Chapter 13 - Don't let anyone read it

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WT 13 - Don't let anyone read it

"Don't let anyone read it," Bao Hai suddenly said when he saw the content of the book in Wan Ting's hands. Before Wan Ting could ask why, Madam Wan informed them softly, but enough for the person inside to hear.

"Wan Ting, Prince Heng had arrived with the doctor!"

Shoving the book into her spatial bag, Wan Ting and Bao Hai quickly slipped out of the room and headed to her bedchamber. Madam Wan had called for a bath prepared for Wan Ting earlier, so Wan Ting quickly disrobed and sank into the wooden tub to continue the play. Bao Hai was given a bath next door, who willingly went after Wan Ting told him he needed to be clean before the medicine could be applied to him.

As Wan Ting bath, her mind quickly arranged what she could tell Prince Heng about the incident. But it was a difficult decision on whether to tell about Chu Jin's betrayal or not.

If she told the truth, there would certainly be an investigation about Chu Jin, which she does not mind. But what she was hesitant about was the book in her hand, for she would be interrupting the investigation by keeping the clue to herself. She wanted to read the whole book first before passing it to anyone to see. Bao Hai's words with his serious gaze made her a little afraid of the Flame Spirit's secrets that she barely knew about.

Madam Wan came over after Wan Ting finished cleaning. "Prince Heng is asking for you."

With her mother staring at her, Wan Ting decided to come clean. "Chu Jin is aiming to kill me."

Madam Wan took in a deep breath, her face rapidly darkening and Wan Ting hurriedly pats her back. "Mother, I'm fine. I killed her before she could harm me."

Hearing her daughter killing a person does not sit well with Madam Wan either. But she was not bigoted and glad that her daughter was safe and alive. "Did you find anything?"

"... No," Wan Ting lied, carefully lowering her gaze, using her eyelashes to hide her eyes. "She works with the kidnapper. I think they want my Flame Spirit."

Madam Wan gasped in horror. Although she was a normal person without any knowledge of cultivation, the man that had rescued her daughter had told her to never reveal to anyone that Wan Ting had a Flame Spirit, or she would be in danger.

"How do they know? Chu Jin should never know of it as well!"

"Mother, although my possession of Flame Spirit isn't widely known, it is known by the Fruity Herb's owner. Or else they won't accept my pills that well."

"Wan Ting!" Madam Wan was outraged. "Did I not tell you not to speak of it!"

"Mother, everyone would be suspicious of my creation if I didn't reveal it! My cultivation is only in the first rank, but my pill concoction is at the third rank! Everyone would think I'm cheating!" Wan Ting protested weakly.

However, Madam Wan still scolded her daughter. "Your teacher had told you about the dangers, did he not? You are currently in danger too because of it."

"He does not exactly explain the dangers either! How am I supposed to know about it?"

"Wan Ting!" Madam Wan admonished her stubborn daughter. Wan Ting pursed her lips, stayed silent until Madam Wan finally sighed, giving in. "You will rest after the doctor have a look at you while I convey to Prince Heng what you had told me. Your father and I will handle everything."

Wan Ting grabbed her mother's hand, feeling a little guilty. "Sorry, mother."

Madam Wan sighed again and hugged her daughter. "I just want you to stay safe."

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