Be My Model

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My first chapter of 2021 is a fluffy one.

*Modern High School AU, Obito's an artist, Kakashi is new...guess what happens lol.*


Kakashi's first day at his new school was something he has been dreading all week. He didn't want to go through the whole 'what's your name', 'where did you come from' 'why do you wear that mask' 'what's your hobbies' bullshit or receive tons of questions at all from people he couldn't care less about. His father's job made it so that they had to move around quite often. His father had promised this would be the last time, but Kakashi didn't count on it. He never got to make friends, and if he did they were only ever temporary.

His last friend being a boy named Tenzou who was most definitely devastated when Kakashi had to go. It was probably for the best. That boy had become a bit infatuated with Kakashi. If Kakashi didn't have the excuse already that he was leaving then he wouldn't know how to let the boy down on his own. He told himself not to get too close to anyone after that.

The lack of stability that came with moving from place to place was freeing. For the most part after he left no one would remember him or care about his existence at all. So when he walked into the school, and he had to introduce himself, and he gave the bare minimum. He would try his best to be invisible. Although it was also a bit difficult not to attract attention to yourself when you had gray hair in a sea of brown and black.

"We have a new student with us here today. Would you like to introduce yourself?" The teacher with bright blond hair and blue eyes gestured to where Kakashi was sitting. The whole class turned to look at him, Kakashi saw everyone since he specifically chose to sit in the back of the class. Why do I have to do this every time? An annoyed thought went through his head as he stood up to speak.

"My name is Kakashi. I'm 15 years old." He stated rather robotically. It was simply put and there was nothing else these students needed to know. Surprised by his bluntness, the students and teacher looked at him as if expecting more. He didn't give them any other information about himself and sat back down. The teacher only looked at him for a moment then moved on. Some students looked at Kakashi either with annoyance thinking he was an arrogant jerk, or they looked at him in awe thinking he was cool. Kakashi ignored all the stares he got.

The only one who didn't notice anything about 'Kakashi the new kid' was a boy seated near the back of the class. This boy was drawing in his notebook, filling it with illustrations of birds. The book was filled with semi-realistic ravens on the page taking flight but it was so well drawn it looked like they were frozen in a still image. That must have taken a long time to get the details perfect.

It was a good thing this kid sat in the back of the class, to anyone in front of him it would look like he was diligently taking notes. Kakashi sat behind this boy admiring the way the pencil lifted from the page, taking in this boys focus and dedication in finishing the piece. This boys shading was impeccable and the ravens were so beautifully drawn Kakashi didn't focus on anything his new teacher said, only watching how the boys' drawing was coming together. But he never got to see the end result, the bell rang and the boy was shocked out of his drawing state as if surprised that class was over already. He had to frantically put his notebook and pencils away rushing out of class not giving Kakashi a glance. Kakashi's interest piqued already and he immediately wanted to know the boys name.

Kakashi didn't see the boy in one of his classes until 3 periods later. The boy was still working on his drawing but has made significant progress. It was basically done already what more could he add? Was all he doing in school was drawing?  Kakashi didn't sit close enough to make conversation, maybe he should ask the boys name in the hallway? Kakashi hoped he would be able catch him, he ran away pretty fast the last time he saw him to get to his next class on time. It would be weird if Kakashi just ran after him.

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