutter.

"I'm hungry." Jungkook complains as he almost falls out of the car due to a push from Seokjin.
"Eat shit then."

The lot laughs as Jumgkook mumbles some insults that he wouldn't dare say out loud and walk into the house.

Meanwhile, a certain someone has been silent ever since the training, walking behind the group with his arms crossed over each other and a vile look on his face.

A million thoughts roam through his head as he watches the boys laughing and making jokes. How come they feel good and he feels like absolute shit? How come he can't seem to place the weird feeling that's almost making him nauseous.

Once inside, the group seperates from each other to do their own respective things. Some go to the kitchen to grab something to eat, some drop down on the couch to watch tv or fall asleep, and one heads upstairs to take a shower.

The nauseating feeling returns as he watches Jimin climb the stairs, seemingly with nothing on his mind, which only infuriates the man.

No one notices him as he heads for the stairs and makes his way over to the bathroom he sees Jimin walk in.

He almost feels like he has to puke when he stops the door from closing by putting his foot infront of it. Jimin turns around and his eyes widen for one second before turning into a smile. A smile that almost sends the other man over the edge

"Hey Taehyung."

Taehyung steps in and closes the door behind him, making sure to not lock it.

"Hey." He grumbles back annoyed, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

Jimin studies the man's body language and is quite surprised to notice that for once, Taehyung isn't acting as hostile as usual to him.

"What's up?" The smaller asks, a bit confused as to why Taehyung is here. This is the same bathroom where... A shiver comes over Jimin's spine but he hides it, not feeling like thinking about it now.

Taehyung doesn't even know why he's here and what he wants to say, his head is too full. A deep sigh brings him back to the normal condescending tone he holds and he looks down at Jimin with a smirk.

"Do you know what I did before I came here?"

Jimin shakes his head. Maybe Taehyung told him, but stuff like that doesn't matter now anyways, the past is the past and now they're new people, stronger people.

"I was a whore." Taehyung walks away from the door and chuckles. "I was selling my body ever since I was just a child. Disgusting men and women would pay to rip a child's innocence apart fot their own pleasure."

He sits down on the closed lid of the toilet and continues.

"And just like any whore, I was always on the receiving end, spreading my legs and letting anyone do whatever they wanted to me without getting to say anything. Before I was saved by Boss, I had never known what it felt like to be in control. So when I came here, I promised myself that I would never let someone take control over me, ever."

Jimin has never been this confused, but stays quiet anyways. If someone tells you somethung like this, you don't question it.

Taehyung sighs, his signature smirk still standing. "I have never looked back on how I was back then and I never intended to."

Jimin tilts his head, finally saying something after the taller's story. "Intended?"

The elder almost looks like he's turned insane by the weird laugh that follows Jimin's question. He slaps his knee and cracks his neck while he gets up again, walking towards the pink haired boy.

"Today at practise, you made me feel sick. As i watched you being almost perfect in every category, my stomach was turning and I had to concentrate not to throw up."

"Ouch, that doesn't hurt." Jimin returns, not knowing why insulting him is part of this little thing Taehyung has going on.

"No, you don't get it."

Jimin only now notices that the taller has come a significantly amount closer and stays alert, not wanting hisory to repeat itself.

"That feeling can only mean one thing."

He widens his eyes slightly when Taehyung leans forward.

"I want you to fuck me, Pup."

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