[The greeting]

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In this story, Jimin is younger than all of them


"Boys, don't be rude and say hello."

The order from their boss brings the six men back to reality as they were all not so sublety staring at the boy infront of them.

Jimin extends his hand to Namjoon, who's standing the closest to him and Namjoon shakily takes it.

Too many emotions are flowing through his body. He had so much anger filling him up to the brim and then this beautiful, innocent, cute boy kicked that anger right out of him and replaced it with little butterflies.

But the hate he's supposed to have towards this stranger, bubbles back up once he shakes his hand. This Jimin guy may look like he won't ever hurt a fly, but he's still the reason for him disappointing his boss.

With narrowed eyes, Namjoon stares at the younger. "Namjoon."

Jimin nods and moves onto the next, the men all awkwardly saying their names, embarrased by how bad they were talking about this cute boy and his sweet smile before.

Once Jimin arrives at the last one in line, Jungkook, the brunette can only stare down at the hand infront of him. So many thoughts are flowing through his mind, he want to take the hand, he wants to feel the soft skin and cold metal of the rings on his palm, but he can't, so he looks up at the younger male and smiles, nodding his head. "My name's Jungkook."

When Jimin realises Jungkook won't take his hand, he pulls back and places it back into his pocket, not seeming to care about the refusal.

"As with previous arrivals, you will have the day off. I'll also allow you to have a free day tomorrow so you can get to know eachother better, since this might be more difficult than before."

Everybody nods while staring at their boss, Jimin looking like he's kind of bored.

"I already explained everything to Jimin, so you won't have to enlighten him on anything training or work related. I'll leave now and I'll come back in two days to pick everyone up for training."

Namjoon furrows his eyebrows at that. "But our training days are over sir, how come you want us at training again?"

Myung-Dae sighs, running a hand through his grey hair. "To bond, boy. Now stop complaining and welcome your new teammate."

The man walks to the door, leaving his boys behind confused and upset. Before he leaves, he turns around to say one more thing.

"If you guys aren't best friends by the time I come back, there will be consequences."
And with that, the door slams shut.

Everyone just expectantly looks at Jimin, waiting for him to start talking, everyone but Namjoon. The brunette grits his teeth and stomps off, away from the rest with Jungkook running after him.

"I'll make sure not to take that personally." The boy laughs, earning smiles from the others.

"Yeah, he's just very on edge, don't mind him. So, you said your name was Jimin right? How old are you, kid? You look really young." Seokjin asks, one eyebrow up.

"I'm eighteen."

Hoseok whistles in responds, realising the age gap and laughs. "I suddenly feel really old."

Seokjin nudges his side and joins him. "Yah! How do you think I feel?"

Jimin can't help but smile at the pair teasing and making fun of eachother. He then turns to Yoongi, who greets him with a wide gummy smile which Jimin finds adorable.

When turning to Taehyung, the blonde just stares at the boy with big eyes. "I like your hair." He says, watching how the fluffy cotton candy on the younger's head moves everytime he laughs.

Jimin moves his hand up and ruffles his own hair. "Thanks, I like it too. Now why don't you guys show me around?"

"Hyung, please talk to me." Jungkook pleads as he's sitting next to a silent Namjoon, not taking his eyes off the floor.

"Why would Boss do this to us.." Namjoon mumbles, feeling lost and defeatend. "Are we not good enough? Am I not good enough? I've been with him for ten years, is it not enough for him?"

Jungkook sighs deeply, taking a deep breath and puts his hand on Namjoon's shoulder, making the elder look up in shock. Jungkook has never touched any of them by free will, only when absolutely necessary.

"Please don't think like this, hyung. Boss loves usa lot, especially you. Him bringing this Jimin guy here doesn't change that, but we have to do what he says. We have to let him in because if we like it or not, he'll be staying with us whatsoever."

Namjoon sighs and lowers his gaze, knowing that Jungkook's right. "Boss wants us to befriend him, but there is no way in hell I will ever be able to look at him and not remember how Boss touched me, I will never forget the feeling of his fist hitting my stomach, I just can't."

"But you have to, hyung." Jungkook mumbles.

Both their head turn when Seokjin appears in the doorway, looking at them with furrowed brows. "You guys better get your asses downstairs, now." He says through gritted teeth, and goes back downstairs.

Namjoon shakes off Jungkook's hand and stands up, adjusting his shirt and lifting his head up high.

"I won't ever accept him, Kookie, and nothing will ever change that."

Annoyed and concerned, the younger stands up too, not understanding why Namjoon's being so difficult. "And how are you planning to do that, hm? Lie to Boss?"

Namjoon smirks, turning away from the other and walking towards the hallway.


Protégés ~ OT6 x JiminWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt