Chapter 28 - I prefer having you touch me

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WT 28 - I prefer having you touch me

"May I have a word with you, Prince Heng?"

Miss Wan's question stopped his tracks and he turned back to look at her. "What is it?"

Slightly stiffening in consciousness over other people's gazes on her, Wan Ting made a request. "... Privately, if I may?"

"We could have a discussion after you have a good night's rest." Prince Heng could see Wan Ting's fatigue from her complexion and hunch back that was struggling to walk.

Wan Ting shook her head in refusal. "I will not be able to rest properly if I did not speak to you about my actions earlier."

"You acted that way because of fear. There is no need to explain it to me." Prince Heng gave her a sensible explanation for her own actions to help her.

Her nose felt a little stuffy knowing his kind intention. Does he not know that because of his kind actions, her heart falls for him even more? "That isn't the reason."

Since he does not want to speak privately, she does not mind saying it with the audience looking at them. Luckily, they had already entered the Heng manor, and those people around them were Prince Heng's people. Her explanation would also help clear up some doubts in their heart.

"That time, I'm not scared... well, maybe a little. I made that choice because I prefer having you touch me than Sir Liu Bing." Wan Ting's eyes soften. "Which maiden in love won't want the one they love to touch them? But that isn't the point I want to make or the one that you are worried about."

Prince Heng's voice was rather heavy as he was not willing to have her speak further than this. "Miss Wan-"

Wan Ting smiled, full of mirth. "My actions aren't to force you to be responsible for me or do I want you to. That was my fault, to begin with, and not yours. With only your trusted guards witnessing it, as long as they are loyal to you, they will not speak even a word of it to anyone and no one will know."

The guards: "..." Is it their imagination that they felt as if this miss was threatening them? Isn't the normal way would be the maiden threatening their master to be responsible for touching her?

"Their mouth is sealed tight and there is no need to worry about tonight's event being leaked out," Prince Heng affirmed.

Wan Ting was unaware that her eyes were full of adoration as they gazed at Prince Heng's profile under the warm light of the lantern. It makes him look softer, but his stern expression destroyed the light's effort.

She could not resist admiring his clean look, with his hair neatly combed into a silver crown, looking noble and prestigious even at this late hour. His thick, sharp eyebrows were perhaps the most likable features to her, revealing his upright and strong nature. It was also similar to Long Shan's eyebrows, which might be a trait of a strong man that she finds to be especially attractive.

Wan Ting smiled carelessly, with a dreamy look in her eyes. "This is my second time speaking of my feelings towards you."

Liu Bing: (⊙_⊙)! He had not known Miss Wan feels that way to Teacher!

Guards: Σ(°ロ°) Will they be silenced for hearing this?!

Prince Heng frowned, not liking how she had so easily spoken of such a private matter to the ears of outsiders. He started to regret his error in not granting her a private conversation just because he feared having her misunderstood his actions. "Miss Wan, we shall continue our conversation in my study."

Shockingly, she ignored his words laced with firm disapproval and continued on.

"Just because I love you, it does not mean you would feel the same way to me. I understand that clearly." She had also experienced that from Long Shan and learned her lesson. "I like you because of who you are. You are respectable, intelligent, and kind. You may call me a fool for liking you, but I don't regret ever loving you. Please respect my feelings, just as I will respect yours. I will not bother you, and in return, please allow me the time to learn to let you go."

Prince Heng could see her bitter smile as she said those words.

"Apologies, if my actions had made you think I'm being an inconsiderate person for slighting your feelings. That was not my intention, as I only have thoughts of changing your mind." Prince Heng's words were not sharp or laced with scorn, showing he was sincere with his words. Even his expression had softened considerably and her heart does not feel as stifled as before.

"I know. But if you truly wish to change my mind, I would suggest that you stop treating me kindly next time." She tried to speak those words lightly, but it ended up sounding as if she had a grudge against his attitude.

Fear of what he would reply to her unmasked accusation, she quickly followed up, "My life is saved by you, naturally I will do my utmost effort to repay you. If there is anything you need, especially in regards to pills, just ask me and I will make it for you without any payment, regardless of whatever amount of pills you asked for. I will do it till the end of my life."

Wan Ting knew Prince Heng had sacrificed a lot of his shadow guards to rescue her. It was also a headache when she thought of how many casualties she had brought to Fruity Herb shop.

Prince Heng did not mention her blunder, much to her relief. "My men would need the aid of pills to hasten their recovery."

"I will get to work after a night's rest. Thank you for sparing some time to listen to me." Wan Ting bowed then turned to the maidservant nearby that was equally shocked at the sudden confession as others. "This servant, please lead me to the guest room."

The servant took a moment to gather back her wits and glanced at her master, whose gaze answered her question. Then the servant no longer hesitation to guide the important guest to the arranged accommodation. But she silently wondered why did the master treat Miss Wan differently than his other suitors. Usually, he would not be as patient as he did when other ladies spoke of their feelings towards him, much less allowing them to stay in his residence.

When they were no longer in view, the maidservant secretly glanced back at Miss Wan, only to be shocked to see the lady was actually silently crying with the expression of calmness. It was a weird combination and the maid does not dare to continue looking. Miss Wan was truly bold and determined with her feelings and decision. She knew when to step back, even if it hurt her heart. Perhaps that was why her master treated her amiably.

But actually, Wan Ting did that for selfish reasons. One was to tie up the loose ends and lingering hopes for Prince Heng's affection. The second was to play the emotional card, hoping her words could move his heart even a little.

It was selfish of her to hope that her words would haunt his heart and make him think of her. But she swears to herself that she would only entertain this thought for one month and if Prince Heng did not make a move, she will completely give up like a mature lady of her age should act.

"Can I see how my parents are doing?" Wan Ting asked after she wiped her tears away with her sleeves. It was that movement that reminded her she was still wearing Prince Heng's outer robe.

The maid brought her to see her parents, who were awake and happy to see she was safe. Their reunion was one where their gazes were the most active, trying to spot any wounds on each other's bodies.

"We are fine. We woke up and found everyone missing, but luckily Prince Heng's people rescued us," Madam Wan explained. But most of their servants were killed from the conflict, dirtied their house, and damaged the interior which will be costly to fix.

Mister Wan nearly had a heart attack when he thought how much money would be needed to fix the house. "We might need to move to a new house."

A smaller and cheaper house that would be enough for their family of three, with at most having two servants to clean and cook for them.

Mister Wan kept the large manor even after he was no longer an official because he had thought he could maintain it even with his current finance. But now, he could no longer dream of it. 

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