Chapter 9.

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Enzo's POV

My baby's face scrunched up in pain as she propped herself up on her elbows. She still looked pale and she already had a bruise forming on her forehead. At least her beautiful face had been wiped clean of the blood that had splattered her.

"She's been asking for you, repeatedly." Rosalinda smiled. Nora flushed at her words.

"Only twice." She defended, pouting adorably. Rosalinda just stuck her tongue out at her and walked into Fiero's waiting arms. He pressed his face into her neck and she kissed his temple in return.

"How are you feeling sweetheart?" I took Nora's hand in mine. She looked so very fragile in this moment.

"I'm fine. Is any of this blood yours?" her fingers brushed over my blood-soaked sleeves.

"No baby." I did worry how she'd view me after seeing me kill.

I needn't have worried. "Maybe we can go home now?" she asked. My poor sweet girl was exhausted; it showed on her face. She tried sitting up but needed my hand to support her back

"Yeah baby, we can go home. I'm sure Tank is worried sick about you. You two are usually fast asleep by now. It's way past your bedtime."

"Okay love birds, break it up. Boys, get out." Rosalinda ordered. "Nora and I are going to get her cleaned up and changed into some comfy clothes and then you can go."

I put my hands up in mock surrender as she shoved us two men out.

"It's clear who runs this house." I teased Fiero.

"You're an idiot if you ever thought I was the boss around here." He laughed.

Nora emerged in a pair of sweats and what looked like one of Fiero's shirt. I felt my heckles rise at the sight of her in another man's clothes. She must have noticed the look on my face because she tugged on the ends of her hair and said, "Rosie wanted me to wear something loose so it wouldn't hurt my stitches."

"Well Rosie is a smart cookie then." I beckoned her forward and she didn't hesitate to enter my embrace. I knew tonight had really taken a toll on her as she leaned into me heavily.

"I'm sorry for ruining your dress Rosie." She fiddled with hem of Fiero's shirt.

"It's just a dress sweetie. I'm just glad nothing more serious happened." Rosalinda kissed my girl's forehead. "Now go home and get some much-deserved sleep."

"Thank you for taking care of her Rosalinda." I shot her one of my rare smiles and nodded goodbye to Fiero.

Nora's head bobbed forward as she fought sleep on the drive back to our home. It was well past midnight and after the night she's had, I was surprised I didn't find her asleep at Rosalinda's.

I placed my hand on her arm and her eyes shot open. "I'm awake! I'm fine." She was gasping and looking around frantically.

"Shh. It's okay. We're home now. Let's get you inside to bed." I unbuckled her seatbelt and went around and opened her door for her.

As suspected Tank was waiting by the door. "Hi buddy. Were you a good boy while we were gone?" Tank's tail wagged happily as she scratched him between his ears.

"Do you need anything before we get you in bed baby girl?" She shook her head as I expected her too. She was still uncomfortable being taken care of.

She moved up the stairs slowly, but I didn't rush her. She was probably feeling sore from her injury and her exhaustion was catching up to her. When I opened her bedroom door I scanned to see if anything was out of place as I usually did, but it surprised me to see her doing the same thing. She clung to my hand and placed herself behind me slightly. Her eyes were wide, and her chest was heaving slightly.

"Could you check the closet for me?" she whispered. It sounded like she was out of breath. She let go of my hand to step out into the hall. I loved that she was feeling so vocal and comfortable asking me for things, but I hated that she didn't feel safe anymore. She only had herself to rely on for so long. She almost never asked me for anything, and I knew she was really pushing herself right now. She was so strong. I walked forward and opened the closet but there was nothing odd or suspicious. I stepped aside so she could see for herself. Having someone tell you and seeing for yourself are two different things.

When I looked back at her, she had Tank's tail in her grip, and she was standing closer to the stairs. She was ready to bolt for the door should the need arise. I couldn't help but sigh. There was no way she was getting any sleep tonight. Tank's presence wasn't going to be enough.

"You know what baby girl? What if you slept in my room tonight? I would feel better if you were close." Her shoulders sagged in relief and I was pleased I had said the right thing. I knew she would never ask me for herself; probably worried about being a bother.

"If it would make you feel better, then I can do that." She nodded. I had to clench my teeth together to keep from smiling at her cuteness.

I turned down the covers of my California king and she scrambled up. I had to place a hand on her bottom to give her a little helping shove, I had an elevated mattress. It was fine for me, but she was so small. I was tucking her in when Tank came and touched her arm with his nose. When he was sure she was okay, he went to his dog bed and walked around in a few circles before settling in.

I was about to walk out to get some extra blankets to set up my bed on the couch, but she snatched my hand before I could make it very far.

"Where are you going?" her voice was panicked.

"I just need a few blankets for the sofa bed my love. I'll be right back." I leaned down and kissed her hair.

"I thought-" Her face reddened, and she cut herself off.

"You thought what?" I asked. She paused and I heard her draw in a deep breath.

"I thought we could lay together." She tucked her face under the covers, leaving only her hairline exposed.

That's all I had wanted to do since she had moved in, but I wasn't going to push her into it. As far as I knew, the only time she'd shared a bed with a man was when she was locked in her uncle's torture basement. I didn't want to trigger any unpleasant memories.

"Of course, we can lay together. I would love that." I went into my closet and changed into my sleep clothes. I usually just slept with pajama bottoms on, but I put on a cotton t-shirt tonight. I didn't want to do anything to make her uncomfortable. She had already been so brave to ask me to lay with her.

"Now scoot over and make some room for me baby." I wanted to sleep on the side closest to the door incase anything happened. Even if nothing happened, hopefully it would make her feel just the slightest bit safer. If anything was going to go down, I'd rather be the first in the line of fire.

"C-can I maybe...Maybe I can lay close to you?" her doe eyes shone up at me and I couldn't have denied her anything in this moment.

"Come here." I opened my arms to her and pulled her to my side. She rested her head on my chest and her little hand automatically clutched at my shirt.

"You'll be here when I wake up right? You're not going anywhere." Her grip tightened on me to emphasize her words.

"Yes, baby girl. I'm never going to leave you." I pressed my lips to her forehead, and she snuggled in closer.

"Get some sleep baby. I'll be here." 

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