Chapter 11.

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Nora's POV

I was sitting at the kitchen bar, pouring myself a bowl of cereal when the doorbell rang. Tank immediately left his bed and came to my side; without thinking, I took hold of his tail. Enzo put down the coffee pot and opened the door after looking at the screen to his security camera.

"Morning kid!" Fiero waved at me happily. "Hey boss." He added, significantly less enthusiastically. My Enzo glared at him. He plopped down in the barstool next to mine and stole a handful of my dry cereal right out of my bowl. I giggled and swatted his hand away. Tank relaxed after deciding I wasn't in danger and returned to his bed.

"So, what brings you here so early?" Enzo asked somewhat grumpily with his arms folded across his broad chest.

"I just wanted to come by and tell you some things I've heard at the office." Fiero's joking tone was gone now. He brushed the cereal crumbs off of his hands and leaned forward on the counter.

"What things?" Enzo's voice was low. I felt like I was intruding on a private conversation. I kept my head low and focused my attention on separating the marshmallows from my cereal.

"There is some...concern about the Russians." Fiero's voice was tentative.

"They think I'm going soft." It wasn't a question. "They're questioning how I'm running things?" His temper grew as his sentences progressed.

"I don't know how you got that from what I just said but yes. Yes, they are." Fiero rushed. "Look, I just think you should call a meeting, come down to the office and address the troops, that's all."

"Look, I'll go in next week. I don't want to leave her here on her own. It's only been a couple days since the attack." Enzo gave me a once over, just like he did a thousand times a day to make sure I was okay.

I wrung my hands in my lap. You're always getting in the way Nora. "If you need to go to work, I'll be okay here with Tank. You don't have to worry about me." I tried to be convincing. I tried not to show how desperately I feared being away from him.

"Just bring her with us." Fiero offered offhandedly. Enzo sighed.

"Do you want to come with us sweetheart?" he sounded exasperated. I fidgeted in my seat, not meeting his eyes. It didn't seem like he wanted me to go.

"Whatever is easiest for you both. I don't want to get in the way." I felt a bit of anxiety at the thought of going to an unknown place full of unknown people, but I knew I would prefer it over being away from my Enzo.

"Why don't you eat your breakfast and then go upstairs and get dressed." He kissed my forehead and went upstairs to get dressed I assumed.

I picked at my cereal quietly, but I didn't have much of an appetite anymore. "What's going on kiddo?"

I peeked up at Fiero nervously. "Fiero, what should I wear?" I felt ridiculous fretting over this, but I didn't want to embarrass either of them at their office. He laughed and I felt even more ridiculous.

"Just wear anything. Trust me, no one is going to care." He finally said when he got done laughing at me.

Well that was unhelpful.

I looked in my closet and decided to go safe. I put on a pencil skirt with a simple white blouse and ballet flats. I debated wearing high heels, but I wanted to be able to run away if the need arose again. I didn't want to be useless if another incident occurred. I put my hair in a low ponytail to try and look somewhat presentable.

We ended up driving for nearly an hour, right into the heart of the city. Enzo pulled into a parking garage of a huge skyscraper.

"Your office seems a little conspicuous for the mafia." I commented. They both just chuckled in response.

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