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Modern AU - Yandere Obito x Kakashi
[I got a request from @PeachIvy to write a Yandere Obito x Kakashi so here we are.]

TW: Abuse + Manipulative behavior = textbook toxic relationship. Blood and...well just read it.

In the beginning it was sweet. Everything was new, and it felt like something that could really last forever. But how did that change to where they were now? When did Obito go from caring, and affectionate to obsessive and dangerous? How did he change so drastically after a few years?

Maybe he's always been that way.

Maybe I've been too blinded by his words to see it before. His sweet caresses, those kisses long felt after their lips had parted and those sweet words buried deep into his mind. He could never leave because that would be getting rid of everything they went through together. Kakashi couldn't just let go of that. It meant so much to him. It meant everything to him.

When Obito restrained him, hands above his head, and laid him against the headboard and climbed on top of him. When he blindfolded him, and spoke to him in a voice that made him tremble...why didn't he realize it then? How bad it actually was?

"Kakashi? You'd never leave me would you?"

"Of course not." Kakashi answered, wondering what this was all about. But their well built foundation of trust kept him calm. He was only a bit uneasy because sex with Obito was rather vanilla, he'd also never expressed interest in stuff like this.

"Then who the fuck was with you today?" Shit what is going on? Kakashi couldn't see Obito's face but he could tell in his voice that he was angry. But why? Kakashi thought about his day and nothing came to mind. Who he was with...? He went out to lunch with Guy earlier but he's just his friend. Why was Obito so upset by that?

"You mean Guy? He's just a coworker."

"Do you think I give a fuck who he is?" Obito was still on top of Kakashi, now leaning in testing the boundaries of how far he could go with this before Kakashi was finally and truly afraid.

"If he's just a coworker, why did I see him fawning over you? If he's just a coworker why did he—"

"It was unplanned we just—" Kakashi tried to explain but was cut off by the sudden hand grasping his neck. Why did it only take the physical force, the roughness of his grasp to finally snap Kakashi out of his haze he's been in for so long that Obito wasn't who he really thought he was.

"Don't—interrupt me Kakashi." Obito said right next to him, Kakashi felt like Obito's grip was even more tight since he couldn't actually see him. He could feel his throat constrict with the increased pressure Obito's hand was exerting, it wasn't enough to completely take the air out of him and suffocate but just enough to make him panic and make him feel like it could. Kakashi was completely helpless unable to see or move his arms to defend himself. Obito released his grip causing him to breathe in sharply the tension in the room drastically increased.

Why didn't I see it before?

Why didn't he notice anything was wrong when Obito asked—no demanded— to see his phone to see who he was in contact with.

"Don't you trust me? I'm not going to do anything." Kakashi did trust him. He really did. So he gave in, like he always does. Letting Obito see everything he did and who he spoke to. Obito always seemed to know exactly what to do or say to get him to do exactly what he wanted.

He again didn't notice when he got angry because he came home late. He was just out with a group of friends, Asuma, Kurenai and Guy.

"Am I not enough for you?!"

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