Chapter 9 - Don't despise his young age

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WT 9 - Don’t despise his young age
When Madam Wan was preparing to head to the temple, Prince Heng had already ordered his student to go pray at the same temple as well.

To go there right now. 
Liu Bing was bewildered by the sudden order. "Teacher, you have never prayed at the temple before."
"That is my negligence. It is not too late to start praying. The offerings are already prepared by the servants; you just have to take them along."
"... Teacher, won't it be better for you to personally go?" His teacher was the one that wanted to pray, why ask him to do it?
"If I go there by myself, why would I still have a student?"
Unable to refute his strange teacher, Liu Bing obediently went to the temple with the prepared offerings and silently decided to ask for his career as well. With two parties arriving at the same temple at the same time, it was easy for Prince Heng's guards to execute the plan for them to meet.
Yes, Prince Heng has a great idea to be a matchmaker for his student and Miss Wan!
His student was, unfortunately, an orphan when he was just nine years old. It was also his luck to have Prince Heng picked him up as his student after recognizing his talent in recognizing words from the orphanage. 
"It's Sir Liu!" Madam Wan was the first to recognize Liu Bing and went over to greet him enthusiastically. Then she glanced around to look for Prince Heng.
"Madam Wan, it's a pleasant coincidence. Teacher sent me here to provide offerings as he is unable to make the trip personally," Liu Bing explained, with a little white lie. 
"Prince Heng is kind and generous. No wonder he is blessed," Madam Wan praised, and her good opinion towards Prince Heng increased.
As a filial student, Liu Bing would never destroy his teacher's reputation and maintained a friendly smile. "Would you like to join me, Madam Wan?"
Madam Wan lightly laughed, happy to be invited. It means that Sir Liu Bing did not dislike interacting with her. "If it does not trouble you, then I will gladly accept!"
Liu Bing and Madam Wan faithfully prayed, before they approached a monk to read their fortune. 
"Madam Wan is asking for your family's fortune?" Liu Bing inquired politely. He was just making an effort for a small talk, not genuinely curious about their fortune.  
"It’s for my daughter's marriage fortune." Madam Wan sighed. "I pray that her fortune will be good. Is Sir Liu asking for your marriage fortune as well?"
"I'm asking for my career fortune," Liu Bing corrected with a smile. 
"Career is good," Madam Wan nodded approvingly and then she suddenly thought of something. "Why not ask for your marriage fortune as well since you are here?"
Smiling without showing his teeth, Liu Bing declined. "I wish to stabilize my career first before looking for a wife. Even my teacher agrees with it."
With that answer, it would not be good if Madam Wan continued pressing. Even if Sir Liu was a good husband candidate, Madam Wan doubted he would be willing to marry into his wife's home. 
But she still hoped for this talented young man with a bright future to be her son-in-law.
Each of them politely did not eavesdrop on each other’s fortune reading and they went their own way from there. Madam Wan returned home with her daughter's marriage reading from the temple with a worried frown on her face. 
After Wan Ting heard her fortune readings, she could only say, "Mother, these readings are not really the truth. Just take it as something to ease our worry and not believe in it completely. Do not let it haunt your mind."
"That temple's reading is very accurate!" Madam Wan insisted. "I have gone to ask for my fortune in the past before. I was told I will have a good marriage and a sensible child, and it happened!"
It truly depends on a person to judge whether they have a good marriage and a sensible child or not. Fortunately, Madam Wan was a simple person and easily satisfied with her life. Her husband loved her even if she was only able to give him a daughter and he refused to accept concubines just to have a son. 
Madam Wan was very satisfied with her life.
"It's impossible to have my blessing this year," Wan Ting continued, rejecting the reading that said she will have a new family this year. She had decided to focus on her work, where would she have the opportunity to find a good husband to marry into her household this quickly?
She expected the matter to only be solved in a distant future.
"No matter how it is, I will help you to keep an eye for a good husband for you," Madam Wan promised.
"Don't sound too eager and invite bad minded people." Sitting at the side, Mister Wan had heard their conversation and admonished his eager wife. "We are not only picking a son-in-law, but also the one to carry on our family name."
The enthusiasm in Madam Wan diminished. "You are right." She glanced at her daughter worriedly. She had wanted to pick a son-in-law that her daughter would like, but that person might not necessarily be a good choice to be the next family head. 
Wan Ting noticed her mother's worried glance and knew what she was thinking. "Mom, just pick who you and dad think is good. I trust your eyes."
Mister Wan nodded, pleased with his daughter's answer and went back to handle his duties.
With her husband gone, Madam Wan could finally speak of her thoughts. She carefully looked at her daughter. "Wan Ting, what do you think about Sir Liu Bing?"
Wan Ting's expression was awkward. She immediately understood what her mother was trying to do. "I dare not pass on a comment of a gentleman that I've not known well."
Knowing her daughter was pretending to be stupid, Madam Wan changed her question. "Do you think Sir Liu Bing is a good husband?"
Wan Ting looked uncomfortable. "Mother, Sir Liu Bing is younger than me. We do not match."
"How is that a problem? There are many noble families that pick an older wife for their son. Older wife usually have calmer hearts and broader minds. Sir Liu Bing will certainly be satisfied with your age."
"Mother," Wan Ting said helplessly. "I may be older, but I dare not accept the praise of being calm and broad minded."
Madam Wan secretly sighed, unable to refute her daughter's words. As a mother, how could she not know her daughter well? Even if in her eyes her daughter was the best, she does not have a clear heart to praise her daughter to the Heavens.
Wan Ting was a lovely, lively and brave lady. She knew the four arts and also martial arts, no way worse than other ladies. But she tends to rush things and also the type to run head first into the situation before spending enough time to think it through. But after the family incident with the rebelled Long Shan, her character grew more stabilized, but who knows if she will revert to her old character after being provoked?
"How about this? Mother will send a word to ask Sir Liu Bing if he's interested in you. If he declined, no one would know other than our two parties. We will just be one of the families that had been declined marriage prospects by Sir Liu Bing."
Wan Ting pouted. "Mother, if you are certain I'm going to be rejected, why waste time asking?"
"How is that so!" Madam Wan was startled. "I'm just saying that to prepare our hearts! Who knows if Sir Liu Bing agrees with you as his wife? Without asking, we will never know!"
Wan Ting hesitated, unable to remove a certain man’s shadow from her heart. "Mother, let me think about this for a few days. There is no rush, isn't it?"
At least until she was finally able to put down the new blooming bud sprouted from her heart. She had met Sir Liu Bing, but their conversation was mostly polite greetings or the other was passing word from Prince Heng’s behalf. She has a good impression of him, but not to the degree to fall for him. 
Madam Wan also knew feelings could not be rushed. "...Alright. Think over it. But remember, Sir Liu Bing is a rare good husband to have. While he is still unmarried and just starting his career, we should take the first step. Don’t despise his young age. It means he will have a longer life to take care of you when both of you grow old."
Wan Ting laughed at her mother’s opportunist’s words. "Mother, it will all depend on Sir Liu Bing's decision."
At the same time in different residences, someone was being interrogated and pressured by a fortune reading as well.

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