17 || The Silver Touch

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The mountains remain blissfully empty. Every so often, a new flash of blue flickers in the edge of my vision, spearing heated panic through my chest, but every time I turn to find nothing. The cost of that vivid memory leaves me constantly on edge.

For most of the night, I don't stop moving. I can't. The fear of Fiesi's chase, coupled with my flame's constant drive, spurs me on. The river grows narrower until it disappears entirely, submerging under the earth. Mount Vasim is claimed by the shadows behind. The moon drifts amongst a sea of stars, peaking above before slowly sinking at the opposite side.

Eventually, I have to make the conscious decision to rest, though my heart twists the entire time I spend choosing a spot. Hidden in the tall grass and bracken, there is no way he will find me, especially with how far I've travelled, but I'm still reluctant to extinguish my flame. Thankfully, the moment I do, exhaustion shoves aside my worries and pulls me into sleep's embrace.

I awake to bright light and tingling warmth. The sun's rays slice over my face as I shield my eyes to survey the area. Still empty, but I can't hide in the shadows anymore. Then again, neither can Fiesi.

All day, I am on the lookout for him, yet time passes without incident. I even have a chance to stop at a brook and sip cool water from my cupped palms, easing the dryness in my throat. At around midday, I find what seems to be a more trodden path and clamber out of the undergrowth to join it. It leads me winding up a shallow hillside and around the edge of a mountain, until I round the other side and find much smaller hills facing me. Amongst them, a collection of houses nestle. A village.

Night taps at the lower parts of the sky, weaving in faint trails of darkness, as I follow the path down a slope towards the settlement. When I glance back, I meet the sun's scowl. A swathe of blood-coloured light erupts around it, as if its touch wounds the horizon.

Flowers have been planted on either side of the path near to the village's entrance. I crouch down to observe them, making sure to keep my flame concealed where I clutch my tunic. They are a delicate sunny yellow, petals turned up to the sky and shimmering with the last of the light. I'm aware of the village's closeness, its hum of people resonating through me, twisting nervous knots. Alone in the mountains, Fiesi was my only fear. Now, there are many others who might wish to bring me harm.

Tossing a glance out at the deep shadows of its buildings, I sigh and reach for the gloves at my waist. The air turns cold the moment I pull them on. Sickening vibrations slither out from the leather's smooth touch. Taking in a shuddering breath, I stand slowly, testing my ability to remain upright.

It is manageable. Still, I wait a moment, anchoring my feet against the way the world threatens to spin out of control, before forcing myself to continue. The threat I might bring to them is more important to prevent, as weak as it makes me feel.

And I have to go inside. Wandering aimlessly across Oscensi's plains will get me nowhere. If I'm going to locate my girl, I'll need the help of those with more knowledge, even if they don't tell me willingly. There must be some clue to the whereabouts of the kingdom's soldiers.

All to find her. I press purpose until my stride.

The instant I pass the first house, the air compacts, weighing heavier on my shoulders. My boots tap against cobbles that weren't there before, each sharp sound splintering through me. Keeping my breaths shallow, I search either side, taking in the rows of wooden panels and thatched roofs. Candles highlight each window in a warm glow. They feel like amber eyes tracking me as I duck my head and hurry along the centre of the street.

As I run a hand over the back of my neck, I find bunched material. I'd forgotten my tunic has a hood. I whip it out, pulling it low so that it covers my ears and shades my face. It feels a little safer to be hidden, if only slightly, by its black folds.

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