A New Troll

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Everyone was gathered in Poppy's house and you hesitantly grabbed the fruit. You were still pretty scared that you might not turn out as what you expected. "Eat it, eat it, eat it!" Barb cheered confidently. You smiled slightly and took a bit of the fruit.

"You gotta eat the whole thing," Trollex remarked, glitching around. You sighed and continued to eat the FOOD. It was delicious, but you were scared of the outcome. What if you became a Classical Troll? They would never accept you? Or what about Funk? Trollex probably wouldn't like you anymore.

Once the entire fruit was eaten, you waited. Nothing was happening. "Maybe, this is who you really are on the inside?" Branch suggested. "Maybe.." You muttered. Suddenly, you could see blue swirling around you. Trollex gasped and smiled widely. The blue turned to rainbow and the rainbow engulfed you.

You were too scared to open your eyes until Poppy trilled, "Y/N! You're a Techno Troll!!" You opened them and looked down. You were! You really were! And you were beautiful! Your face and upper body were still your previous blue, but your tail slowly faded into darker shades. Speaking of, your tail had white pixels that traveled down. Your right arm had band colors that looked like Rock, and your left arm bands looked like Pop. Your hair was still white with one thin black stripe heading down. Your eyes, ears, and mouth were all purple and you had a small Rock earring on your right ear.

"Holy shit! This is beautiful!!" You bubbled, floating around (since you ate the fruit, you are also slightly bigger than the rest of the Techno Trolls and can float around in the air, unlike them, but like Trollex. You're also still smaller than him-). As you floated and glitched around, he watched you. Carefully.

You noticed this. "What??" You asked glitching over to him. He held your face and smiled. "You're beautiful." "Oh fine, I guess I wasn't before" You joked playfully while crossing your arms and looking away.  "What? No- you were and are!" "BABY, I was joking." You laughed and hugged Barb, Poppy, and Branch.

"I guess this is goodbye?" They said. "Fine, I won't visit you guys." "NO NO NO NO NO! VISIT US!!" They all screamed. "I swear, if you don't visit me at least, I will turn you into sushi!" Barb threatened. "OKAY, DAMN, I'll visit!" You yelled waving at them. All of Troll Village waved goodbye to you and Trollex as you entered the nearby river. "Bye Y/N!" "Don't forget to visit!!" "We'll miss you!" You waved them off and finally felt happy. These Trolls really did care.

You smiled back at Trollex and floated over to the water with him. "Now can I have you?" He whimpered. "Baby, we're in a see-through rainbow river" You gave him a look and he still kept his face. "UGH!" You groaned. "Maybe soon-" He made a fist and swam off in the way to Techno Reef. It all should be rebuilt by now. You followed.

Soon, the two of you were back at Techno Reef. Many of the Techno Trolls came up to you and complimented your new look. "I love your tail!" "It so cool how you were a Pop Troll raised by Rock Trolls and now you're one of us!" "We can't wait to see how you play your music!" Although you've never been a D.J., you felt like you knew what to do.

"Alright, everybody!! Guess what? I took care of it! And now, we can get back to the party!!!" Everybody cheered while Trollex led you up to his D.J. stand. You looked at the coral. It was completely rebuilt from when you destroyed this. You never thought this is where you would be when you were first in the Angler Bus, and knocking out Trollex...

You shivered, and Trollex continued his music. He sang and danced with you at the same time. It really was one big party. Some other Trolls had turns showing off their new music so you and Trollex could dance in the crowd. There were some times when Trollex got CLOSE. You would giggle each time he did, and eventually, you two swam off from the party.

He went to take you to a quiet spot he had, still close enough to the party to hear the music, but far enough for it to not be too bothering. He looked into your eyes and smirked. "Trolly?" You asked. He pinned you up against some nearby coral and kissed your neck. "Baby, someone's gonna see us." "And?" You groaned and lifted his chin. You kissed him back and took this opportunity to swim out from his grip.

"You little ass." You teased, swimming away to your guys castle/house/idfk.

(yea...this next part, I will be VERY UNCOMFORTABLE, but you guys would judge me so like- I ain't gonna show it)

Charmed By A King ~Trollex x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now