Sweet or Sour

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Trollex's POV~

I was quite taken aback by the troll standing behind Queen Barb. She was very pretty but very defensive. She glared at me, WHY WOULD SHE DO THAT TO ME?! *internal screaming* But she also winked at me...AND THEN SHE KNOCKED ME OUT WITH A GODDAMN GUITAR! I don't even know where I am...it's so dark..Oh..........my eyes are closed. :/

All these thoughts raced through my brain as I slowly opened my eyes. I was in a tank. I wasn't very fond of tanks, but I wasn't about to show that...I tried to sound brave and demanding but..." H-hello? I-is anyone there??" Damn...Fuck..SHIT...That sure is heckin' embarrassing. I tapped the glass and started to freak out. I was still in a cell, just also in a tank. With a lid. A locked lid.

"Hello?!" I yelled again, banging at the glass. I hate small spaces. "Let me out! P-please!" I started to cry a bit, and I cringed at my fear. "Let me out!!!"

Normal POV~

You kept hearing a banging and crying sound. "Eh, whatever..." you shrugged it off and kept braiding your long hair. "Let me out!!!" You heard it again. "Ugh" You groaned, realizing it was that Techno Troll. 

You walked out, not bothering to put your hair back into its "intimidating" state, and forgetting the beanie. You opened the door and leaned on the wall, still playing with your braid and glancing at the spare keys Barb gave to you. "H-Hey, you!" The troll said, sobbing. "Get me out!" You rolled your eyes and opened the door to the cell, locking it, and then unlocking the lid to the tank. The troll pushed it off quickly, which surprised you, and he gave you a big hug.

"Thank you..thank you.." You just stood there. "Uhm..you're...welcome?" He smiled at you but then..."Wait, you're that Rock Troll who knocked me out!" He got off of you clenching his fists and scowling.

"Uhh, yea! I am." You said, walking out of the cell and locking the door behind you. "Although a lot of trolls say I look like  a Pop Troll.." You remarked sadly while holding your braid. You leaned up against the wall again and stared at his tail. "Hey..." you implied quietly. He looked back, still glaring, but less now. "Are you trans??" You asked looking back up at his face. "W-" He blushed a light blue and looked at his tail. "W-well yea, I mean, I suppose, b-but-" he stuttered on for a while until he asked how you figured that out.

"Well I mean, the female Techno Trolls have decorations on their tails, and the males don't. So..you were born a female, BUT you aren't a female, because you're a male, but you're trans, but you're a male." Trollex glared at you again and questioned sternly, "Why do you call me and my people male and female? We're not animals."

"What else can I call you guys? Boys and girls? Men and Women? Whores and Man-Whores? You are imprisoned, your majesty, and so is your tribe. I can call them male and female if I feel it's appropriate." You replied glaring back. He looked down at his tail again, and then at your keys.

"Hey.." He started. You glanced up at him in such a way, causing him to blush. You snickered while he rolled his eyes. "Are you imprisoned here too?" He whispered. This time, however, you laughed very loudly, causing Riff to look down from the stairs. "Hey man, you good?" "Yea I'm fine." You said waiting for him to leave. Once he did, you opened the cell door again, leaving it unlocked, and pinned the King against the wall.

He seemed genuinely surprised, as he blushed harder, causing you to do the same. You tried not to show it, but he had already noticed it and smiled softly/glared at you. "Listen here, Trolly.." You said angrily in a hushed tone, "Barb is my sister, she would never imprison me unless she absolutely had to. And I'm not a Pop Troll, or Funk, Techno, Country, or Classical. I was born and raised here, I will stay here, and when you become one of us, trust me, I am going to enjoy watching you turn the rest of your people." You got off of him and stomped out.

Once you locked the cell door, you opened yours and slammed it shut. You grabbed your guitar and flopped onto a nearby chair. You positioned it comfortably and started playing a song you remembered from a long time ago. It went something like, "Never caught a feelin' this hard. Harder than the liquor I pour. Tell me you don't want me no more. But I can't let go. Everybody told me so. Feelin' like I sold my soul. Devil in the form of a whore. Devil in the form of a whore."

You stopped playing and grabbed a nearby vase of dead flowers. You looked at them angrily when one started to turn light pink. You growled and threw it at the wall. It must of scared Trollex because you could hear him gasp. You muttered under your breath while you cleaned up the glass.

Once you were done, you walked out of your room to go upstairs. Trollex noticed and floated to the bars with a pleading look on his face. You looked at him with your resting bitch face and walked off. When you got to the top of the Angler Bus, you could see Riff holding Debbie and Barb reading something out loud to all the trolls.

"Ahem, dear Barb. Can't wait to meet you? I have tons of great party ideas? Maybe you and I can even be best friends? Best friends?? Is she making fun of me?!" Riff's smile slowly faded while the other trolls murmured to each other. "No one says that! Friendship takes time of mutual care and respect. You don't just become best friends! Plus, everyone knows I already have a ton of friends. Like Carol. Right, Carol!" Carol squirted some cheese whiz into her mouth and made a mustache with it out of her nose.

"Okay, you're busy. That's fine. Love you, Carol!" Barb looked down and sighed until you noticed something on the card. It looked like a spark. Your sister noticed it too. She held it up to her face and squinted until it exploded and glitter blew into her face. It started playing a song that went, "Trolls just wanna have fun!" Barb growled while Riff backed up your dad saying, "Knarly."

You walked up to Riff while Barb said other things. "What was that all about?" You asked. "Dude- the Pop Trolls sent that glitter bomb card and it just exploded in your sister's face. And also...Debbie-" You picked her up. She didn't even look like your Debbie anymore. You liked the glitter but it was a lot. "Aww, Debbie. Are you okay??" You asked holding the bat thing up to your face. She just grunted.

You sighed and gave her back to Riff. "I'm gonna go talk to that Troll." You were just leaving until you saw your other close friends, Wani, Ari, Kim-Petit, Gomdori, and Baby Bun, from the Kpop Gang. "Guys!" You yelled running up to them excitedly. "Oh my gosh, Y/N!" All of them squealed and gave you a big group hug. "It's been-" "Forever" "Like-" "Oh my gosh" "We missed you" They all finished each other's sentences and jumped up and down. 

"Y/N? Is that you?" You heard another familiar voice and looked behind you. It was Tresilio, Leader of the Reggaeton Trolls. "Tresilio! Marimba! Tambora!" You walked away from the chatting Kpop Gang and greeted the other group. These three were also close friends of yours, and have been since you were little. "Damn, what are you guys doing here?" You asked looking at the Kpop and Reggaeton Trolls.

"Bounty Hunting," Tresilio replied. All of them nodded and you looked around confused. "For who?" "Queen Poppy," Barb said, walking up to them. "They're going to get the Pop String. The first one to get it, get's their own island and music." They all nodded again while Barb walked over to another Troll and asked about the yodlers. 

"Guys, guys, guys. Come look at this." You said leading the Kpop Gang and Reggaeton Trolls to the prison cell. "OOO" Marimba exclaimed. "How dungeon-y." "Yea, but look at this!" You said motioning towards King Trollex. He didn't seem to notice you because he was looking out of the window, as they were finally nearing the Classical Tribe.

"Hey Trolly. You got visitors." You grinned. He turned around, hiding a Rock/Country Troll behind him and scowled. "Haven't seen you guys in a while..." He spoke quietly. "Yall know him?" You asked, turning towards your friends. "Yea, we hunted him down once," Tresilio replied, frowning. "Put up quite a fight too. He's much stronger than he looks." You hummed as the others went off.

"I have a question.." Trollex muttered.

Charmed By A King ~Trollex x Reader~On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara