Chapter 12

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I looked to where the voice was coming from and saw the Alpha...Dale's dad.

"CHANGE BACK NOW!" He commanded using his Alpha voice. Daisy showed her neck in submission and soon I felt the fur on my skin retracting and my body transformed until I stood on my two feet again. I smelt a familiar scent and looked up again to see my dad and mom looking at me in disappointment. 


After the Alpha commanded us to change back, I limped over to my parents black and blue. The disappointment on their faces quickly changed to one of concern when they saw my body black and blue. 

A loud smack was heard on the field and I turned in the direction it came from to see Dale's cheek had a glowing red handprint on it. He kept his head down and avoided his gaze with his father until he walked away. I almost felt sorry for him...almost. 

My mom took care of my wounds and bandaged me up which hurt like a bitch. I had 3 broken ribs, a black eye, and a bruised ego. When she was done, she gave me numerous pain medications and glared at me after. Oh boy, here it comes.  

"What were you thinking Samantha! You could have gotten badly injured or worse!" My mom's eyes started to change color and I bowed my head in submission to her quickly.

"I'm sorry mom, I just..." I whimpered

"You're acting so foolish these days! Showing up to school late and now you're fighting the fucking Alpha's son!" She yelled and something snapped in me.

"HE REJECTED ME!!!" I screamed back as much as it hurt my ribs. "He rejected me and I can't find someone else to claim me if I accept his rejection mom...I'm already a dead man walking" 

My mom looked shocked and before I knew it she fell to my bed. Tears streamed down her face and she rubbed soothing circles on my hand while a sob racked my body. 

"I'm so sorry baby. I'm so so sorry I couldn't be there for you." She apologized and continued crying. 

"It's okay," I said and turned my face away from her pained one.

After 15 minutes of crying my mom kissed my forehead and told me to get some rest, and she'll be back later. My eyes burned with exhaustion, and soon sleep called out to me. 


I was awoken by the ringing of my cell phone and instantly got annoyed. I looked at my clock and saw it was 10 pm. Wow...I've been asleep for 11 hours that's crazy. I focused my attention back on my phone and saw Xavier's name on the screen. My thumb gently traced the answer button and before I could click it the phone cut off. Sigh. I placed my phone back on the table beside my bed and turned my back to it. 

The phone started ringing again and I moved a little too fast to answer causing a whimper to escape my lips. 


"Uh Hey," I said.

"Where are you?" He demanded.

"I'm at home Miller," I started twirling a piece of my hair around my fingers waiting for him to speak.

"I'm coming now." He said.

"What??" I choked on my spit and started coughing. "You can't come now, my family is having this thing right now and it's super private and restricted." 

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