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One year later

"Hey bunny boy!"

The young boy can barely enter the gated area before people are crowding around him, trying to take a look at the new kid.

He rolls his eyes, trying to avoid the nickname and pushing past everyone, he tries to find a spot he can sit without being disrupted.

Jungkook is in juvenile prison, a.k.a. hell.

A place filled with teenage boys who happen to be a little more problematic than your average school kid.

Jungkook always thought it was bullshit. Teenagers should be a little rebelious, they shouldn't be punished for giving out a few deserved punches.

You beat up a guy once and suddenly you deserve to go to prison. Well, that and having a long lasting criminal record but that's not the point.

He's sixteen, he shouldn't be wasting his precious teenage years locked up in a place like this.

"Hey bunny boy, are you deaf?"

Oh boy, here we go. Another douchebag who thinks he's all that because he's got everyone in the building kissing his ass.

"I heard you had a fight with a mafia guy."

Jungkook stays silent.

"How much did your daddy have to pay him to not tear your ass apart?" The boy and his minions start laughing, waiting fot the other to respond but there is no answer.

"Hey bitch boy, I'm talking to you." He roughly grabs Jungkook by the collar and pulls him up, slamming him against the bars of the gate.

"Don't fucking touch me." Jungkook growls, slowly losing his patience.

The other starts laughing again, amused by the new guy's threat. "Try me."

"Keep walking, Jeon." Jungkook is roughly being pushed forward by the guard while they walk towards his cell.

"Stop pushing me, I can walk for myself." The boy groans, feeling like the pushing is completely unnecessary since he's not even slowing down.

"If you don't beat up the other guys then I don't have a reason to take you back to your cell, so you better stop fucking complaining and keep walking."

Jungkook groans again when the man presses his baton between the boy's shoulder blades and pushes him forward, a chuckle coming from the guard when Jungkook almost falls over.

When they approach his cell, he sees another guard standing infront of it, holding the door open with a whicked grin on his face.

As Jungkook walks in his cell, he feels someone kick his back, making him fall forward, flat on his face. Confused and shocked, the boy turns around and looks up to see the two guards towering over him.

"Shouldn't we handcuff him?"

"Nah, this one is weak, we can take him without the cuffs. Plus, it's more fun this way."

Jungkook stares up at them with wide eyes as they start rapidly approaching him. He dives away quick enough to slip away from the corner they had him in and he gets to his feet.

"Don't touch me."

"Come on baby, don't make this harder than it should be."

Jungkook growls, taking in the sight of the disgusting, vile men wanting to take advantage of a small helpless boy.

Well, that's what they think he is.

"I'm sorry to interrupt you sir, but I think you want to see this."

Yi Myung-Dae and the five boys who accompany him all turn their heads when the excited employee enters the room.

"I'm kind of in the middle of something so it better be important." The powerfull man mumbles, slightly irritated.

The employee rushes over to his boss and hands him the phone he's holding with a big grin on his face.

"I think I found your final boy."

Jungkook chews on his lip nervously.

His actions in juvy have costed him quite a lot of trouble. The two guards who tried to molest him met an unfortunate fate when the little boy beat the shit out of them.

And instead of stopping when they were unconsicious, the little brunette kept going untill their chests would no longer rise and fall.

The people of the facility are currently trying to get him to court to treat him as an adult and send him to an actual prison. He ofcourse will be under supervision, considering he's still below the age of eightteen but he's too dangerous to keep here.

It's been all over the news. Some agree and say he should be properly punished for his deeds and some think it's ridiculous since he's still a kid.

But he won't survive prison.

And the boy knows this, he can't deny it. Even though he will be under supervision, the inmates and guards will find their way to him and treat him like shit.

Beaten by guards, touched by inmates and the other way around.

Jungkook is pulled from his thoughts when he hears his cell door unlock and a guard appearing instead of it. "You got lucky, kid."

Jungkook looks at him confused, not knowing how 'lucky' he can be when he'll be locked up either way.

Then, the guard disappears and in comes another man who Jungkook recognizes immediatly, he gets up on his feet and bows deeply.

"You don't want to go to prison, right son?"

Jungkook straightens his back and sternly shakes his head no.

"I can make sure that you can get out of this cell at this very moment and make sure you will never, ever be behind bars in your entire life. Would you like that?"

Jungkook looks at the man with big doe eyes, desperately nodding.

"Good, then come with me."

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