Meeting King Trollex

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You woke up a bit early this time, even though you had a difficult time sleeping the night before. You were still in the same clothes and decided that you would just wash them on the way. You put on deodorant/cologne and ran to the kitchen. Some of the Trolls were getting food, including your dad. You walked over to him and kissed him on the cheek. 

"Morning dad." You said cheerfully grabbing a couple of donuts. "Oh, good morning sweetie. Are you ready for world domination?" He asked looking in the opposite direction. You laughed. "Ready as I'll ever be. Let's go, dad, we're about to leave." One or two of the other trolls led him out to your transportation while you followed Riff, who was just getting done with gathering some of his drumming equipment.

"Yo, Y/N, are you ready?" he asked, walking slower so you could catch up. "Hell yeah!" You burst out. "I can't wait to see the other tribes. Barb said I could gather the leaders and their tribes." "Duuuuude. That's sick." He replied, giving you a fist bump. "I knoooow man. But to be honest, I barely slept, AND, I also slept in my clothes, so I'm gonna sleep and wash on the way."

Riff rolled his eyes(probably). "Why are you always so tidy. You're like a Pop Troll. You're always so clean, not to mention your colors. Your hair is white at least, but you're blue. Like, Pop Troll blue. Everyone else is violet or something." "Yeah I know, Riff," you said confidently as you got closer to the vehicles. All the smaller ones looked like weird fish, but the one you, Barb, Riff, and others would be in looked like a very large anglerfish. There were also tiny one-troll vehicles that looked like bugs.

"Y/N" Barb got your attention and walked over while Riff went to put his stuff in the anglerfish. She waved him off and talked to you. "I'm glad you didn't sleep in for once." "You wish. I'm gonna sleep on the way." Your sister laughed and turned around, watching everyone gather in their designated fish things. "Where are we going and what are those called?" You asked Barb.

"Oh! This big one is called the Angler Bus and we're going to first go to Techno Reef, home of the Techno Trolls and King Trollex." You laughed. "He sounds old." Barb laughed along with you. "I know. But surprisingly, he's the youngest out of all the Troll Leaders. Like me, I'm 24 (I'm just guessing, but since there will also be Poppy x Barb things in here, I may as well make them close in age), he's only 19 (again, I'm just guessing/making up my own age). He's two years older than you N/N." You shrugged and dragged her to the Angler Bus.

She made an announcement to all the trolls while you went and prepared your temporary room for the next few weeks. It happened to be right next to the prison and in front of a cell. You hoped Delta Dawn would be kept there, you had quite a liking for country music. Even though Barb was letting you collect the leaders and their tribes, she wasn't letting you imprison them. 

"If they try to escape, you need to be THERE and not HERE, ya know I mean?" She had asked the previous day. "Yep, I know what you mean." 'I bet I'm going to enjoy this.' You thought to yourself. A loud whirring started up and you figured the bus was started. It began moving and you smiled at your SMARTSSSSS. 

"Ya know what? I'm too lazy to wash my clothes. I don't smell that bad." You said to yourself while thinking about Riff's words. You groaned and snuggled up in bed. You could hear Barb laughing loudly and talking with the other trolls while the Angler Bus's bumping lulled you to sleep.

"Y/N?" You heard a familiar voice and slowly opened your eyes. It was Carol. "Hm, what? Are we there?" "Yeah bro, almost. You gotta get up, we'll be there in about seven minutes at the latest." She walked out and you quickly got up. You grabbed your deodorant/cologne and put it on again. You fluffed up your hair and adjusted your beanie. "Cool-!" You kept telling yourself.

"Y/N! We're almost there, man! Three minutes tops!" Riff yelled. "Yep!" You screamed back. You grabbed your guitar, adjusted your beanie one more time out of excitement, and ran to the top of the Angler Bus. You peaced out Riff as he and his drumset were lowered down into the Angler Bus.

"Glad you made it," Barb said sarcastically. "We're about to get the Techno String." "Yes, Barb, I know." You replied, standing close to her, smiling. You looked out a window and you could see the beginnings of what looked like Techno Reef. It all looked glitchy, but maybe it was just the water. They were quite deep, anyway.

However, everyone shushed when they started hearing music. It sounded nothing like they have ever heard. You could faintly make out the words, "One more time..." and, "What's up my Techno Trolls!" "Hear that?" You asked Barb. "Yes. It's terrible." She answered with a disgusted look on her face. You mumbled to yourself. "It's not that bad..."

The music grew louder and you could see lights. You shivered excitedly, waiting for the fish to open its mouth. Suddenly, the music stopped. You could hear groaning and "Don't worry everybody, we'll get back to the party in a minute. Let me just take care of this real quick." You grinned as the Angler Bus unzipped its mouth. You happily jumped slightly when you realized that this was just the beginning of history. You could be Queen/King one day and this is how it started.

However, when the mouth of the Angler Bus opened all the way, you saw an angry, but kind of cute, Techno troll glaring at Barb. He was dark blue with rainbow stripes on his arms, and a mermaid tail with pixels at the bottom. He had lighter pixel freckles and his green hair was held up by a glowing purple scrunchie. He had a beating pink heart and his eyes were green with large black pupils. His entire body seemed to be glowing, and he looked much bigger than the rest of the Techno Trolls.

Barb stomped up smiling. "Hey man. There he is! King Trollex of the Techno Trolls, right?" She asked admiring the colors. He replied sternly. "That's right. Who's asking?" "Queen Barb. Of the Hard Rock Trolls?" He shrugged and glanced at this little glowing green square that was beside him. "And, I'm here to take your string bro." She flatly said, playing a short guitar solo afterward. "No way." He gulped while the square squeaked, "Ooooh, don't do it, man." "If we lose our string, we lose our music." 

Barb looked back at you with a confused face. King Trollex did as well, still glaring. You noticed him and glared back. "You mean your bleep's and bloop's?" She asked pridefully, smirking. "Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, boom. Yea, that's not music." You chuckled as she urged, "Do you wanna hear some real music?...ROCKERS!" Just then, the others came out of the darkness as the young King hid his square behind him.

The trolls started playing one of your favorite songs, 'Rock You Like A Hurricane', and Barb looked back at you smiling while Riff and his drum set came up out of the Angler Bus. You started playing along, and when Barb sang, you sang too. "Yeah! Here I am! Rock you like a hurricane!!!" Barb played a large note, causing a red blast to fly out at the Techno Trolls and destroy the D.J. stand King Trollex was playing on. The remaining Techno Trolls scattered as Trollex grabbed his talking square.

"Okay, okay, enough, stop! You're harshing the vibe we worked very hard to build too!" "Oh," Barb responded, "but by the end of my world tour, we're all gonna have the same vibe. We're all gonna be one nation of trolls...under ROCK!" she played another guitar solo before sending some others to go and destroy the remains of Techno Reef. "Well Y/N, get his majesty and his string if you will." she snickered.

You smirked and went up to King Trollex, holding out your hand. He sighed defeatedly and tapped his square twice. The string came out of its mouth (nasty), and he handed it to you. "Hmm.." you hummed grinning, "Thanks, but you can't be HERE for what happens next." He looked up at you with confusion in his eyes as you grabbed your guitar and flipped it to the smoother side. "Night Trolly." You winked right before whacking him on the head with your guitar.

"Whoo! That's what I'm talking about!" Barb cheered, patting you on the back while you lifted the now unconscious King. "Here ya go, your majesty." You said sarcastically while giving her the string. She chuckled and brought it over to a large guitar case while you handed over Trollex to a few other trolls. You ran over and played the string right before Barb attached it to her guitar. It played some sort of glitchy melody and everyone cringed, including you. "That's definitely not music..." Barb muttered.

You ran off and eventually swam, to help gather up the rest of the Techno Trolls. When they were all gathered, you skipped down to your room. You noticed something in the cell across from you and realized it was the Troll you had just captured. "Damn, already forgot his name..." You groaned. "I guess Delta can't be in there with ya.." You muttered. The trolls had put him in a small fish tank. You giggled but felt bad at the same time. Why?

Charmed By A King ~Trollex x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now