10K Special || Character Q&A

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Well, first up, I want to say a huge thank you for 10k reads on this book. It means a lot ;-; AToD has very quickly taken up a special place in my heart, and so much of that comes from the amount of support and enthusiasm I've received during and after its completion. Really, thanks, everyone :D

I know that the aspect I've always loved most about AToD is the characters, and so I thought, as a bit of fun (and maybe a little copying TheConfusedTurtle and dreams_of_silver but shh) I would do a character Q&A to celebrate!

I've set it up as each character sitting in a room, with the questions all scribbled on bits of paper for them to sift through. I debated interviewing them myself, but I decided I would rather not get murdered, so I kindly wrote them out and let them handle it by themselves. Don't worry, I do visit them. Sometimes. Mostly just Nathan.

Extra thanks to everyone who threw questions at me, on discord or otherwise. I hope their answers are enjoyable :D

~ Nathan ~

"What would you do if you met Pup?" -- Cross-Warrior

"I... I don't know." Nathan shifts, itching at a spot behind his ear. "She seems nice. I guess I'd... say thank you, for letting me write my story. She didn't have to do that for me."

"This isn't a question. I'm giving you a hug (WITH gLOVES PUP) and you can't stop me. You deserve to be safe and loved, and it's going to be okay or else I'm going to murder your author :sobbing:" -- dreams_of_silver

"Oh." A faint smile touches Nathan's lips. "That's very kind of you. I'm not sure why you'd want to hug me, but thank you. But please don't murder anyone," he adds quickly, shooting a hasty glance upwards.

"When did Nathan meet Sarielle? -- Novel_Worm

Immediately, a warm shade overtakes Nathan's pale cheeks. He brings a hand up to one, then drags it down to scratch at the side of his neck. "I don't know when exactly. Time was... difficult to grasp down there. But..." His eyes glimmer. "It felt like my life truly began from that point. All I remember from before her first visit is flickers of darkness. She brought the light."

"What do you say I take you away from the mean Pup and live a happy life without trauma and pain?" -- Ace_Guard

"Take me away?" Nathan stiffens, staring wide-eyed at the slip of paper. His gaze drops to the table. "I'm sorry. I don't think I can do that. I... I want to stay here, with my friends. I can't abandon them."

"What is Nathan's favourite ice cream flavour?" -- TheConfusedTurtle

"Oh!" Nathan sits forward, a rare glint of excitement lighting his dark eyes. "I know what ice cream is! Pup gave me some before." He catches himself, shrinking back into the chair, a little embarrassed for overreacting to such a simple thing. "I... I don't know about a favourite, though. I thought the normal one was really nice. The... vanilla?"

"Does Nathan like pudding?" -- ToWolfKin

"I have to admit I haven't tried that one." Nathan smiles shyly. "I think that's a sweet dish, though? If so, I would like it. I... quite like sweet things."

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