[You are wanted]

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"So, I really am here to fight?" Taehyung mutters as he just got a drawn out explanation from the four.

"Yes, you were chosen by Boss to make your talents useful and train to later work for him, just like us." Yoongi answers.

This is all a little too much for Taehyung. Yesterday, he was living his everyday life, he was supposed to get a motel and sleep on a bed and then go back to the street.

And now, suddenly he aggreed to be a part of the mafia. This isn't where he's supposed to be.

"No, that can't be. There must be a mistake." Taehyung says, getting stressed out by the second.

"Mistake?" Namjoon asks. "Boss told us you beat up 4 boys on your own. You sound like a real warrior to me."

Taehyung can't take this anymore, his whole body starts shaking and his eye starts twitching.

He jumps up, away from the boys and looks at them with wide eyes. "No, you don't understand, I am no fighter. I-I don't deserve to be here, to be apart from this group. I'm a whore, I-I can't fight."

His heart keeps beating faster by the second. "No, I think you understood Mr. Yi wrong. I'm here for your guys pleasure."

Taehyung starts to frantically undress again, it being the only thing he knows.

He has been homeless for about as long as he can remember, been selling his body ever since he was twelve.

It's the only thing that makes him, him.

"Taehyung, stop." Seokjin says calmly as he approaches the stressed out boy who's trying to rip the clothes off his body.

It feels like he's stuck in a cage.

He gets tangled in the huge sweater and he drops to the ground, crying hysterically when it won't come off.

Seokjin crouches down infront of him and Taehying grabs him harshly by the shirt, loud sobs leaving his body as he can't control his breathing anymore.

He looks at Seokjin with pleading eyes, desperate to find himself again, desperate to know where he belongs. "Please, please fuck me. I beg you, anyone, or you all, I can take it. Please fuck me, please I-I don't-."

Seokjin removes Taehyung's fists from his shirt and picks him up, carrying the crying and kicking boy to the bed.

He lays him down and sits next to him, petting his hair untill the sobs die down and they're replaced with soft snores.

Seokjin sighs and gets up, running a hand through his hair.

"That is one fucked up kid."


This feels so nice.

Is this heaven?

Did I finally die?

Everything is so soft.

Taehyung rolls around in the feathery feel of the clouds above when suddenly he feels a weight on him.

It's a blanket.

Wait, this isn't heaven, this is a bed. Why am I in a bed?!

He sits up, rubbing his eyes as he looks around. Slowly, he starts remembering the events of yesterday. He must've slept for a whole day considering he fell asleeep with the sun out and woke up with the sun out as well.

The beds next to him are empty. Fuck, he really embarrassed himself. "Makes for a good first impression." He mumbles sarcastically.

Still wearing the hoodie from the day before, he walks out of the room and down the stairs.

Amazed by how big this place actually is, he doesn't notice he's walking into a kitchen filled with the people he embarrassed himself infront the day before.

"Good morning."

Taehyung jumps at the sudden sound, his body stiffening. "Hi?" He answers, unsure of what to say.

"You get one day of rest, tomorrow you begin training. We will be seperated from eachother considering you're a beginner. But we all get off at the same time. You have to be showered and ready tomorrow morning by eight. Got everything?" Hoseok asks, staring the boy down.

"Yup, got it." He answers awkwardly as he sits down on one of the chairs.

"Are you okay?"

He should lie.


"Are you sure?"

Lie again?


Yoongi gets up and takes a seat next to the young boy. "Listen, Taehyung. It doesn't matter what you've done in the past. We've all done stupid fucked up shit, but that doesn't defy us anymore. Boss took us in because he saw something in us, something special, something worth spending time on."

He sets a hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

"You are so much more than a prostitute, I can see that. I mean, taking on four people when when your arms look like spaghetti noodles? That takes talent."

Taehyung can't help but laugh with them.

"From now on, we will help you to become the man you are destined to be. You may be fucked up, but you got that in common with us, we're all fucked up."

A small smile creeps across Taehyung's face as he hears the next few words.

"We are all wanted."

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