Freshly Made

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*Modern AU; How much fluffier can it get with a Coffee Shop chapter lol. Sorry if this one sucks, it's been in my drafts for weeks. Literally the worst chapter in this book.*


He came at the same time every day. Always around lunchtime. He always had to pick up multiple orders, most likely for people at his job. Was he an intern maybe? The more Kakashi saw this man the more he wanted to get to know him. It's only been a month or so since he started coming in and Kakashi got more intrigued but couldn't really understand why.

Kakashi took note of what this man ordered. None of the names seemed to be his though. He always made sure to tell Kakashi or whoever was at the counter what names to write on which drink. Konan, Pein, Deidara, Itachi. But none of them actually were his name were they?

"Here you go." Kakashi wanted to do one of those cheesy moves where he would write his number on the receipt. But since he wasn't really sure the man would see it or if he would accidentally give it to one of the other people he came here for, he didn't risk it. Asuma seemed to notice that Kakashi began to show more interest in the stranger that came in everyday during lunch than anyone else. He is observant especially when it comes to people he cares about.

"Kakashi what are you doing?" Asuma looked at Kakashi who was looking at his watch way too long. It doesn't take that long to read the time.

"Oh, nothing." Kakashi realized that the man he saw everyday at this time was late. By a lot. He didn't know why it bothered him so much considering they only spoke when it was about the orders of coffee, and Kakashi didn't know the mans name. I wonder why he's late, maybe he just won't come in today? Why do I even care it's not like we even know each other outside of the cafe.

"You're thinking about that intern who comes here everyday aren't you? Now that I think about it, he usually comes earlier. That's why you checked the time! Is he what you were worried about?" Asuma guessed correctly and Kakashi grew angry at him for mentioning anything at all. It's not like it's any of his business and how could he just see right through him and point it out like that.

"You know you should like actually make a move instead of daydreaming all the time." Asuma teased. Kakashi didn't want any more of this conversation.

"Go grind the coffee beans or something." Kakashi pushed Asuma away to the back, as Asuma smiled at him. He turned around and saw the stranger he was worried about just a minute earlier.

Strangely he looked shocked and nervous. Maybe it was the unprofessional actions Kakashi and Asuma displayed right then. They have been best friends and they acted so openly friendly with one another thinking no one was at the shop.

"What can I get you?" Kakashi asked in his standard tone used for customers. Trying to push any doubt in this mans mind of his professionalism. He didn't want to get fired especially from this job Asuma got him.

"Kakashi..." he said, his tone unsure Kakashi realized he was looking at his name tag.

"That's my name...?" Kakashi was a bit taken aback and kind of confused as to why he'd bring it up. By how Obito said his name and also why did he say it? No one ever bothered to read the names in the first place it just blended in with part of the uniform.

"Is-that your boyfriend?" Obito seemed to have a hard time getting the words out. He had been coming in everyday even when he didn't need to. Everyone at Akatsuki used to take shifts getting coffee or whatever but Obito now volunteered. He has been trying to muster the courage to ask this hot barista out. He knew Kakashi's name since he set eyes on him the first day. He read his name tag wanting a name to the beautiful face. It was the first thing he noticed besides his unusual hair color, and it's his first time saying it out loud.

But Obito never said anything other than the order every time because the fear of rejection was strong. What if he wasn't actually gay? That would be embarrassing. What if he was already dating someone? Also embarrassing. So many worst-case scenarios popped into his head. But then he saw the dark haired tanned man who was Kakashi's coworker. There's no way Obito felt like he could compete with that. Obito saw them just interacting now, and it was playful and he got a lovers vibe to it, so he forgot his fear and dived headfirst to ask the question that isn't even the question that he's been dying to ask for weeks.

"Asuma? No way! He's not my boyfriend. He's got a fiancé." Kakashi said, and Obito didn't realize how tense he was until he heard Kakashi's words wash over him. It made him feel strangely relaxed? But that still didn't mean Kakashi was single or that he was gay at all. He's not my boyfriend he didn't sound disgusted by it, or super angry about the suggestion.

"Do you uh--Are anyone?" Obito was finding it hard to get this question out and he figured he couldn't look any more stupid than he already did at this very moment. What the fuck is wrong with me? I'm never this courageous. Kakashi looked shocked at the question for a second, and knew what this was all about right away.

"No. I am not dating anyone." He paused and looked at the very flustered Obito who looked seconds away from running away.

"Why? Are you looking to become my boyfriend?" Kakashi smirked at him, and Obito grew even more red if possible, Asuma was watching this whole interaction in disbelief, this is the most forward he has ever seen Kakashi with anyone. He might have gone a bit too far with that because Obito looked dumbfounded immediately blushed and then walked away without even ordering anything.

Shit how could I just walk away like that?! What if I missed my chance? I can't ever show my face there again. But the next coffee shop is so far away I will have to get a shift sometime, and everyone is so used to me doing it now. I'll just find another job that will be easier than ever talking to him aga—

Obito's frantic thoughts were soon cut off and he saw Kakashi the very person he ran away from in front of him. Panting a bit. He ran after him. He is going to tell me to never show my face there again isn't he?

"Do you want to go on a date?" The last question Obito expected Kakashi to ask.

"Uh-what?!" Obito 's eyes were wide and his heart still pumping because of how much of a fool he thought he made of himself back there.

"Maybe...we could get coffee? At a place where I won't be behind the counter of course." Kakashi gave Obito a slight smile that just melted him. He was waiting for the right time to ask Kakashi out but he realized there would never be a right time, and he probably wouldn't even have the courage to ask him. But he seemed to have an unusual amount of courage today.

"What's your na—" Kakashi started to ask a question but Obito interrupted him to answer what he said before.

"Of course!" He said a bit too enthusiastically. But maybe he was just overthinking that part as well.


A/N: Been having writers block for KakaObi. I haven't even started any requests. I hope you sort of liked this one, it's not that good but like I said it's been hard writing them, so...

Thanks for reading!

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