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When the annoying sound of the alarm goes off, the boy quickly tries to make it stop, not really understanding how the alarm clock works.

After a few irritating seconds, he manages to find the off button. Yawning, the boy sits upright and strechtes out his limbs and immediately swings his legs across the bed onto the giant soft carpet laying spread out under his bed.

Once standing upright, he yawns again and a little squeel slips out after. "Cute." The silver-haired male says after opening the door to wake the new kid up and hearing the adorable sound.

Jimin smiles, happily skipping towards the elder and walking with him downstairs to eat breakfast. "Damn, you're happy. Can I ask why?" Yoongi chuckles as he watches the kid walk with a spring in his step.

"Yeah, today is my first day training with you guys! I'm so excited!" Yoongi coees at the adorable boy excitedly jumping up, tiny fists risen up to his chest.

"You know what you remind me of?" Yoongi asks as they've almost made it downstairs.

The curious boy looks at the other with a small head tilt, waiting for him to answer.

Even though Yoongi was smaller than the rest of the boys, he was still a bit taller than Jimin, but not a dramatic difference. Jimin found it very refreshing how he didn't have to break his neck to look at Yoongi, making him easier to talk to.

"You remind me of a kitten." Yoongi mutters, earning a weak slap to his bicep from a very pouty Jimin.

"I'm not a kitten! I'm a hitman, just like you." He mumbles sadly, hating how no one took him seriously.

"I really hope you suck, kitty. You're too pure to even be in this field of business."

Jimin just sighs and hooks his arm in Yoongi's, taking the man a bit by surprise. He hasn't talked much to the kitten since he arrived but the boy seems to have gotton comfortable with him quickly, not that he's complaining.

All the boys are eating breakfast, either sitting at the island in the kitchen or slouching down on the couch when the two enter the downstairs area.

All eyes go to the pair's linked arms but no one says a thing, they just continue to whatever they were doing.

"Jimin, why aren't you dressed?" Namjoon mumbles annoyed when he sees the boy in only a t-shirt, stopping a bit above his knee.

The boy turns to the brunette, unlockimg his arm from Yoongi's and plays with his fingers in embarressment. "Oh, I usually first eat breakfast and then get showered and dressed."

"Well, not here. Now go upstairs and shower."

Yoongi rolls his eyes and grabs Jimin's arm who has already started walking back. "Don't be such a dick Joon, if you can't handle a little leg then how about you leave the room to go jack off or something."

A growling sound escapes Namjoon's lips, but he doesn't say anything and just goes back to ignoring the younger.

Yoongi pulls Jimin towards a chair and sits him down, going to make egss for the boy.

Jimin sighs as he glances at Namjoon. This will be a long day

It's 07:58 and everyone is neatly lined up by the door, awaiting the arrival of Yi Myung-Dae.

The second the clock hits 08:00, the door flies open and in steps a very cheery boss.

"Goodmorning my boys, have you all enjoyed your two days off?" Myung-Dae asks with a smile, scanning the faces of the seven men infront of them.

"Yes, Boss." They all say in sync, except Jimin who just wonders how the six of them knew exactly what to say.

Myung-Dae sees the confusion in the youngest boy's eyes and walks over to him with a smile. "I know you're new little boy, so I'll not do anything this time."

He grabs the boy's chin and lifts it upwards to meet his gaze. "But when I ask you something, you answer." After Jimin nods sternly, the mafia boss drops his chin and walks back to face all seven.

"I know I said that you'd be going into training but I've deemed thay unnecessary, you're all big boys who can handle themselves very well." He pauses to sigh deeply, his cheery mood stil evident.

"I've got a job for you to do, a fun one at that." He walks over to Namjoon, a cold expression on his face.

"I reckon you've behaved yourself, boy." He questions, studying Namjoon's face which stays expressionless.

"Yes sir, I have. I've been nice to him."

Myung-Dae hums and looks over to Jimin. "Is he lying, boy?" He asks, one eyebrow up.

Without hesitation, Jimin shakes his head. "No, sir."

"Great! Then let's go have some fun."

I suddenly felt really motivated for this book so I wrote like four chapters at 1 am and now I'm fucking tired haha oops


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