Chapter 2 - Difference between a mature man and a growing boy

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WT 2 - Difference between a mature man and a growing boy
It was after exactly twenty-six days since Wan Ting last saw Duke Heng when he suddenly visited Wan's small residence. Wan Ting could not excuse herself, because he was here to pass on the news that their whole family needed to hear. 
"The… The Second Prince… rebelled? And the Crown Prince was murdered by the Emperor?"
Everyone was shocked hearing that. 
And on top of that… "The Second Prince does not have the royal blood in him!"
Mister Wan was truly agitated by the news that Madam Wan had to rub his back to calm him down before it got his health affected. After fleeing from Guilin Kingdom, Mister Wan had not lived with a peaceful mind. He was often worried about his future and it affected his health. His clothes gradually became larger on his frame and he seems aged a few years. 
It had been two weeks since the Second Prince married the Fifth Miss Liu, a talented woman with angelic looks that drove men to feel jealous of the prince's fortune to have such a wife. But a few days after their marriage, the Second Prince started his rebellion.
Most people felt that he was truly impatient! 
Although no one dared to say it aloud, the Guilin citizens had guessed the Emperor would pick the Second Prince as the next Emperor, ignoring the custom of the firstborn being the next to the throne. It was a fact that the Second Prince's intelligence and accomplishment were far superior compared to what the Crown Prince had done. Even most ministers had the idea of closing one eye towards the decision.
But now, because of his rebellion, the Second Prince’s good reputation no longer mattered. Everything he accomplished was wiped out cleanly because he dared to aim for the throne when he was not even from the royal bloodline!
The Emperor of Guilin must have royal blood. That was the first and a must criterion to be met. It was the rule the Four Kingdoms must follow, and the order had passed down by the first Emperor to their descendants of their Kingdoms. 
Wan Ting secretly took note that Duke Heng looked tired. He had immediately gone back to Guilin when news pertaining the rebel reached his ears. He must have not taken much rest to help fix the mess and then come back to Munzhu to speak to them.
He could have just sent them a letter to explain things to them instead of making this trip personally. 
Just as Wan Ting was secretly staring at Duke Heng, he was also eying her at the corner of his eyes.
There was a worried frown on her face, showing that Miss Wan must have been anxious about Long Shan. Even if she wished to cut her heart's longing cleanly, the years of affection make the determination hard to accomplish.
In their short time of knowing each other, Duke Heng was a little fond of the bold young lady that was rare to be seen in their circle of nobility, and certainly will help her get over Long Shan. 
Especially after knowing a small tidbit of Long Shan giving the lady a promise of marriage, the excuse of him still young when he gave it was invalid, Duke Heng already deemed Long Shan was not worthy of her affections. 
"Long Shan is currently being detained, but Liu Chu Chu had escaped with the Gu Dan people that joined the rebellion."
Madam Wan gasped once she heard the name 'Gu Dan'. No one in the Four Kingdoms had not heard about the terror of Gu Dan that happened four years ago. They were a small country with their people possessing green eyes and having poison flowing in their veins yet still remain alive. 
They would not be an overly terrifying existence, if they had not killed a large number of people in their quest to take over the Four Kingdoms.
But they failed and got the Four Kingdoms guarded against them in fear. The Gu Dan country would have been wiped out from the map if not for their poisonous fog surrounding their land as protection from outsiders.
"The royal family is generous and willing to spare Long Shan's life. He had joined a monastery as a monk and did good deeds to lighten his heavy spirit."
Wan Ting's frown deepened. The punishment was not severe enough in her opinion. 
Pretending to be a prince, hiding a man that was his biological father who was supposedly dead by the Emperor's decree, plotting for the Emperor's life and throne, as well as being the mastermind behind the Crown Prince's insanity, all of them deserve to have his head fly off!
But the frown in Wan Ting's face meant differently in Duke Heng's eyes. She was distressed over such a light punishment for a heavy sinner?
"Duke Heng, is the Empress safe?" Wan Ting could not resist asking, especially when she knew the Empress of Guilin Kingdom was pregnant.  
After she coincidentally saved the Empress, the older woman treated her life saving benefactor well, treating her like her own family's younger generation. Wan Ting also does not regret saving the good Empress by chance.
"The Empress is safe, including the royal blood in her womb." No one noticed the sudden softness in his eyes when he spoke about the Empress. 
Wan Ting sighed in relief. "Heaven is looking after the Empress."
"Duke Heng, pardon me for asking in such an upfront manner, but your visit to my humble house… could it also pertain to my officialdom?" Mister Wan probed carefully. 
"You guessed right. My arrival here is to also inform you are free to return to Guilin and rejoin the court. The Emperor is currently bed ridden, but the 19th Emperor is overseeing the kingdom's affairs and willing to look over light offenses such as yours."
The 19th Emperor came out of his retirement and was busy handling the mess that Long Shan had left behind, including some countries that were eying Guilin that suddenly lost most of their fighting force. Bribery cases were not important now and he would rather have those corrupted officials to work hard for him as their punishment.
Madam Wan let out a soft sob and Mister Wan had teared up slightly before kneeling down and prostrating oneself at Duke Heng. "Thank you, Duke Heng! I will not forget your help. If there is anything you need, I will help you with the best I can!"
Madam Wan and Wan Ting hurriedly followed, but Duke Heng stopped them. Waving their gratitude away and urging them to sit back down, Duke Heng revealed the truth.
"I offered my help because the Third Prince requested that from me. Saving you is equivalent to messing with the other side's plans. It's a win-win for both of us. There is no need for you to repay His Highness' kind gesture, or it will trouble him."
For Duke Heng to speak this much, was he telling them to forget about this matter and put it to rest? It was difficult for the Wan family to ignore their benefactor that saved their lives and future. 
"We will pray at the temple for His Highness' safety and health," Mister Wan finally said and Madam Wan nodded in agreement. 
"His Highness will be blessed from your effort," Duke Heng returned politely. 
"If there is anything Duke Heng and Third Prince need from this lowly one, just ask," Mister Wan said firmly.
"I will pass your word to His Highness."
Duke Heng shared his itinerary, not guarded against them at all, that he will be heading back to Guilin tonight. He verbally lamented his missed opportunity of travelling back with the Wan family if not for the court hurrying for his return. 
The Wan family felt their heart full and swollen from Duke Heng's treatment towards them. Yet they were unable to do anything to release the pressure from their heart and could only ease it by treating Duke Heng well before sending him off as if he was the Emperor himself.
Mister Wan would have personally sent Duke Heng to the door, but the latter suddenly voiced his wish to speak to Wan Ting. Then the task of sending the duke off falls onto Wan Ting's responsibility.
"Does Miss Wan still have deep affection for Long Shan?"
Wan Ting was taken aback by such a straight to the point question. "No. I have completely given up on him."
Whether the Duke believes it or not, he does not reveal it on his face. 
"There are plenty of men in this world that aren't as accomplished as Long Shan or as good looking as him. But there are plenty of them with a better character compared to him."
Wan Ting finally smiled for the first time since Duke Heng's visit. "I agree."
Even if the pill was a fifth grade, if the core was unstable, it will decrease the overall value of the pill and will be treated as a third grade pill. 
Liu Bing, Duke Heng's student, was waiting beside the carriage. 
"Thank you for walking me out, Miss Wan.  Hopefully we will meet again back at home."
"If I have the fortune." 
Wan Ting watched as the carriage became smaller in her eyes. She wondered if Duke Heng was concerned whether she had finally let go of Long Shan or not. He must be worried that she might do something crazy.
She had never seen Duke Heng smile but he was actually really a nice person.
He could have just left it alone, as he had already saved her and her family's lives as he intended. But he stayed and made sure they were doing well, and even looked out for her one sided feelings for Long Shan. 
He does not want her to continue making a mistake and even advised her subtly to avoid hurting her fragile heart.
But he did not know that on the day he rescued her from being tarnished in the prostitute house, he succeeded in waking her up from her delusions. He taught her that even if she valued a relationship, it does not mean the other party shared the same feeling. 

Promises were easily made, but also easy to be broken. 
Wan Ting rubbed her chest that seems to be aching for something she had thought to have known better than letting it invade her heart again. But the aching was growing stronger and occupied more of her thoughts.
Was this the difference between a mature man and a growing boy?
"Wan Ting? Did the Duke not have left already? Why are you still standing there?" Madam Wan had come over to look for her daughter after she heard the carriage left. 
"Just thinking of something." Wan Ting hurried back into the house and closed the door. 
Duke Heng did not leave for Guilin immediately after departing from Wan residence. He went back to his temporary house where Lu Bian was still locked up. 
The prison cell immediately lit up before Duke Heng's arrival.
Lu Bian had grown thinner during her forced stay and the metal locks had to be replaced to a smaller size to contain her limbs. She was fed two times per day and allowed to sleep anytime she wanted, other than the times she was interrogated. Duke Heng had indeed treated her better than his usual prisoners, but it was not that much better. 
It was no more than three weeks of being held captive and Lu Bian's mind was badly traumatized. Duke Heng had kindly shared her master's news to her and it gave her a huge blow in her mind.
"What else do you want?" Lu Bian asked weakly, but her desire to return to her master was still there. She was only saying it again and again just for the sake of it, but was surprised that Duke Heng would agree to it.
"You must protect the monk well."
Lu Bian shivered at Duke Heng's meaningful gaze as a guard stepped forward and unchained her. She does not know what he was planning, but as long as she will be free to return to her master's side, she does not care.

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