Chapter 1

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"Samantha!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs but ignored her and continued to cuddle my pillow. 

"Why can't she let me have one morning without celebrating my birthday," I mumbled to myself.

"Samantha Rosalina White, if I call you one more time I'm sending your dad right after you!" I groan to myself and immediately start patting down my shiny brown hair.

"I'M COMING, DON'T SEND IN THE REINFORCEMENTS," I said and rolled my eyes at the thought of dad barging into my room trying to drag me from it. 

I brushed my teeth, showered, and left my wavy hair out. After minutes of deciding on an outfit, I went with knee ripped jeans, a baggy top, and a jacket since it's so cold outside.

 After minutes of deciding on an outfit, I went with knee ripped jeans, a baggy top, and a jacket since it's so cold outside

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After giving myself a second glance, I was content with my outfit and ran downstairs for breakfast. 

"Good morning mom, and dad," I said after placing a huge kiss on their cheek.

"Happy birthday princess," my dad said and sipped his coffee

"Happy 18th birthday my beautiful daughter, are you excited to find out who's your mate?" I glanced at my mom and started to pile my plate with bacon, sausages, pancakes, and some eggs.

"I don't know mom, I don't feel anything if I'm being honest," Putting a forkful of food in my mouth while ignoring her judging eyes telling me that's not very lady-like.

"Roger, can you believe her? I remember when I first met your father. He was the strongest Beta I had ever seen, so well built and tall. The way his back muscles flexed under the su-"

"I get it, mom I think we all get. it." I mumbled then realize I don't want breakfast anymore. Way to go mom sigh.

My dad looked red as a tomato at his wife's description so he excused himself and took a refill on his cup of coffee.

"Well anyway, I knew he was the most perfect man in the whole world, and I would do anything to prove that to him. Not long after I introduced him to my parents and they loved him on the spot. Hunny let me tell you a little something about the mating ceremony because your dad always loved it when I nibbled right above hi-"


"Would you look at the time mom, I think that's Stacy I can't believe she reached here so fast, that's so unlike her. Well bye, I love you guys, gotta go!" In one breath I grabbed my bag and ran out of the house so fast. That has to be the most embarrassing moment in my entire life.

Seeing my best friend's face made me run faster to her new BMW, but my parents lived for embarrassment.

"Don't forget hun, if that fucker hurts you I'll bury him and have his balls as teabags!" My dad yelled through the front door.

Stacy laughed her ass off until tears started forming in her eyes. I had to hit her a couple of times before she even drove the car.

"tea.....bags," She managed to say through her laughing fit while we sped down the road.

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