Chapter 8

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Is all I enjoyed for hours on my bed. 

Looking up at my roof wondering why did the moon goddess put me in such an uncomfortable position. 

I didn't bother to go back to school for the rest of the week because I needed time for myself. I needed to gather my thoughts on how my life is spiraling out of control for the past few weeks. How do I feel about Dale? Why did Xavier randomly appeared in my life so suddenly? Why do I feel a connection towards him? I needed to speak with him and sort everything out. I can't continue living my life in pain because someone refuses to appreciate me. When I made up my mind I grabbed my cell phone and made the call that would answer all my questions.





Maybe I should just hang up, it's so late either way.

"Hello?" He said roughly. 

"Uh hey can I meet you outside my house in a few minutes?" 

"What makes you think I'll meet you?" He snorted

"I just need answers," I replied

"Fine, I'll be there soon." and the call ended. 

I waited two hours before there was a noise hitting my bedroom window. I walked towards it and saw he's throwing pebbles at my window, oh wow. I opened the window quickly before he broke it and woke the whole house up. He stepped back so I could have room to land when I jump down. 

"What do you want Samantha?" Straight to the point I see.

"What's going on between us Dale?" I questioned. He released a long sigh and looked me directly in my eyes. 

"We're not together Samantha, we don't have to get along because we're not friends either." He stated.


"I-I just wanted to know why did you reject me," I asked.

"I fell in love with someone before I met you. She was supposed to be my chosen mate and I always planned on rejecting my given mate." He confessed.

I stared at him with wide eyes and I felt my heart broke a little more. Daisy started to retreat to the back of my head and left me to deal with all this mess alone. 

"What happened to her?" I said barely above a whisper.

"You should know, you caused her death." He growled 

"I didn't kill anyone Dal-"

"Shut up Samantha!" He shouted and started to stalk towards me like a predator towards its prey. I gulped and took numerous steps back wishing I never called him here in the first place. When my back hit the wall of my house I started to panic. 

"I would've died for her any God-given day. She was supposed to have my kids and grow old with me but you took that away." He raised his hand to slap me but I caught it just in time. This only made him angrier so he shoved me hard against the wall instead. I hit my head really hard and felt blood dampening my hair to the back. 

"You're going to suffer baby. I'm going to have fun playing on your emotions and using you like my pawn. I am always higher than you in rank Samantha. You cannot run from me! You can't accept my rejection because you don't even have anyone to mark you and ease the pain after. You'll be dead. While I on the other hand have numerous beautiful constants lined up begging to feel my canines in their neck to be marked as mine." I felt my tears pouring out in front of a monster who couldn't care less about me. He enjoyed the sight of me crying and bleeding. 

"I wish I never met you." I sighed wiping away my tears aggressively. He would not break me. 

"Whatever." He retorted and all I saw was his shadow fading away and going back into his car. 

That night I cried my heart out, knowing I could never truly reject him until I found someone else to take his place. I can't burden Stacy with my problems, she might want to fight Dale and get herself killed. I'm all alone in this fucked up world. 

After my crying fest was over I got up and showered, watching the blood from my head injury flow down the drain. I didn't deserve this. I deserved better. I stood in my bathroom for hours just letting the water fall on my body before I walked out, grabbed an oversize jersey, and fell on my bed. Sleep came calling my name...asking to be let in and I gladly granted it access. 


Hundreds of text messages and calls from Stacy but I didn't care anymore. She said she had something important to tell me but I'm sure it's just gossip. I never told Stacy what happened, I only said I needed time to sort my life out. 

It's one o'clock in the afternoon and my phone is ringing yet again. I assumed it's Stacy calling so I didn't bother to answer it. When the phone finally stopped ringing I closed my eyes and try falling asleep again only to hear my phone make a raindrop noise stating that I got a text. I rolled my eyes and looked at it but the number isn't even saved. 

'Hey' -Unknown

'Hi?'- Samantha

'How are you?'- Unknown

'Who are you and why are you texting me?'- Samantha

'You never gave me an answer when I asked you about our ice cream date.' - Unknown

Shit shit shit. Is this really Xavier? I can't go out with him looking like a zombie who hasn't brushed her teeth in days. I started to panic and didn't reply to him.

'Go out with me Samantha. One date. That's all I ask, if it goes completely horrible I'll leave you alone' -Xavier

My stomach started to feel nauseous and I didn't know what to do.  I barely knew Xavier. How did he even get my number?? Fuck it, all or nothing right?

'Where?'- Samantha

'Ice cream shop, I'll see you there tonight.' - Xavier

Oh, MY fREAKING GOD! I have a date tonight. Maybe it'll go so horrible we just stop talking right? 

Word count: 1028



Would you believe me if I said I stayed up 12:34 AM writing this chapter? I'm so dedicated wow. I love you all!

I know this chapter is a little shorter but I'm so tired and I wanted a little cliffhanger to have you wanting more. I don't tolerate abuse people! You all are probably so tired of Samantha getting bullied but I needed to form the two characters some more and show you the real image of their relationship or acquaintanceship. It'll get better don't worry! I don't have much to say sadly because I'm about to hit my bed and sleep but be safe everyone!

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