[Painted red]

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Namjoon's hand slides up to the boy's waist while Jimin's arms wrap around the elder's neck. Jimin lays his pink locks ontop of Namjoon's shoulder and giggles, a sound the man still isn't used to.

"You're bad at this."

Namjoon scoffs, glancing to the side to keep an eye on King. "Here, let me lead." In one smooth movement, Jimin has taken his hands from behind Namjoon's neck and places one on the elder's waist, the other nudging Namjoon to wrap his arms around the boy's neck.

"This feels awkward." The man mumbles, unable to not feel a little embarassed. "Well then you should've been better at dancing."

Namjoon doesn't even have time to think before he's swept over de floor by Jimin. In a blind panic, he lets his body move along with the boy's as to not trip and stumble on his dance partner's feet. Even though he has little to no experience in dancing, he's doing quite well.

And with well, he means he isn't falling.

When Jimin stands on his tippy toes to hold Namjoon's hand above his head and let him spin in a circle, the brown haired man's heart thumps. He's never really taken a good look at his new housemate and member of his team without feeling some sort of anger or resentment. He knows Jimin is pretty, but he never realised he was... pretty.

Jimin watches Namjoon blush and turn his head to the side, his heart skipping a beat because that was absolutely adorable.

A movement in the corner of the elder's eyes breaks their little moment. "King." Jimin glances in the direction Namjoon nods his head towards and they lock eyes, an equally entertained grin forming on each of their faces. The brown haired man can see something shift in the younger's eyes and it makes him all the more hyped up.

"Are you ready to kill, Angel?"

Beautiful dark brown eyes gleam a glow of red, tainted with the blood they have witnessed from the very first moment they ever opened, eyes that feed off the chaos and destruction death brings.

Eyes that could only belong to a killer.

Even though Namjoon was mesmerized by the purest form of bloodlust he's ever seen, it seems to dissapear from his sight in one blink. Jimin has left his side and is already on the move, strutting his way towards the man that will grant him the thing he has been waiting for. Being the centre of everyone's attention while still moving around as silently as an assassin, blending into the crowd of high status businessmen and people who do whatever they need to do to maintain the power that makes them stay on top.

Quickly, the taller follows, blocking out all the sounds of murmering and gossiping voices, focusing solely on the fact he can't hear Jimin's footsteps as he walks.

He scoffs quietly and grins. This kid really is a piece of work.

Right before King dissapears into a backroom, followed by a lady with beautiful red hair, Namjoon stops him. Very persuasively he asks King if they can talk privately and promises to lend him his Angel in exchange of shooing off the woman. King agrees and Jimin takes the woman's hand and kisses the back of it, then turns the hand around and kisses her palm. A blush strongly resembling the long flowy locks falling over her shoulder, covers her cheeks and nose. She bows and takes her leave, leaving all three men to stare at her as she walks away.

"You are lucky, Mr. Choi." King exclaims as they enter a private room, waiting by the entrance for the other two to enter so he can close the door behind them. "I usually don't let people talk to me like that."

The door shuts with a bang and King places his hands in his pockets. "Especially when I don't know them. Kind of stupid of me don't you think?"

Jimin has to hold back a shiver. The aura of this man is so intimidating, even though he's not nesrly on the same level as Myung-Dae.

Namjoon smiles and bows his head slightly. "Please, call me Saewoon."

It's going a bit different than planned. They already memorised the entire layout of the house, but this room was not included in the blueprints they got from their guy on the inside. Seems as though King doesn't fully trust them, and he surely isn't unreasonable for thinking that way.

Jimin has also noticed that they know nothing about the room they are in, a quick glance at Namjoon tells him they're on the same page and the two men sit down on the red leather couch placed awkwardly in the middle of the room, while Jimin continues to stand, innocently scanning the red painted walls.

As Namjoon starts up the conversation, cleverly using the exact words and phrases King wants to hear, the younger notices the hand with big, shiny diamond rings on it tap the leg its resting on. Jimin walks over and lowers himself to his knees infront of them on the floor, being ignored from then on out.

His breathing becomes heavier as he stares at the black clothed knee infront of him. King is so close to him, a body filled with pretty colors and shapes just begging for him to tear them apart. A palet of red waiting to be drawn with.

He waits untill Namjoon gets to the word he's so desperetly waiting for. The word that gives him the go to go in for the kill. He mouths the sentences coming from his teammate's lips, a conversation they have rehearsed countless times and is engraved in his memory.

"Why would you let me in on such a thing?" King answers, one eyebrow slowly rising. "What is in it for you?"

A creepily friendly smile graces Namjoon's lips. "I do it out of the kindness of my heart."

When Namjoon blinks, he doesn't see the normal black nothingness that rests behind one's eyelids. No, he sees red. Once his eyes have opened again, the bloodred of a human body has merged with the bloodred of the ugly leather couch. Two pairs of eyes both hold the same color, only one is from bloodlust and the other is from death.

Just a few shaky breaths are heard before it falls dead silent. Jimin hovers over the man for a good few seconds before pulling his knife out of the man's heart and wiping his finger across the wound.

His knife and right hand are both covered in blood.

The boy glances at Namjoon and giggles, licking the blood off the knife as if it were a popsicle and slightly cutting his tongue in the process.

Namjoon has to try his best to pretend he's not impressed. Pretend like he didn't just witness something that should have been impossible. He straightens his jacket and scoffs. "You're gonna get an STD licking some random guy's blood like that."

Jimin hopps off and wipes the last bit of blood on the knife off on King's jacket. "You know, I never hesitated, protested or asked any questions when Myung-Dae brought me to you guys."

He swiftly places the knife back in his sock and stretches his arms. "The only thing I wanted from him, more than an explanation, more than a free will, was a blood test of every single person I get to make a painting with."

The boy laughs as he sticks out his hand for Namjoon to grab. "Do you really think I would risk getting a STD from an ugly old man like him?"

Namjoon doesn't answer, nor does he asks how Boss is even capable of running blood tests for that many random people. He ignores Jimin's hand and makes his way towards the door, soundless footsteps following right behind him.

"I kinda like the name Angel."

"I bet you do."

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