Chapter 26 - The Flame Spirit was swallowed by her

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WT 26 - The Flame Spirit was swallowed by her

After the excitement of throwing herself at Prince Heng, Wan Ting once again became silent with exhaustion riding her heavily. She followed behind Prince Heng like his little tail and did not respond to the fight around her.

Because of that, Prince Heng did not join the fight and only offered some assistance from the sideline. He does not dare to test if Miss Wan would react to any danger befalling onto her in time.

It was not an easy battle by any means.

The number of their allies was drastically reduced, and Prince Heng's guards were only less than half of the original figure, causing a sharp sense of loss in his heart.

The disciple with the fashionable goatee had sacrificed himself to protect Elder Qing Shu that had suffered a serious injury. He had a deep cut on his waist and had to be bandaged to stop it from gaping open, not that losing a large volume of blood was not dangerous either.

They could not risk letting the fight go on. Escape was their priority now that the hostage was retrieved.

Jiu was very angry when he saw Wan Ting was with them, clearly alive. His Master's method had failed to let the Flame Spirit mature but instead helped the girl to some degree. He does not know what happened to the Flame Spirit, but they will need to try another method.

Regardless, he could not let them leave with her. They had been searching for a Flame Spirit for a long time and could not effort search for another.

Their sect master's time was limited.

However, even if his mind was determined, his body could not do what he wanted. A large part of his shoulder was missing, courtesy of Elder Qing Shu's mighty punch.

"No matter what, we cannot lose her!" Jiu ordered the disciples angrily. He controlled his inner energy to flare to allow other disciples from other peaks to notice their distress call. As a prideful direct disciple of the sect master, he hardly asked others for help and it makes him feel a sharp sense of embarrassment to do this.

When he gets back that girl, he will make sure to break her legs to stop her from escaping!

Perhaps Jiu's gaze was too murderous, Wan Ting broke out from her trance and met his eyes. Her pupils trembled slightly from fear when she recognized him. Even if Jiu had not treated her badly, merely gazing at her with indifferent eyes, it was exactly his unconcerned gaze that terrified her.

He was looking at her as if she was an object to be discarded after use.

A large back covered her sight and pulled her back from her disturbing thoughts. "Elder Qing Shu, it's time to make our forceful escape."

Elder Qing Shu certainly agreed with Prince Heng, as his current state was not good for battling. His pills were more concentrated on enhancing strength, not healing. That was more of Owner Yu's forte. The rest of the disciples have medicinal pills, but not a miracle pill that could instantly revive him and heal his injuries.

Pulling out a thin pipe of the length of his thumb, he blew on it, letting out a sharp, but low pitch. Wan Ting expected something to happen immediately after he blew the pipe, but nothing happened, even after a long while.

"Retreat!" Elder Qing Shu yelled at his disciples and everyone started to back away while covering each other's backs.

"Not so easy!" Jiu snarled and had his bleeding hand stabbed into the soft ground, which started to shake fiercely as if something large was crawling out from deep down.

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