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"Hey kid."

I look up and greet the man that just entered our house, nodding my head at him. He laughs and rubs my head, which i truly despise.

But i have to endure it. I have to stay calm and friendly as these strangers enter the house at any given moment of the day.

"Youre not gonna greet me properly?" He asks with an amused face, like hes enjoying talking down on me like this. Even though it wont surprise me if he did.

"Hello Arthur."

"Arent you a smart little thing, remembering my name."

I look the man that came in up and down and wonder if he truly is stupid. He should, just as I, have the name, face, occupation and background of every person that could possibly enter your house memorised. At least I have to, I need to know everyone in order to live, in order to keep us save.

The fake smile that sees the light of day more often than my natural one graces my face as I lead the man to another room. Once entered, the fake smile disappears when I lay my eyes on the most sweet and beautiful woman to have ever lived. Overly excited, I jump in her arms and bask in the warmth of her embrace, wishing it will never go away.

But sadly, as do most things, it goes away and I'm told to leave the room with the tingling sensation of comfort and safett in the form of two slender arms that were wrapped around me just a few seconds ago.

I count down the seconds untill she comes out and once again, run to her when she does.

"Do you want to come to work with mommy?"

I glance at Arthur, whos standing behind her with his arms crossed. The look on his face makes me want to punch it gone, maybe that will teach him not to look down on people like that.

"Do I have to work too?"

Every time it goes the exact same way. She asks me the most obvious and simple question and I ask the hardest one back. I'll look away as her eyes sink and a tired smile forms on her face, then she'll say yes. We'll both wish I hadnt asked it, because the only thing it does is cause us both a feeling of hopelesness.

She'll take my hand and lead us out, both getting in the back of whoevers car it might be that day, and I will rest my head on her shoulder and pretend to have fallen asleep.

Today is a day like all others.

Jimin blinks and shakes his head, forcing his mind to stop wandering to memories that dont matter.

The woman and child that lay tired and broken infront of him look up with a look in their eyes the killer knows all too well. Some would say they are looking at him scared, terrified even. But Jimin knows its not fright.

Its nothing. Their brown eyes reflect light that isnt there while they look up at him, simply waiting.

Its a look that can be easily be wrongly identified as confusion aswell, which is what his partner apperently hinks.

The sound of skin hitting skin echoes to deep into Jimin's head. He looks over to Jungkook who just inflicted the sound upon the womans face, the elder's brows are furrowed and Jimin notices a veign on his neck he hasnt before.

"Talk or the next thing to hit you isnt my hand."
Jimin stays quiet while Jungkook continues questioning the woman, simply waiting for him to do what he does all too well.

Blood and empty tears mix together and paint her face red. There is nothing going on in Jimins head while he watches. He is simply waiting.

The woman moves her lips in a certain way, which were apperently the words Jungkook needed to hear. The sounds stop and all thats left is the weeping of the two weaker. Jimin looks at Jungkook as he signals Jimin to do what he has to. Two more deafening sounds echo through the room before it gets completely quiet. The weight of his gun seems heavier than normal.

The two continue the silence as they head out, simply because there is nothing to say. Jungkook breaks the silence to say something that matters nothing to them.

"Just because people are weaker than us, doesnt mean that they can get away with anything they want."

Jimin hears the elder sigh before the tone of his voice shifts. "Have I ever told you about how Boss recruited me?"

"You have literally only started properly speaking to me last week." Jungkook chuckles at the comment and doesnt say anything further, apparently leaving the story for another time.

The little banter-like joke Jimin made, egnites more banter and more jokes. So as the two broken men leave the broken house with two dead broken souls in it, the feeling Jimin chose to ignore disappears with every passing footstep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2023 ⏰

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