Chapter 5

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3 Days. It's been 3 days and I haven't gone back to school just yet. It's been 3 days trying to cope with this slingshot around my shoulder so I wouldn't put pressure on my arm and slow down the healing process. It's been 3 days since I've seen Dale to ask him what the hell was that back in the hospital. And it's been 3 days Stacy has been nagging my soul. 

"No No No and No" 

"But why can't you just go over the story oneee more time Mantha. Pretty please with ice cream and sprinkles on top?"

"Stacy we're already at an ice cream shop eating chocolate chip ice cream with chocolate sprinkles on top," I answered and rolled my eyes. Ever since she walked into my hospital room DAYS ago, she's still asking me what happened between Dale and me. I tried to tell her the more Pg13 version but who the fuck am I kidding? Nothing about that was Pg13.

"Saaamanthaaa, you're smilingggg," She sang with a knowing smirk. 

"Oh shut up Esther," I smiled back at her, taking a huge spoonful of ice cream in my mouth and just waiting for the noise to begin. You see, Stacy's middle name is Esther and she hates it because...and I quote 'It makes me sound like an 80-year-old woman living with ten cats'

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU SAMANTHA! WE PINKY PROMISED NEVER TO SPEAK OF THAT DAY SINCE WE WERE 10! YOU'RE SUCH A CHILDISH BITCH BABY!" She yelled, gaining us the attention of the entire ice cream shop.

"Did...Did you just call me a bitch baby?" I asked with the most serious face I could muster up. After our staring contest we broke into a fit of giggles that turned into loud laughter and tears coming out of our eyes. I'm sure we looked insane. 

"Um... excuse me, ma'am can you p-please keep the noise to a minimum...please...?" A waiter came up to us and looked shit scared but I can't blame him. The whole town knows who I am. 

"Sure, no problem. I'm extremely sorry for the noise Mr..." I tried squinting my eyes to read his name tag but he answered before I could see it properly. 

"Xavier... Xavier Miller," He responded proudly and smiled at me. I couldn't help but admire him, he looked so cute with his oval baby blue eyes, ash blonde hair, and pearly white teeth. I even saw a tattoo traveling up to his neck but he quickly pulled his shirt collar up hiding it even more. He has dimples as well damn! I snapped back to reality and felt so ashamed that I was checking out a man I barely knew but he was checking me out also. Something about this Miller guy is strange, he gives off authority but I've never seen him around town before. I looked into his eyes again and it felt like he's been through a lot, but he's hiding something. I was having trouble figuring this guy out, but it seemed like he knew me. 

'Daisy? Are you there?'

'Yes, my love.'  She responded with a bark. 

'Can you connect to Mr. Miller's wolf please?' I requested and she barked in response.

When I came back to reality yet again I noticed Xavier started to look nervous and extremely uncomfortable. I'm assuming his wolf told him I wish to connect with him. I waited patiently for Daisy to notify me that I received access. Why is this taking so long? 

"If you'd excuse me ladies I have to use the men's room." He gave me one last smile and fast walk to the bathroom where he disappeared without even looking back. A slight frown made its way to my face but I ignored it. 

"Mantha, oh my gosh! you totally freaked him out. Relax a little." Stacy whisper-yell and proceeded to stand up dusting off her clothes and wiping her mouth. I rolled my eyes at her and stood up as well, grabbing my purse and cellphone to leave. Stacy walked out the door first and I was about to when something in my subconscious told me to look back. When I did I saw Xavier staring right back at me with so many emotions flashing through his eyes. Sadness... Anger...and?  The last emotion was gone before I could even see it. 

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