Chapter 3 - This pit was dug by her

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WT 3 - This pit was dug by her
After a month away from Guilin, the Wan family finally returned. They hoped that their return was low-key, but unfortunately, those officials that were involved with the bribery issue remembered Mister Wan. Even if Mister Wan was just one of the low ranked officials, he was vividly remembered because he was the only one that had gone to hide before the incident exploded.
None of them believed that it was a coincidence that Mister Wan chose to have vacation with his family at such a good timing. The issue of releasing servants was also suspicious. 
Once their horse carriage entered the Guilin capital, it was known by many officials. The Wans had not finished settling in and barely had the time to clean up their dust gathered manor when they already had people visiting them.
Mister and Madam Wan firmly declined them all, using the excuse of being tired from the journey and their house not in the clean state to welcome guests. After all, their remaining ten servants had gone to Munzhu country with them, which none left behind to take care of the empty manor.
The cleaning could not be postponed to the next day, for at least they needed a clean bedroom to rest, so they had to clean with their journey tiring bodies. With only ten servants remaining under their service, it would take at least the whole day to finish cleaning up the important parts of the manor. Even the house owners needed to help out with the cleaning. 
"Father, we should ask the other servants to come back," Wan Ting commented as she helped her father wipe away the dust in his study.
When Mister Wan first stepped into Guilin Capital, he sought for a decent sized manor that would take most of his savings to be brought. But he never regrets it, because his large manor will suit his new status.
However, after being frightened of getting caught accepting bribes, Mister Wan started to view the manor he stayed for five years with different eyes. 
"Ten servants is enough for us."
Wan Ting halted in her wiping and stared at her father in disbelief. Mister Wan frowned when he noticed his daughter's expression and scolded her.
"You have become so insensible just because you don't need to do anything and leave everything to be done by the servants! Your mother had truly spoilt you! You should learn to do proper housework already. What would your future in-laws say once they know you can't do anything?"
"Father, if I marry, I will pick a rich husband that can afford to hire lots of maids so that I don't need to do anything!" Wan Ting fiercely refuted back. 
"You useless daughter-"
"Why are you arguing? I can hear both of you from the next door," Madam Wan interrupted them and gave them a scolding gaze.
Mister Wan tossed the dirty cloth onto the floor. "I will enter the palace."
"Now?" Madam Wan was surprised. "Did you not plan to go tomorrow?"
"... Might as well do it today."
Madam Wan sighed but did not stop her husband and went to prepare the proper attire for her husband. 
It was unknown which part that done it, but Wan Ting started to have a bad feeling then. 
Mister Wan left the house in the afternoon, and only returned late night after the mother and daughter had finished their simple dinner. 
He came back with a tired face of a man that had gone through a great hurdle of obstacles and came back as a victor. But it felt like a meaningless victory with the amount of sacrifices he had to make to obtain it. 
"I have quit being an official."
The sudden announcement shocked Wan Ting so much that she could only foolishly stare at her father. Madam Wan had already known of her husband's decision and was not surprised, looking sad instead. 
"Father, why did you-! You like being an official! Is it because of me-"
"It's never because of you," Mister Wan firmly cut in. "I have decided. Even if I want to support the new Crown Prince, I am powerless to do so at my current position. I'm not even at the position where I could enter the court. I might as well retire and let a better suited one take over my responsibilities."
Mister Wan was only a small official that could not make major decisions, much less giving an idea to contribute to it. Retiring, avoiding the corrupted officials and living properly for the rest of his life sounds good.
Mister Wan walked away without letting Wan Ting a chance to say anything.
There was nothing to say anyway, when she was the main cause of her father's decision. Frankly speaking, she should start acting according to her age and not make trouble for her family.
It was time for bed and Chu Jin had already made preparations for Wan Ting to wash up, but she was thinking hard over something and had no desire to rest anytime soon. 
Chu Jin did not urge her lady and just stood aside, waiting until Wan Ting came to a decision. 
"I've decided!" Wan Ting hurriedly stood up and marched out of her room, bee-lining to her parents’ bedroom.
Any consideration of her parents might be sleeping had conveniently flown from her mind. 
When Wan Ting saw her parents' bedroom was still lit up, her expression also brightened up and approached it.
"I'm truly afraid of being caught."
Her steps stopped and came into halt right outside the door when she heard her father’s voice from within. His voice was not the one that stopped her, it was his tone that was full of weariness towards living.  
"It is the Third Prince that helped us. You are now safe," Madam Wan soothed her husband.
"You are right. It is His Highness that saved my neck. But what would happen if he has not done so and I'm to be punished?" Mister Wan sighed. "I felt as if I'm finally awake from my years of dreaming. I have foolishly swum in happiness over the golds I've got for following the other's doings, believing things will be fine since others were also doing the same."
Mister Wan was born in a village of a decent standard of living. He was fortunate that he could enter the village's school and passed a few state exams. It was also a heaven sent opportunity for him to have the chance to enter officialdom, even if it was the most bottom of the ladder. 
It had been more than twenty years since then, and he had only been able to rise a small position. It was nothing much to be praised and he only valued the increased salary of five gold coins per month. 
"We are still able to work for our living," Madam Wan said. "Don't be so upset. Actually, I'm also worried about you mingling around those officials with oily hands… it's good that you decide to quit while you still can."
Mister Wan laughed. "My wife is good."

“... If there isn’t enough money, I still have my dowry. Use it to pay off the debt and free yourself from the bribery case quickly.”

Although the 19th Emperor was forgiving enough to spare the corrupted officials’ lives, they were required to pay back the amount listed in the evidence book of how much they had accepted the bribery. 

If Wan Ting had not eavesdropped on them, would they not tell her about the debt? With numb legs, she heard her father take a deep breath. “I have wronged you, my wife.”

“Stop it,” Madam Wan lightly scolded, but Wan Ting who was familiar with her mother could hear she was crying. "I'm glad that I could accompany you, no matter if it's joy or disaster."
Wan Ting did not stay longer to listen. Initially, she had rushed over to share her plan and have her mother help finding a good husband for her. That could at least help out her family's standing. 
But her father, who in her eyes was a firm man that never backed down from a setback, unexpectedly was determined to step down and cut off his path of return to officialdom. 
Married to a snob no longer looked appealing.
Wan Ting slowly walked back to her room with a downcast expression. Chu Jin helped her to open the door to her room and she did not notice it. Her mind was full of the memories of her past actions and her heart was continuously inflated with guilt. Because of her, her family became this way.
"Chu Jin," Wan Ting suddenly called out for her maid that was patiently waiting for her. "Do you think my marriage or my pill forging will bring in more money to the family?"
Chu Jin paused, before carefully said, "Your husband's money isn't really yours."
One sentence and it was enough to have Wan Ting’s mind thought up many things. 

Her husband might not be willing to support his in-laws and would be stingy over it. Who would like to send out their hard earned money to outsiders, even if they were his in-laws? Even siblings would not have done so for each other. Her in-laws would also mock her for being a deadweight and only married into the family for money.

She will also need to beg her husband for money every time!
For a servant to be able to think this clearly, looks like her mind was not working right earlier! "Okay! I decided! I will continue to refine more pills and sell them!"
With the flame spirit in her, the pills she forged had never failed, and the worst she had done was her pill suffered a drop of rank. It had been a while since she did any pill forging and she remembered she got a good amount of money from selling her pills.
This pit was dug by her, she should be the one to cover it back up again!

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