Chapter 14

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I woke up to banging on my bedroom door. I rolled over on my bed to check my phone and saw that it was 9 am. Oh my word, Xavier is going to be here in 1 hour I need to hurry up. 

I ran to open my door and gave my mom a quick greeting to which she kissed my cheek. 

"Mom, Xavier is coming to pick me up in 1 hour, and these bandages need to be off in 5 minutes, so I can bathe," I stood up impatiently while she unwrapped me. Surprisingly it doesn't hurt anymore. I have slight bruising that's barely noticeable, but everything looks fine otherwise.

"You like that Xavier boy huh?"

"No mom, it's just a friendly date," I replied.

"Dates aren't friendly Samantha," She smiled and continue unwrapping my bandages. 


It's currently 10 am and  Xavier is downstairs speaking to my mom since my dad isn't home. I looked over myself in the mirror looking at the way the bathing suit hugged my body. 

"Mantha! It's time to go come on." My mother yelled.

Throwing on my jean shorts, sunglasses, and beach bag, I headed out the door to a day of fun and sun. When I walked downstairs my mom complimented me on my bathing suit and I sent her a small smile of appreciation but my eyes were glued to Xavier. 

 He wore a simple white t-shirt and swim trunks with his hair messy. When he caught me smiling he gave me a lopsided smirk and I rolled my eyes playfully.

I hugged my mom goodbye and walked towards the door while I heard her telling Xavier he should come by more often. Great. (Sarcasm)

It's been 45 minutes since we left my house and the car ride is filled with soft rock n' roll music while Xavier taps his hands on the wheel. The silence is killing me.

"So Xavier," I said.

"Yes, princess?"

"Tell me about yourself."

"I rather not." He mumbled 

I rolled my eyes and continue looking out the window. Such an ass.

The rest of the drive went as quiet as possible until the beach came into view. It looked absolutely beautiful when the waves crash onto the shore. I didn't even notice I smiled so brightly until he commented on it.

"You should smile more's truly a sight." I was shocked that he even spoke considering the drive was quiet but I simply nodded in his direction with a sly smile on my face, turning back to the true beauty I call the beach. 

Getting lost in my thoughts I remembered the first time coming to the beach with my parents. Dad wasn't so busy or distant and mom seemed less...sad? I'm not sure. We would stay on the beach for hours laughing, diving into the water to do swimming contests and surfing. Dad would chase mom around the beach with some seaweed he found while her angelic laugh filtered through the air. Back then seemed like such a dream compared to now... Compared to a family that rarely sits at the dinner table or does outdoor activities, compared to a family that doesn't even feel complete anymore. I shake my head of those sad memories I always seem to bury deep down and return to my present reality. 

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