I Could Never Forget You

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*Modern AU: Kakashi loses his memory of his two year relationship after an accident. Some other shit happens.This took a long time to write and I hope you like it. Although I thought this one sucked when I was writing it.*

Obito's P.O.V

I come to his job everyday, out of hope or desperation. It has been 6 months since he woke up in that hospital bed with no recognition of me. One minute we were happy then the next everything was snatched away. I have been trying to see him everyday, but he never recognized me. He didn't look at me the same way anymore. I was just another customer in the bookstore.

These past 6 months have taken a toll on me. I can't sleep easily without him next to me. I wonder if he misses me which is stupid. Of course he doesn't, you can't miss what you never had. I'm the only one who's hurting. It hurts to see him everyday but I can't escape the pull that drives me toward him whenever I pass by.

"You need to stop coming here." I hear a familiar voice, and I turn around. It's Kakashi's longtime friend, Tenzo.

"Why I'm not doing anything."

"It's not good for him...or you." He adds, and I shift uncomfortably in my seat. I always come to the bookstore, grab a book to casually 'read' without actually reading it. My eyes always look for him. They look for the recognition in his eyes I long for. But I know it won't come to pass.

"I'm fine." I say, and turn away from him. Something about Tenzo I never liked, I only tolerated him since Kakashi and him were childhood friends. I never liked the way Tenzo would fawn over him, but I was secure enough in my trust in Kakashi to not think much of it.

"You should get out of here and sleep. Worrying about him and coming here everyday has to stop. It has been 6 months since he woke up and he hasn't remembered you." He hid his annoyance behind a tone of false concern for my wellbeing.

"How would you know that exactly?" I prod looking for answers, why did he sound so hurried to get me to leave?

"He doesn't say a thing about you. He's living with me now, and hasn't spoken a word about you."

"He's living with you!?" My voice rising at my surprise I quickly tone it down considering we are in a bookstore. "...since when?!"

"Since he got out of the hospital. His landlord got rid of all the things from his old apartment apparently, and he has no family and no place to stay. He went six months without paying his rent." Tenzo explained. How could I forget about Kakashi's apartment? He was always at my house, and didn't even like his apartment but I didn't bother to go over and get him his things. I guess it slipped my mind. But for some reason I still felt like there was something he wasn't telling me. Also I didn't like the fact that Kakashi was living with him. I understood it if he had no where to go and needed to get back on his feet. Of course he'd lean on his childhood friend. I just hoped it wasn't...more than just friends.

"Fine." I said, but I would come back I just didn't want to be bothered by him any longer.

I left and thought about the day I lost Kakashi. The day I saw Kakashi in the hospital over six months ago was the worst days of my life. I got a call that day, I was listed as his emergency contact since Kakashi had no family. I was informed that he had been hit by a car and apparently it was lucky he survived, the incident was a hit and run.

They weren't expecting him to wake up so soon. After a week he wakes up, and I am there. I see his hands twitch and his eyes stir, his body shakes and I watch as the lifeless body he has been these days becomes alive once again. I stare in awe as tears well up in my eyes. I sincerely thought he would die and I would lose everything. He sits up and stares in my direction, I was too excited to notice anything was wrong. I immediately hug him, but he doesn't hug me back, in fact, he doesn't say anything.

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