|Author's Note|

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Let's start at the beginning, as we should.

Me, the writing wolf, dreaming. Of what? Of a boy in a cage, and swathes of darkness, and flickers of fire. Of the dangers of drawing near. Of the whispers of death.

I wake up, and I do what any good author should: write it down. Into two scenes of a oneshot (a twoshot? Idk), both of which steal my heart.

Fast-forward a month or so, and I'm entirely obsessed, daydreaming and compulsively outlining and the like. Then, one fine evening with the smell of misplaced self control in the air, I decide I'm going to post this dream-turned-novel on Wattpad.

I won't write it very often, right? Just sporadic updates, whenever the mood takes me? Just write it for fun, not worrying about quality? Just a side project?

Unfortunately, I did not hear the laughter of future Pup until it was too late.

And so, without further ado, I welcome you to A Touch Of Darkness. The story of our boy in a cage, in all its angsty glory.

What will you find here? High fantasy, as is the trend of Pup books. Actual humans, which very much breaks the Pup trend, but is fun all the same. Probably a fair bit of action and adventure. A sprinkle of romance. Several murders. Kingdom drama. Plenty of magic fire.

Also mostly one PoV, unlike my other works. And first person. And present tense. No, I have not gone mad. I think. I'm, like, 60% sane.

If wolves or dragons are more your vibe, then I have other places to yeet you. But otherwise, I hope you enjoy your stay. AToD is more than happy to have you.

Now, let's go commit crimes with a magic bby arsonist!

- Pup

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