Chapter 7

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Stacy and I stopped by the bathroom to adjust our make up. I simply reapplied some gloss to my lips and fixed my hair while Stacy started to add foundation and contour like a full-on makeup class. 

"C'mon Stacy we'll be late for lunch," I whined. You can't blame me because I was so occupied with getting myself ready I didn't eat breakfast.

"Okay Okay," She replied with a huff of annoyance and applied one last touch of mascara on her face. 

By the time we got to the cafeteria, it was packed with people. Our cafeteria was not only separated by rank but interests as well. We have the drug dealers, nerds, weirdos, athletes on steroids, cheerleaders...the list goes on trust me. 

We stood in the line and waited till it was our turn to pick what we wanted to eat. Since I didn't eat breakfast I decided on a turkey sandwich with bacon, extra lettuce, large fry, and medium sprite. For dessert, I just took two slices of vanilla cheesecake and cherry toppings. On the other hand, Stacy just went for a salad with bacon bits and a bottle of water, taking a slice of carrot cake as her dessert. I eyed her funny when she collected her food but she rolled her eyes and took one of my fries. 

I felt a pair of eyes on me the entire time, watching my every move. When I looked up, it was like the person wasn't there anymore. I gave up trying to locate this mysterious person and finished my food just in time for the bell to ring signaling lunch is over. Stacy kissed me on the cheek before she left for her Social Studies class and I had French. I feel a little sad having a class without Stacy, but at least I won't have to see Dale's face either. I get one class...drama free...Dale free.

I reached class just in time and greeted my teacher in which she returned. I took my seat, popped my headphones in my ear, and waited for the class to begin. Five minutes later my teacher started to speak, so I removed my earbuds only feel a pair of eyes on me again. I tried to ignore but when the person wouldn't stop I let out a low growl of frustration which caused the entire class to become quiet. 

"Ms. White, can we continue with the class now?" My teacher asked nervously and I replied with a slight nod. 

"This is our new transfer student ladies and gentlemen. Can you please stand up and introduce yourself?" My head raised a little when my teacher said that and I was listening intensively, waiting to hear who's this mighty person everyone is speaking about. 

"I'm from a few packs away, I transferred here to get a new start new people. I'm 19 years old. That's all." He mentioned. The air felt different around him, who is this kid?

"Um...You forgot to say your name." My teacher pointed out. 

"Oh that's right," He said with a slight laugh that made a small smile appear on my glossy lips. "My name is Xavier Miller," He said proudly.

A small gasp left my lips and I finally turned to look at him, but a pair of baby blue eyes was already looking back at me. I thought Xavier would break eye contact first considering my rank in the pack but he didn't. Instead, he raised an eyebrow at me and smirked. We gained the attention of the whole class and I felt a light blush making its way to my face. I turned my face before he could even get the chance to feel even more confident about himself. For once I was glad for having long hair because it covered my face...away from him. But at the same time, I wanted him to see what effect he has on me. 

I still felt his piercing stare at the side of my face and my palms started to get sweaty. I couldn't take his stare anymore, so I abruptly stood up, gathered my necessities, and left the class without looking back. I was so close to making it to my locker before I'm pulled around aggressively to face an angry pair of emerald eyes. Is it bad that I wanted it to be a different color of eyes?...

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