Take Me Home With You

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*Modern HS AU; Oh there's also, Child neglect/abuse, Anxiety, Bullying, use of homophobic slurs (which i obviously don't agree with since all I write is gay shit.) So yeah its sorta angsty and easily the longest thing I have ever written.*

Consider telling me what you thought! :)
It's fluffy as fuck at the end I got type 1 diabetes.


Kakashi always dreaded going to school. The school became a prison in just a few months. The bells signified the end of one class and just moving on to the next, each day the same routine nothing ever changing significantly. The school days were a blur never really learning anything. He used to excel in school but he lost all motivation to care about anything at this point and was content with failure.

He doesn't know when this change occurred, maybe it was when his father got fired from his job. He came home less, drinking himself half to death and Kakashi would come home cleaning up after his dad. His dad who used to adore him now his attitude taking a insanely drastic shift.

So despite what Kakashi thought about his terrible school he would still rather go to the school than stay in that house, the house with reeked of alcohol. It was either school or home, and as much as he hated school, he hated living in that house more. But even though he preferred school it wasn't like he was treated better.

"...Look it's the mutant with the weird hair..."

"...The psycho I bet he did it himself..."

"...Gay freak."

"...He's coming this way..."

Kakashi ignored the all too familiar whispers about him and moved on. He just had to keep his head down and get to class. Then he would not actually do the work, school would be over and, then come home right after avoiding his dad if possible. What a pitiful existence. Staying out too late was a terrible idea, because his Dad would definitely notice and making an excuse never worked out. Staying in his room was a better plan and then getting something eat once his Dad had fallen asleep was the norm.

Just when he thought he couldn't take this routine anymore, the light in his life arrived. But he didn't know that at the time. The boy came in rushing, his hair disheveled and his jacket half on and half off he looked like he put it on while walking in the hallway. In fact he looked like such a mess it was as if he went through a rollercoaster to get to class. He was late, and the teacher didn't fail to point it out. This kid was a new student he's never seen before, who transferred to this trash school in winter. Why would he go here of all places. Transfer kids should be going to better schools not worse ones.

"I'm sorry...my alarm—-it's my first day..." The boy's string of excuses getting nowhere with their blonde teacher. What an idiot, was Kakashi's immediate thoughts on this new boy. The kid, whose name was Obito, gave a hasty introduction and sat in the very back of the class. He probably didn't want to feel the other students' stares on him. But he ended up right next to Kakashi where no one ever sat.

Kakashi soon learned that Obito was very sociable. He seemed like the type to make friends with anyone and was popular. He was the total opposite of Kakashi. Kakashi didn't like it. At first.

"So what's your name." Obito asked almost as soon as he sat down. Kakashi looked up at him. Noticing the boys interest in him—a stranger. It was weird.

"Kakashi." Kakashi answered bluntly it wasn't a tone inviting more conversation but Obito didn't get the message.

"I'm Obito." I know stupid you just told the entire class. Kakashi bit back a mean remark. Maybe it wasn't the best thing to get the new kid, the only one who didn't know anything about you, to hate you in the first five seconds. Yeah maybe he'd try not to be the outcast asshole everyone assumed he was. Obito was the first person to talk to him in...he couldn't even remember when. Everyone just avoided him and spoke about him wherever he went.

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